Monday, August 31, 2015

New Routine: Take Home Folders

During our second week of school we will continue to build classroom routines.  Today, the Cottontails were given their blueTake Home Folder and the enclosed Cottontail CommunicatorBelow you will find information to help your child establish their own independence and responsibility with transporting their folder back and forth to school each day.

Take Home Folder
A blue plastic folder has been established as your child’s Take Home Folder.  This folder needs to travel with them to and from school every day.  This will be one way to communicate between school and home.  Any notes can be sent inside the Take Home Folder or they can be written directly on the Cottontail Communicator found on the right side of your child’s Take Home Folder.  If you plan to send a note to school, fill your child in on the note – allowing them to act as a responsible messenger ensuring that your note makes its way to me.  Please be sure your child's backpack is large enough to zip up while carrying the Take Home Folder and any other necessary school supplies.

Cottontail Communicator
I will keep open communication with you via regular blog updates, personal emails, and through our class’s weekly Cottontail Communicator.  On the Cottontail Communicator you will find classroom and school announcements, classroom activities, homework expectations and “due dates”, and suggested at-home activities for each week.  A new Cottontail Communicator will always go home with your child each Monday and should stay in your child’s Take Home Folder for that whole week.  Please make sure, with your child’s Take Home Folder, the Communicator travels back and forth to school daily.  In addition, it is a great place for you to add with quick comments, questions, and concerns, and a great way for me to do the same.

Please ask your child for this folder each evening as it may contain notes or handouts from me, homework, or completed schoolwork.  Be sure to empty the folder's "Left at Home side" on a daily basis and return it back to school every morning.  This is a great tool that we will utilize everyday to aid your child in their growing independence, responsibility, and success.

New Routine: Scholastic Book Orders

Encouraging reading is one of the most important things we can do to help children succeed.  Sometimes the right book is all it takes to nurture a child's love of reading.  That is why I'm pleased that Willowwind's Kindergarten Program is offering you another opportunity to enhance your family's home library.  It can be tough finding the right books to keep children interested, which is why I am so excited that our class will be participating in Scholastic Book Orders (now known as Scholastic Reading Club).  During the school year, your family will have the chance to order a variety of inexpensive books for home.  In doing so, our class is able to earn points to enhance our classroom library.

With Scholastic Reading Club:
•  every book you buy earns FREE books for our classroom library
•  you can choose from handpicked, grade- AND reading-level specific books of your child
•  find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks

Throughout the school year, your child will bring home Reading Club flyers and you will have access to our online Scholastic Reading Club store where together, with your child, you can choose from a variety of books and then order right online or return the flyer's hard copy order form and payment to me.  Today, your child brought home ordering instructions and hard copy flyers.  Take a look through the flyers and find some of the books I've circled and recommended for our Kindergarten families.

To shop online:
2)  Here it will ask you to set up an account for your profile for your family.
To do so, ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (NCNYY)
3)  SHOP from a variety of inexpensive books.  The beauty of the online Book Orders is that you can order books for any age infant to middle school.  Looking for gifts for family members or friends? Wanting to stock up inexpensive gifts for all those birthday parties?  Shop here!
4)  SUBMIT your order online by September 14th and earn FREE books for our classroom.

To shop via flyer:
1)  SELECT books to order from each flyer.
2)  FILL OUT each flyer's order form.
3)  MAKE check payable to Scholastic Reading Club
4)  TURN IN order form(s) and payment by September 14th and earn FREE books for our classroom.

When the ordering deadline (September 14) has passed all classroom orders will be collated, gathered, and shipped directly to our classroom where we can continue to celebrate the joy of reading together!  Have a special gift that your ordering for your child?  Let me know and I'll be sure to stow this book away from their excited attention.

In our classroom's online shop, you will also find book recommendations that I have personally selected for the classroom.  I have also recommended some great books that revolve around our curricular focuses including starting Kindergarten, being a good friend, and the life cycles of apples and pumpkins.  You will also room find a classroom wish list in our online shop where your family can select special gifts to help our classroom library grow.

Remember to order online, just use the one-time activation code NCNYY.  Ordering through Scholastic Reading Club provides you with access to inexpensive books and also coupons for discounts on future orders.  It also helps enhance our classroom library, too.  Enjoy and have fun shopping!  Thank you for your support!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

New Routine: Healthy Eating

Please read the following information carefully as it details new routines regarding lunch, snack, and "treats" at Willowwind.

Cottontails' Snack Routine:
In Kindergarten, we have snack time twice daily (once on Thursdays).  Please pack your child a healthy snack for each morning and afternoon.  Click the Cottontails' Snack Routine handout for more information about our snack time as well as ideas for healthy snacks.  Please, NO JUICE OR MILK, during snack time.  The Kindergarteners will have frequent access to their water bottles throughout the day.

Willowwind's Pack In / Pack Out Routine:
Like snack, your family is responsible for providing your child a healthy lunch from home each day. Willowwind follows a "Pack In / Pack Out" snack & lunch routine.  All food (except compostable materials) are to be "Packed back In" to your child's lunch bag to go home.  Pack In / Pack Out allows families to be aware of their student's food intake throughout the school day.  This can, at times, become messy so please be patient as your family establishes a "Pack In" routine that works for you.  Some families provide washable containers with lids or Ziploc bags to store opened containers.  As our routine grows and changes from the voice of the students (i.e. future recycling routines) I will continue to communicate changes with you.  Please read the linked Pack In / Pack Out handout for more information.

Willowwind's Low Sugar Celebrations:
We continue to bring your child healthy and fun opportunities throughout the year.  Linked here you will find our Low Sugar Celebrations routine.  Please review as you prepare for your child's upcoming birthday.  Please note that all birthday treats must be low sugar (see linked document for ideas) and cupcakes, cake, and frosting is not allowed and will be returned home.

Thank you, in advanced,  for your support in creating health and Earth conscience routines for our students!  By the way...  Interested in learning about ways to eliminate waste in your child's lunch box and snack sack?  Check out these links below:

Our Third Day of Kindergarten

We have been enjoying ourselves and getting to know each other during our first three days of school.  When I asked the students what they thought about Kindergarten they replied, "It's...
•  fun
•  good
•  exciting
•  great
•  an adventure
•  awesome
•  SO awesome

I must say I agree with them!  So many teachers at Willowwind have commented on how wonderful this crew of Kindergarteners are.  They are impressed with their excitement and eagerness to do their best.  I am happy to call them my students.

Today, our new friend, Largatija teacher, Ms. Chesley came to visit.  The Cottontails were thrilled to find out that coming in September Ms. Chesley will be joining the Cottontails and myself as our Kindergarten Assistant.  She will spend every Tuesday with us and alternating Mondays and Thursdays.  I am thrilled to have her support as she and I work together to further provide personalized learning opportunities for your child.  With Ms. Chesley, we read the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? where we learned about Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers.

Bucket Fillers make others feel good - filling others' invisible buckets where Bucket Dippers may do things that hurt others feelings - dipping into others' invisible buckets.  Ask your child about bucket filling.  We will continue to talk about Bucket Fillers at school in the coming days and throughout the year.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reminders - Dismissal & Sunscreen

Periodically I will send home important reminders. Please read very carefully.

1)  TOMORROW - THURSDAYS Early Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
As a reminder, tomorrow begins our Early Dismissal Thursdays.  Every Thursday the K-6 program gets out at 2:00.  ASP will begin immediately following the school day at 2:00 and go until 6:00.  For those that are interested please see the Front Desk for part-time or full-time BASP contracts.

2)  Pick Up - Parking Lot
At dismissal time please DO NOT leave your car unattended in the fire lane.  This area with the red curbed is meant to be a quick loading zone. If you arrive for pick up and the Kindergarteners are not outside waiting please loop around the circle drive to aid in pick up.  If you would like to greet your child on the steps or in the building please park your car in the designated parking spots.

3)  Pick Up - Dismissal
When your child leaves school at the end of each day please be sure that they have said goodbye and confirmed with me that their designated pick up adult is here.  With the busyness of pick up it is essential that they say goodbye to me directly so I know that they have made their way to you.  Thank you for your help with this.

4)  Sunscreen
We will be apply sunscreen during the afternoon hours of our school day.  If you'd like please be sure to apply sunscreen prior to school to aide in sun protection during our morning recess & Physical Education activities.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Our First Day of Kindergarten!

Wow!!  The first day has come and gone!  What fun we had!!  Enjoy a quick look at our day.   But before you do, linked HERE is our Daily Schedule.  Please take a look.  Also, please note that typically classroom blogs and announcements will be published mid-year.  Look for additional blog posts later this week.  Please be sure to subscribe to our website by September 1st so you receive all updates directly to your email inbox.

Today we...
• had Brain Breakfast

• talked about the calendar and our schedule at Morning Meeting

• went on a Scavenger Hunt around the school to learn more about our spaces

We even complete our first Act of Kindness (an important part of our Kindergarten year) by delivering gifts to our other teachers on their first day of school.

• played outside

• went to GD.  GD is a special Willowwind tradition where students young and old meet together to discuss all things important to friends at WW.

• had Lunch and Recess

• created our list of class rules.  We signed our names to hang next to our list of rules committing ourselves to doing our best in following our rules everyday.

• went to Music with Ms. Katherine

• had a MUCH NEEDED Rest Time

• drew self-portraits of ourselves on the first day of school and practiced writing our name

This is an amazing group, and I am so excited for the year ahead.  It will surely be a great time with amazing growth all around.  Until another day, thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.  See you tomorrow!  I can't wait!