Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Important Reminders

Dear Cottontail Families,

The days leading up to Thanksgiving Break are going to be very busy. Here are a few quick reminders.

1) Library Field Trip THIS Friday - Please make sure your child has their library card.

2) Puppet Theatre Field Trip NEXT Monday - Please make sure you drop off your child's $2 admission price (to Amber or me) and that your child has their booster seat on Monday. One or two more drivers are still needed. Please email me if you are interested in driving.

3) Thanksgiving Feast Ingredients - Please use the Thanksgiving Feast Volunteer Sign Up link to sign up to help provide ingredients for our Feast's baked goods (Gluten Free Corn Bread Muffins and Pumpkin Seeds). All ingredients are needed by the morning of NEXT Monday, November 21.

4) Thanksgiving Feast Shifts - Please use the above link to sign up for shift help with our Feast (Set Up on Monday afternoon; Serving and Clean Up on Tuesday afternoon). Two parent volunteers are needed from each classroom. Please feel free to sign up for multiple spots if your schedule allows.

5) Partner Book Writing - Parents are still needed to help with the Partner Book process. Please email me if you are interested in helping out.

Enjoy the busy week! Remember, there are conferences THIS Thursday afternoon and evening and there is no school NEXT Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday.

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