Sunday, February 21, 2016

Help Needed: Kind Kindergarteners - Ronald McDonald House Drive

We are in the midst of our Kindness unit.  We have been learning about the importance of kindness and compassion.  We have been completing acts of kindness big and small and all of our talking, planning, and discussing is coming to life in the coming weeks.  Your help is needed!

This year, the Kindergarteners are excited to help out a local organization.  The students have selected our local Ronald McDonald House (RMH) as their charity of choice and are looking for your family's help with our two RMH drives in the following ways:

Wish List Drive
Food, cleaning, household and gift items are needed.  Please CLICK HERE to see RMH's Wish List.  Items can be dropped off in the RMH Wish List Drive Donation Bin in Willowwind's Front Entry.  Big ticket items or cash donations can be dropped off directly with the Front Desk or in the Kindergarten classroom.  The Kindergarteners will be delivering donations when we visit RMH on Monday, February 29th.  It would be fabulous if each Kindergartener had one item to hand deliver on February 29th.  I encourage your support in helping our Kindergarteners act on their desires to be kind.

Pop Tab Drive
Willowwind students are collecting pull tabs from aluminum cans.  Please save up your tabs at home and bring them into Willowwind School.  You can drop them off at the Front Desk or in your child's classroom.  RMH receives money per the number of pounds that they collect.  Last year, our local RMH received upwards of $14,000 from collected tabs.  The Kindergarteners will be hosting this drive through the Spring.  Don't forget to bring your cans, too, for Music's Can Drive.  Drop off your tabs at Willowwind and your tab-less cans next to the dumpsters.

Thank you all for you support and helping our students continually see the importance in being kind and giving back.

Drivers Needed: Kind Kindergartners - Oaknoll Retirement Community

One of our upcoming Kindness field trips will be on Wednesday, March 2nd to Oaknoll Retirement Community where we will be reading with their residents.  This is a fabulous opportunity and one of my highlights as a Kindergarten teacher.  Watching young and old come together is simply remarkable.  Drivers are needed.  Please let me know if you would be able to join us.  We plan to leave WW around 10:00 and return by 12:00.

Library Field Trip THIS Wed 02.24

We will be traveling to the library this Wednesday, February 24th.  Please be sure your child brings their library card.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Spring Parent / Teacher Conference Sign Up

February is here and brings our "Spring" Parent / Teacher Conferences.  Conferences will take place on Thursday, February 18th from 2:30 - 7:00 and on Friday, February 26th from 8:30 - 4:00 (a no school day).  Please use the linked Parent / Teacher Conference spreadsheet to sign up for a 20 minute conference slot.  During this time, we will discuss your child's academic progress and social development and review their PEP (Personalized Education Plan) and its corresponding goals.  I look forward to meeting with you to share your child's phenomenal progress.

Drivers Needed: Music Field Trip 3.23

K-2 students will have the opportunity to go on a music field trip in late March! At the end of February, students will begin studying Sergei Prokofiev's orchestral work, "Peter and the Wolf." Written in 1936, "Peter and the Wolf" is a musical story about a boy named Peter and his adventures with his cat, and a duck and a bird who live in the nearby forest. One day a wolf comes near his house and chases Peter's animal friends. Peter needs to think fast to outsmart the wolf and get his friends to safety! In addition to learning the story itself, "Peter and the Wolf" teaches students about the instruments of the orchestra and musical themes. Each musical theme corresponds with a character in the story. At the end of this unit, students have the opportunity to see the "Peter and the Wolf" performance. The Eulenspiegel Puppets will be performing the show at the end of March in West Liberty. See below for more detailed information regarding this field trip.  

Who: Willowwind K-2nd grade students
What: Peter and the Wolf puppet show
When: Wednesday, March 23rd, 10:00am
Where: New Strand Theater, 111 E 3rd St, West Liberty, IA 52776

We need are in need of parents to help drive parents to and from the performance. Please see below for a schedule of the day:
9:15am: Get ready to go and load cars
9:25am: Leave WW for West Liberty
9:50am: Arrive at puppet show 
10:00-10:45am: "Peter and the Wolf" Performance
10:45am: Load cars to be back at school in time for lunch/recess. 

Please click here access the volunteer list and help drive students to and from the show. 

History Fair Judges Needed - 3.9

The Wolves are seeking judges for our history fair. Judging is tentatively scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 9, with specific times to be determined.

A great history fair judge:
1. is an historian or history enthusiast
2. enjoys working with 5th and 6th grade students and sharing their excitement for their projects
3. is connected to the Willowwind community (though this is not required)
4. is not a parent in the Wolves classroom

If you know of a wonderful candidate, please share with me.  I am happy to contact potential judges and discuss the needs with more detail.  Thank you in advance for your support and assistance!

Specials Update - Jan / Feb

Art w/ Mr. Ryan
Visit Mr. Ryan's website for monthly updates.

Music w/ Ms. Katherine
Visit Ms. Katherine's blog for monthly updates.

Espanol w/ Ms. Ximena
The Cottontails started January with a review about colors, numbers and Greetings. The kids have enjoyed playing, singing and dancing.  Also, we reviewed numbers and colors with a bingo game. Last week we started the unit “animals” and in this unit they are learning the names of pets and farm animals in Spanish.  I tried to mix the class with songs, games, fun activities and books.  Few weeks ago, I started reading Spanish books to them as  “La semana de Cookie” (It is about a cat), Un pato en Bicicleta (about a duck) and ¡Besos, No por favor! (It is about a dog).  This month, we are going to continue with the Unit “ The months of the year” adding the “Saint Valentine’s Day” as a cultural topic.

Phy Ed w/ Ms. Susan
Since young children have a natural enthusiasm for movement, it is my goal as physical education teacher to have this natural enthusiasm become an educated enthusiasm for movement that will last a lifetime.  I accomplish this goal by providing engaging, meaningful and enjoyable movement experiences that teach children to become physically educated persons as described by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education.

My teaching experiences at the preschool level and elementary school level have enabled me to become knowledgeable on child development.  My developmentally age appropriate lessons enrich learning in all domains and include a variety of teaching strategies and adaptations to meet the needs of the diverse learner.  I provide my students with opportunities to take ownership of their learning by allowing them to choose their own method to accomplish the learning outcome.  As a teacher of a performance class, I am sensitive to my students' concerns, and create a risk-free environment where strengths are celebrated and challenges addressed.  Healthy competition is presented in the form of a "challenge" where students are invited to challenge themselves by setting goals. Effort is highly valued in my class as is communication and cooperation.  I respect and understand the differences in children and never lose sight that first, I teach children and second, I teach physical education.  I develop a relationship with my students based on respect, compassion and cooperation. I feel a personal and professional responsibility to all of my students.

Children learn best by example and from patterns of behavior within the family.  Recent studies indicate that parental exercise habits and the time spent with their children in physically active pursuits are the main factors that influence children’s participation in physical activity.  By making fitness a regular part of life during childhood, the fit child should become and remain the fit adult.

1.   Improved appearance
2.   Improved alertness and improved school performance
3.   Increased efficiency of the heart and lungs
4.   Increased muscular strength and endurance
5.   Improved ability to handle stress
6.   Possible delay in aging process
7.   Maintenance of proper body weight
8.   Improved confidence and self-esteem
9.   Fewer sleep problems
10. Improved quality of life by minimizing the risk of disease and disability
11. Early development of good posture
12. Greater efficiency in performing motor tasks and sport skills
13. Establishment of fitness as a lifetime interest

Clothing for Participation in Physical Education Class:
Physical education class takes place both indoors and outdoors during the school year. Students are encouraged to wear clothing adaptable to these conditions.  Recommended clothing for participation includes comfortable clothing that allow students to move freely during activity.  An additional layer of clothing for outdoor activities.  Recommended footwear includes gym shoes that tie or Velcro and provide good support and traction.  Socks should be worn with gym shoes on all gym days.

Classroom Expectations
1. Wear appropriate clothing and gym shoes
2. Walk in and out of the building quietly
3. Be silent and listen when the teacher is speaking
4. Follow directions
5. Use equipment with permission only

Recommended Health & Fitness Links

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

AT HOME HELP NEEDED: Secret Valentine Tradition

Valentine's' Day is right around the corner and Willowwind friends are excited to celebrate in a number of ways including another beloved Willowwind tradition - the Secret Valentine Exchange.  Changes regarding at home participation have been made, so read carefully below for our updated fun.

This week, students will "draw" a slip that will highlight who they will deliver secret Valentine gifts and clues to ONLY ON Wednesday, February 10 and Thursday, February 11. Then, beginning Monday, February 8th, Willowwind students will use GD time to make handmade gifts to deliver to their recipient’s mail sleeve later in the week.  Along with these schoolmade gift they must also deliver a clue that hints to their identity.  This year, all gifts will be made at school.  We just ask families to help their children to write 2 clues to also be delivered on Wednesday and Thursday only.  Clues can be simple, such as, “I have brown hair.” or “I am in the Cottontail Rabbit class.”

Here is where your help is needed!
On Friday, February 12th, we will have a Secret Valentine Reveal where students will reveal their identity and will also learn who has secretly delivered their schoolmade gifts & clues.  To prepare for this Friday reveal, your child will need to bring one gift - a book no greater in value than $5. This book does not need to be brand new and can be gifted from your own home library if it is like new condition.  Please note that 100% participation is required in this school wide tradition.

Our own Book Fair (running Thursday, February 4th - Thursday, February 11th) is an excellent place to find books for your child's Secret Valentine.  In addition, The Haunted Bookshop in downtown Iowa City has reasonable prices, a good selection, and is locally owned.  If you have questions or concerns about providing a book for our Secret Valentine Reveal on Friday, February 12th, please ask your classroom teacher.  Thank you for participating in this beloved Willowwind tradition!