Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quiet Observations 1:

One of the joys of being a Kindergarten teacher are the moments when I can sit back and just watch and listen to the excited chatter that occurs throughout the school year. I love to watch these tender moments and write them down to capture and remember before the flit on by.

It is my pleasure to share them with you. Welcome to my favorite segment of Kindergarten blogging….Quiet Observations. Here I can share them with you - sometimes, they make take form in interactions between a group of students and sometimes they are the cutest quotes imaginable. This segment includes some sweet words from your children. I have been collecting quotes over the last few weeks for your enjoyment. Thank you for allowing me to share in their sweetness.

Studying the Half-Dollar on the 50th Day of School
Michelle: (after students inquired about going to the "bank" to trade in our two quarters for "that big coin") You know friends, we don't use the half dollar anymore. We no longer trade in two quarters. People think it is just as easy to carry around quarters.
Student 1: What?!?!
Student 2: Why?!?!
Michelle: Perhaps it is because people think the half dollar was too big and heavy.
Student 3: This is unfair!
Student 4: Yeah! The president on the half dollar has rights, too!

Students Coming in at the Start of the School Day
Student 1: Michelle! Michelle! We saw a deer on our way to school. It was huge! It was THIIIIISSS big (holds out arms)!
Michelle: Wow! That is so neat! Was it a boy deer or a girl deer?
Student 1: I don't know, but it was huge! It was even bigger than you! It was so big!

Student 2: Michelle! Michelle! Guess what?
Michelle: What!
Student 2: You'll never believe this. I AM A READER!!
Michelle: You are! How do you know?
Student 2: See when I read words like (reads name off of name plate) that is reading! See how easy it is!
Michelle: Wow! You are a reader!
Student 2: Yeah, and I'm a writer, too!
Michelle: Really?
Student 2: Yeah when I spell words on paper like (spells out name) that is writing. Easy peasy!

Reading My Teacher for President
We get to the page when the story discusses how teachers are involved in "health care" (band-aids and TLC) just like the president.
Student 1: Yeah! Obama Care rocks!
Student 2: Hey! There are Republicans in the room.
Student 3: I think Romney care sound sooo much better.
Regardless of political beliefs, it was clear that their excitement for the election was contagious.

Reading Interesting Facts About Pumpkins
Pumpkin Fact: Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles.
Michelle: Huh?!? Maybe I should use pumpkin!
Student 1: No! No! No! You can't!
Michelle: Why?
Student 2: Because we like your freckles.
Student 3: We love your freckles!
Student 2: Yeah! They are you! You should love them, too!
Michelle: You're right! I do love them. No pumpkin on my freckles.
Student 1: Yeah! No pumpkins allowed!

Preparing to Attend the ISACS Conference in Louisville
Student: Michelle? When are you leaving?!?
Michelle: In about 2 hours.
Student: 2 hours?!?! Ugh! We can't wait for Ms. Kim!
I only knew that a comment like that came from the heart and is a sign of how wonderful it is to build routine with substitute teachers. The Cottontails have equal love for all teachers and comments like this make me realize that my days away are filled with love, structure, routine, and fun.

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