Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How Does a Prairie Grow?

Tallgrass prairies have always been a passion here at Willowwind. From our classroom names, to the roof gardens, to our vegetable garden, to the bioswale out front we've had a desire to learn and care for our environment and its prairies. This year, Willowwind is excited to bring our passion for prairies into the classroom more. Throughout the year, the K-6 program will be working together to learn about the importance of prairies and what we as individuals can do to restore and grow a prairie right here at Willowwind.

During Wednesday's GD, the students came together to answer the question: Why is Iowa home to tallgrass prairies? By investigating weather patterns, students learned that the Rocky Mountains play a large role in what our land looks like here in the midwest. The Kindergarten class was enthralled with this topic. They wanted to learn more about the way clouds pick up moisture from the Pacific and then have to drop the moisture (rain) to "lighten their load" in order to make it over the mountains. Our school wide conversation was incredibly meaningful as students began to understand that with help from the Canadian and Gulf westerlies the light clouds and changing seasons make Iowa ripe for tall grass prairies. Ask your Kindergartener for more information. They were excited to pull down our own classroom map to understand this weather phenomenon even more.

Beginning next week, Ms. Christine will be working with the K-6 classes in Movement to bring this weather pattern to life. Mr. David and Ms. Buffy are eager to help, too - bringing music and art to our piece. Students will be dramatizing each part of the weather pattern creating a "Rain Shadow Play" to perform for you at this year's Harvest Fest. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 25th at 2:00 where we will kick off our prairie restoration project and you can learn more about tallgrass parries' existence and what we plan to do to bring them back here to Willowwind.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Website Updated

Take a look at the Cottontail Chatter's new website additions. On your updated website you will find:
~ many new blog postings
~ an updated sidebar titled "Important Tidbits" Here you will find the sidebar into four important sections: Reminders, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, and Handouts. Make sure to check out the updated Handout section including a link to our 2011-2012 Academic Calendar.
~ a new Cottontails tab
~ a new Curriculum tab Look for additional sub tabs in the coming days! I will be updating our Curriculum tab by adding more information on our prairie curriculum as well as a Specials tab and a Technology tab!
~ an updated Photos tab
~ an updated Book Shelf tab

I also added an easier way to subscribe to our website updates. Simply enter your email address into the window on the Welcome tab, click subscribe, follow the onscreen instructions, and then verify your subscription via an email in your inbox. Please make sure to subscribe to our website as this will soon become the primary way for class wide communication.

Look for an updated, fully functioning Calendar tab in the coming days.

Kent Park Field Trip - Wednesday, September 7th

Our first field trip is upon us! The K-6 program will be traveling to Kent Park together to meet Naturalist Brad and learn more about tallgrass prairies. On Wednesday, September 7th, we will spend the day at Kent Park touring their established prairie, learning about prairie plants and animals, and discussing the importance of prairie restoration. This field trip is an exciting introduction into our year long focus of bringing the prairie to Willowwind!

We will travel to Kent Park via school bus. Please bring $5 to help with transportation costs. You can drop off your child's transportation fee with me or with Ms. Amber at the Front Desk.

Willowwind students will enjoy their snacks and lunches at Kent Park. It will be a busy day so please be sure to pack your child's snacks and lunch accordingly. Make sure they have a water bottle to travel with. In addition, please make sure they dress accordingly, wearing comfy walking shoes and a sun hat.

Lastly, the school bus will be leaving shortly after 8:30. Your prompt morning arrival is important. We will return to Willowwind between 2:00 and 3:00.

We are excited for this opportunity upcoming school wide field trip! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

2011 - 2012 Academic Calendar

Our website now includes a link to this year's academic calendar. Please look to the right sidebar where you will find a link that wil provide you with more information regarding no school days, extended holiday breaks, conference nights, and special event dates.

2011 - 2012 Academic Calendar

Our website now includes a link to this year's academic calendar. Please look to the right sidebar where you will find a link that wil provide you with more information regarding no school days, extended holiday breaks, conference nights, and special event dates.

Kindergarten Pros Already!

Wow! The first week has come and gone! It is hard to believe we are already into our second full week of school! It has been an exciting time in the Cottontail Rabbit classroom. We are learning so much from one another. I am amazed at the independence each Kindergartener shows throughout the day. This truly is a special bunch - one I feel so blessed to be a part of.

Throughout our first week we talked, met and discussed many classroom routines. Our discussions focused on using our Take Home Folder and Cottontail Communicator, identifying the levels of our Voice Scale, ways to use the Four Steps to resolve conflicts, how to use our classroom ticket system, and the importance of our school wide Pack In / Pack Out lunch routine. Ask your Cottontail about these exciting new routines. Look to previous blog posts and our upcoming Classroom Handbook for more information regarding these new routines.

We also discussed the importance of being safe and what to do in case of a fire or severe storm. It was exciting to hear that many of the Cottontails went home and wanted to know more about their family's own at home safety routines. I love to when classroom discussions spark continued conversations at home! In addition, we focused on using our manners at school by brainstorming rules and expectations for ourselves. We recognize their importance as they help us work and grow together.

Lastly, we finished the week by listing the reasons we are excited to be Cottontail Rabbits. Make sure to check out our new "Cottontail" tab to learn more about our class name and designated prairie animal. Don't forget to take a peek at our cottontail rabbit artwork on display in our classroom. It sure is great to be a Cottontail Rabbit!

This week, we will continue our discussions on manners and expectations at school. We begin our seven week focus on our seven Core Virtues by defining and learn about the importance of respect.

Thank you for helping make our first full week together a total success! I look forward to the many more exciting and enriching weeks ahead.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Your Help is Needed! - Donate Books for Harvest Fest Book Walk

The Cottontails have elected themselves to be in charged of this year's Harvest Fest Book Walk. Willowwind is looking to the Cottontail families to donate new or gently used books to give away as prizes at this year's Book Walk. Is your family's children's library in need of a clean out? What a perfect way to pass on any books that your family is ready to part with. Beginning Monday, August 29th a Book Walk Donation Bin will be located outside our classroom for you to drop of donated books.

In addition, please continue look to our website for additional information about our job running the Book Walk. In the coming days, I will posted a "man the Book Walk" schedule where we will need Cottontail parents to volunteer part of their Harvest Fest evening to run our game station.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Willowwind's After School Enrichment Program

Cottontail Families,

Don't forget to sign your child up for our optional After School Enrichment program. Let the learning continue after school! Willowwind is offering a variety of exciting classes for your child to participate in. The After School Enrichment classes begin on September 14th and go through November 17th. Classes are $110 for one or $210 for two. If your child is a full-time ASP friend just pay $190 for two courses.

After School Enrichment Classes Include:
Fiber Arts and Textiles (Every Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30)
Painting (Every Wednesday 4:40 - 5:40)
Spanish Club (Every Thursday 2:30 - 3:30)
Creative Drama (Every Thursday 3:40 - 4:40)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Website Updated

Check out the Cottontails' website! There have been many updates and more updates to come.

Please notice the following updates!
~ new blog postings
~ new attached link in sidebar regarding Pack In / Pack Out routine
~ August 2011 newsletter - located under the Newsletter tab
~ new Kindergarten book shelf - The book shelf has been updated to show the Cottontails' favorite books and books that we have read throughout our school days.

In the coming days please also look for new photos in our website banner and under the Photos tab. Also, look for a new tab outlining our Kindergarten curriculum and a functioning calendar (full of upcoming events, no school days, and field trips).


Subscribing to our Blog Updates

Did you receive an email regarding your membership to our blog updates?
This email would have come from In order to receive automatic blog updates, you must verify your membership to our group through this email sent from my personal gmail account. If you didn't get this email (sent last week), please let me know. Your ability to receive frequent updates (regarding our new blog postings, newsletter updates, photo album additions, etc.) is an important way to stay connected with your child's Kindergarten class.

Reminders - Don't Forget

Just a few quick reminders to send your way.

Parent Survey
Please make sure to complete the online Parent Survey (found as a link in the sidebar on the right). Please do this by September 1st. This survey will help us prepare for our upcoming PEP conference in September. Be thinking about a potential academic and social goal you'd like to see for your child's Kindergarten year.

Volunteer Still Needed - Washing Classroom Cloths
I am still in need of one family to take home our classroom cloths each Friday. The Cottontails are committed to reducing our paper towel usage and are using cloth towels to do so. Your help in washing these each week is greatly appreciated. What an easy way to earn 30 volunteer minutes each week. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks in advance!

Dental Form
You will notice that a dental form was sent home in your child's Take Home Folder on Monday. The completion of this form is required by all Kindergarten families throughout the state of Iowa. Please complete this form, with the help from your child's dentist, and return it to Amber at the Front Desk.

Remember, two snacks are needed each day of the week (except for Thursday where just one morning snack is needed). Please make sure your child comes with a healthy snack. For more information on healthy snack options please look to the right side bar links Pack In / Pack Out Routine and Cottontails' Snack Routine.

Take Home Folder Routine

This first full week of school, we are focusing on building classroom routines. On Monday, the Cottontails were introduced to their blue Take Home Folders and the enclosed gold Cottontail Communicator. Below you will find information to help your child establish their own independence and responsibility with transporting their folder back and forth to school each day.

Cottontail Communicator
I will keep open communication with you via regular website updates, personal emails, and through, our class’s weekly Cottontail Communicator. In the Cottontail Communicator, you will find classroom and school announcements, classroom activities, homework expectations, and suggested at-home activities for each week. A new Cottontail Communicator will always go home with your child each Monday and should stay in your child’s Take Home Folder for that whole week. Please make sure, with your child's Take Home folder, the Communicator travels back and forth to school. It is a great way to provide you with quick comments, questions, and concerns, and a great way for you to do the same.

Take Home Folder
A blue plastic folder has been established as your child’s Take Home Folder. This folder will travel with them to and from school every day. This will be one way to communicate with school and me. Any notes can be sent inside the Take Home Folder or they can be written directly on the Cottontail Communicator found on the right side of your child’s Take Home Folder. I will check the folders daily for homework and correspondence from home.

Please ask your child for this folder each day as it may also contain notes from me, homework, or completed school work. Be sure to empty the folder on a daily basis and return it back to school every morning. This is a great tool that we will utilize everyday to aid your child in their success.

Take Home Folder’s pockets are labeled to help you understand what stays home and what is to be completed and brought back to school. The left side of the folder will be the Left at Home side, and the right side of the folder will be the Right Back to School side. Since the Cottontail Communicator should travel back and forth to school it will remain on the right side of the folder. Spelling sorts and potential homework will also be found on the right side of the folder. Please make sure to check your child’s folder nightly for assignments and activities that may need to be completed at home and then returned to school.

Pack In / Pack Out Routine

Willowwind friends have been participating in Pre-Lunch Meetings to discuss the waste we produce during our lunch and snack times. On Monday, our Pre-Lunch Meeting highlighted our new Pack In / Pack Out routine. Please look to the right sidebar to a find a link that will lead you to more information regarding this routine. This link will also provide information on ways to reduce your child's lunch and snack waste as well as ways to encourage healthy eating during these times at school. Check out Willowwind's Facebook page for additional information regarding healthy eating!

interested in learning about ways to eliminate waste in your child's lunch box and snack sack? Check out these links below:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our First Day Together!

What a great first day we had! I am so thrilled to be a part of your child's Kindergarten year! We had so much fun and the day just flew by! We spent the whole day together as one large group. We played getting to know you games, took a tour of the school, studied the calendar during Morning Meeting, met lots of new faces (teachers, staff, & new friends), and ate lunch as a group on the grassy hill. We enjoyed time with all of Willowwind friends as we had double whole school recesses and double the GD with discussions about lunch and getting to know others in all the classes. By the afternoon we were all tired and ready for a rest. Even with a quiet rest time, I'm sure your child is tuckered out from our great day! All in all, the day was a complete whirlwind and we were shocked when it so quickly came to an end. One Cottontail was asking to stay in Kindergarten for just one more hour! I am looking forward to the year to come. It will surely be a great time with amazing growth all around.

Remember, don't forget to pack two snacks for your Cottontail. We get hungry throughout the day!
See you tomorrow! I can't wait!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Grand Opening! Cottontail Chatter Website

Welcome to the Cottontail Rabbits' class website. Feel free to look around and look at some of the current features of our website. In the coming weeks, more tabs will open and provide you with more essential Kindergarten information. If you have ideas for helpful information you'd like to find on our website please let me know you. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged.

Important Handouts

As the school year gets started, the sidebar on the right side of the Welcome page will contain many important handouts. Please take a look at this sidebar and click on the links (underlined to review some important handouts for the start of the year.

Handouts include:
~ Parent Survey (Please complete and submit by September 1st.)
~ 2011 - 2012 Kindergarten Daily Schedule - Detailed
~ 2011 - 2012 Kindergarten Daily Schedule
~ Cottontails' Snack Routine
~ Ms. Michelle's Welcome Letter

Using the Blog Postings

Your comments are encouraged. This website is a great way for the Cottontail families to interact. To comment, simply click on the comments button under the current post you'd like to comment on. Through our blog, post suggestions and ask questions. Remember, if you have a question it is likely possible that another family has the same questions. Ask away! You can also use the blog to make book recommendations for books under our "Book Shelf" tab.

Confirm your invitation to our Cottontail gmail group to receive automatic email notifications regarding website updates. Confirming your subscription is important as this will become a primary source of communication about announcements, events, day-to-day activities, and curriculum themesHappy posting!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Volunteer Opportunities

Your help and support is an important part of our success in the Cottontail classroom. The Cottontail blog will be a great place to look for classroom volunteer opportunities. Currently, I have one parent volunteer opportunity. Please let me know if you are interested. You can email me or comment right on this blog post.

Volunteer Opportunity: Wash Classroom Rags
I need one family to volunteer on a weekly basis to take home our classroom rags on Friday and wash and fold them to return the following Monday. This can be done from home and can earn you about 30 minutes of volunteer time per week. Let me know if your family is interested in this weekly volunteer opportunity.