Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Last Day of School - Talent Show

All students are invited to share a talent at this year's Talent Show.  Students may share a K-6 appropriate song, dance, comedy routine, acting scene, etc., with the Willowwind community on Tuesday, May 24th from 9:00-11:00 AM.  Performances should be no more than 60 seconds in length.  Participation is voluntary.  

Please take time to discuss this opportunity with your child.  They may need your advice and guidance as they select an appropriate act.  Ideas should be approved by Lou by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 17.  Should your child require digital music, please provide it to Lou that same day.  Please email her at lindseyh@willowwind.org.

Thanks so much for sharing your talents, students!  Parents, are welcomed to join us for the show.  We'd love to have you there to cheer us on!

As a reminder, all further last day communication will occur via email.  Please check your inbox for a detailed email & attachment with our last day schedule.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Portfolio Night - Thur, 05.19 @ 5:30 - Attendance Required

You're invited to join us for Willowwind School's Annual Portfolio Night!

Who: Willowwind's students will present work from the school year to illustrate overall growth and progress in all areas of study.  Please note, this event is mandatory for all K-6 students.  Please let your classroom teacher know if an unavoidable conflict stands in the way.

Where: Willowwind School Classrooms

When: Thursday, May 19 from 5:30-6:15 p.m. for all K-6 Students.

Why:  Portfolio Night and the preparation leading up to this event allow students to become reflective learners within their own education.  Analyzing school work while preparing for Portfolio Night allows students take ownership of their school year and they progress they have made.  Through parent participation, Portfolio Night provides students a platform to speak about their growth, building their public speaking skills in an informal, open house style forum.  Students will be assigned a classroom based on their partner families.  Click HERE to see your child’s Portfolio Night room assignment.

Der Parints: A Kid-Spelling Letter

Der Parints,

As ur child brings hom riting, do nut be serprizd at the speling. The inglish langwij is confuzing for studints. Prematur insistints that studints use standar or "correct" speling inhibits thair dezir and ability to rit. We will uz "kid speling" or "fnetic speling" in r wrk. It is a grat asesment to se wit yur child nos.

Az parints u can hlp ur child bi prazing awl thair riting. Let ur child red thair riting to u. Displa thair riting arownd ur hom. No that as ur child becomz familyr with riting, he or she wil mak the tranzishun to standar speling.

Mz Mishel

In addition, here is a great article from The Atlantic about the importance of encouraging kid-spelling.
How Spelling Keeps Kids from Learning


Specials Update - Mar / Apr

Art w/ Mr. Ryan
Visit Mr. Ryan's website for monthly updates.

Music w/ Ms. Katherine
Visit Ms. Katherine's blog for monthly updates.

ASP w/ Mr. Dan & Friends

Visit ASP's blog for regular updates.

Espanol w/ Ms. Ximena
We are almost at the end of the school year and in these few moths the kids are doing a great job in Spanish class! I am always gratified and excited by what the students can accomplish in a relatively short period of time.  Their enthusiasm for learning Spanish makes it a pleasure to work with them.

Since my last note, we have continued to learn more vocabulary about food. Also, this month we added the topic “La ropa” (the clothes) and have practiced the vocabulary every day with the question: What are you wearing today? among other activities.  Perhaps you have heard about the song “gorro, camisa, y pantalones”. It is a funny and catchy song about clothes and the kids love it.

Also, this month we read the books “ Pino se viste solo” (Pino dresses himself) by Gabriela keselman.  After Spring break we did a small review about animals, food and clothing.  Also, we talked about Easter bunny, and they learned and practice few Spanish words about Easter.  Next month, we are going to start the unit: The Vowels. The kids are going to practice the vowels sounds and words that start with each vowel.

Phy Ed w/ Ms. Susan

Gymnastic activities accomplish many physical education content standards at the elementary level. Attempting these skills gives students an opportunity to develop some personal skills such as perseverance, determination and courage, as the stunts are typically new and not usually accomplished on the first try.

A gymnastics unit is valuable to the physical education curriculum. Students can continue to develop their personal fitness by participating in activities that require strength and power. There is a large portion of the activities that demand arm strength, which is difficult to find in other sport units. In addition, students will benefit from the flexibility, agility, balance, strength and body control required to accomplish gymnastic activities. Students will see how gymnastic activities will improve their personal fitness and benefit their participation in other sport skills, as well.

It is very important to emphasize safety in a gymnastics unit. By progressing students through rigorous development levels, they are kept safe in attempting new activities that they are equipped to handle. This unit is limited by the equipment available for safety.

As their Physical Education teacher I continue to pay particular attention to their social development. Taking advantage of building their self esteem and confidence throughout  their physical education class. Students are working on problem solving, cooperation and even learning to be leaders by taking turns which is critical to a successful program.

The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.  To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual.

  • Has learned the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.
  • Knows the implications and the benefits of involvement in various types of physical activities.
  • Participates regularly in physical activity.
  • Is physically fit.
  • Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.
  • Believe that honesty, respect, and responsibility are character traits.