Saturday, August 31, 2013

Website Updated: August Newsletter

At the end of each month please look for a monthly newsletter. This newsletter will provide greater detail in the curricular areas of your child's school day. Please be sure to read it carefully as it will also contain important notes and reminders.

Please take notice at our website's most recent additions.
August 2013 Newsletter - Here you will find details about upcoming events (including a school wide field trip), curricular events in our classroom, and messages from your child's Specials teachers.

August 2013 Photo Album - Like a picture you see? Just click on it and you can download it straight to your desktop!

Calendar - I have updated our Website's calendar tab and Upcoming Events section in the Welcome Page's right sidebar. Mark your calendars!

Book Shelf - The Book Shelf tab provides you with a list of the HUNDREDS of books we will read together as a Kindergarten class. Like a book you see? Just click on it and it will take you to where you can order a copy for your family's library! Does your family have a favorite book? Leave a comment on the Book Shelf page, tell us about your family's favorite book, and we'll add it to our shelf!

Don't forget!!
~ In honor of Labor Day, there is no school and no BASP on Monday, September 2. Willowwind's office will also be closed. See you on Tuesday!

~ Don't forget to wash and return (on Tuesday) your child's picnic and Rest Time blankets. They went home in a large blue Ziploc bag on Friday.

~ PLEASE be sure to complete the
Parent Survey by NEXT Friday, September 6. Your thoughts are incredibly important in preparing for your child's PEP conference.

~ Curriculum Night is next week! See you on Tuesday, September 10 at 6:00 where you will have a chance to spend some time in your child's Kindergarten classroom chatting about our yearlong curriculum themes. This event is mandatory for all families. See you then!

~ Please take a moment to
sign up for a 20 minute PEP conference. PEP conference dates are Thursday, September 12 (2:30 - 7:30) and Thursday, September 19 (2:30 - 7:30).

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New Routines: Story Time Tuesday

Today we were introduced to a weekly treat - Special Guest Story Times. Our first Special Guest Story Time was with our new friend and Head of School, Paul. He read Froggy Goes to School about a silly froggy who hops to school in his underwear! Fortunately, it was just a dream and Froggy went hopping to his first day of school in all his clothes.

Fr-o-o-g-g-y! You're in your underwear!

We even got a chance to read with Meridith as we practiced using our own classroom library! It is fun to listen to others read aloud. It is one of the best ways for young children to develop their beginning reading skills!

Reading a book from our Cartoon Characters book bin.

Beginning next Tuesday, Laird's grandfather, Palmer, is going to treat us to special Tuesday story times. This was a treat that Palmer Holden started in WW's preschool program. If you, too, would like to read during our Tuesday's Special Guest Story Time let me know if your schedule allows for your visit during our 9:00 - 9:30 half hour. In addition to Palmer's visit, Ms. Kathy for the Iowa City Public Library will make monthly visits to read and share wonderful books available to check out at the library. I am hoping to grow our Special Guest Story Time so please email me if you are interested.

Finally, Tuesday also brings our school wide story time during GD. Each Tuesday, Ms. Rachel (our Wolves' teacher) will enlighten us with her silly voices and expressive tone as we read one of Roald Dahl's most popular stories Matilda (a chapter book voted upon by our K-6 friends). GD's weekly Read Aloud Tuesday is something that students look forward to each week.

Rachel reads about Matilda's family's dinner routine as K-6 friends intently listen.

Happy reading to all!

Upcoming Event: First Friday Parent Coffee

Don't forget! Next Friday, September 6th brings our first First Friday Parent Coffee. Join other PreK-6 parents as Cindy Anderson (a fellow WW parent and Behavioral Psychologist) talks about the benefits of establishing a positive and regular sleep routine. First Friday Parent Coffee begins at 9:15. Take a look at the linked flyer below for more information about this week's First Friday Parent Coffee

First Friday Parent Coffee: Sleep it Does a Body Good Flyer

In addition to First Friday Parent Coffee, the first Friday of each month brings a new tradition to Willowwind - Spirit Day Fridays! NEXT Friday, September 6th is our first Spirit Day. Wear your WW apparel to show your school support the first Friday of each month (the same day as First Friday Coffees). Don't forget gold and navy are our school colors. Deck yourself out in navy and gold!

Need new Willowwind apparel? Sweatshirts, t-shirts, fleece, hats, canvas bags, and more are available to order. Get ready for those First Friday Spirit Days or our spot in the University of Iowa Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 4th. Use the links below or obtain hard copy order forms in the Entry Way to place your order. Drop off completed order forms and checks to the Front Desk. Remember, the Willowwind Apparel Orders are due by 5:00 on September 10th. Happy shopping!

Apparel Order Form
Canvas Bag Order Form

Monday, August 26, 2013

New Routines: Take Home Folder

This first full week of school, we are focusing on building classroom routines. As your child learns about our new routines at school I want to introduce a "Back to School" regular segment titled "New Routines" to help you better get to know what we discuss at school.

On Monday, the Cottontails were introduced to their blue Take Home Folders and the enclosed gold Cottontail Communicator. Below you will find information to help your child establish their own independence and responsibility with transporting their folder back and forth to school each day.

Cottontail Communicator
I will keep open communication with you via regular website updates, personal emails, and through, our class’s weekly Cottontail Communicator. In the Cottontail Communicator, you will find classroom and school announcements, classroom activities, homework expectations, and suggested at-home activities for each week. A new Cottontail Communicator will always go home with your child each Monday and should stay in your child’s Take Home Folder for that whole week. Please make sure, with your child's Take Home Folder, the Communicator travels back and forth to school. It is a great way to provide you with quick comments, questions, and concerns, and a great way for you to do the same.

Take Home Folder
A blue plastic folder has been established as your child’s Take Home Folder. This folder will travel with them to and from school every day. This will be one way to communicate with school and me. Any notes can be sent inside the Take Home Folder or they can be written directly on the Cottontail Communicator found on the right side of your child’s Take Home Folder.

Please ask your child for this folder each evening as it may also contain notes from me, homework, or completed school work. Be sure to empty the folder on a daily basis and return it back to school every morning. This is a great tool that we will utilize everyday to aid your child in their success.

Take Home Folder’s pockets are labeled to help you understand what stays home and what is to be completed and brought back to school. The left side of the folder will be the Left at Home side, and the right side of the folder will be the Right Back to School side. Since the Cottontail Communicator should travel back and forth to school it will remain on the right side of the folder. Spelling sorts and potential homework will also be found on the right side of the folder (more information to follow). Please make sure to check your child’s folder nightly for assignments and activities that may need to be completed at home and then returned to school.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Remember, to help build your child's independence and responsibility skills by encouraging them to be in charge of their
Take Home Folder. When you child arrives in the morning, they should hang up their own back and take their blue Take Home Folder out of their backpack and into their classroom mailbox. Thanks for your help.

Happy routine building! :)

PS: Ask your child about your their
Brain Breakfast Folder, our classroom jobs, and our new classroom library routine. They will be eager to talk to you about it.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Welcome to the Cottontails' Website!

Welcome to the Cottontail Rabbit's Classroom Website (click underlined phrase to access link). Feel free to look around.

The Welcome page is home to the Cottontail Chatter blog. Here I will post important information, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and fun looks into your child's day as a Cottontail Rabbit. Through our blog you are welcome to comment and ask questions. This website is a great way for the Cottontail families to interact. To comment, simply click on the comments button under the current post you'd like to comment on. Remember, if you have a question it is likely possible that another family has the same questions. Ask away! You can also use the blog to make book recommendations for books under our Book Shelf tab.

Please be sure to subscribe to our blog updates by entering your email address and following the subsequent instructions. In doing so, all website updates will be sent straight to your email inbox with links to the updated sections of the website. In addition, the right sidebar of the Welcome page will include important announcements, upcoming events, and links to essential handouts.

At the top of the website you will find tabs that will connect you with information regarding your child's year in Willowwind's Kindergarten program. In the coming weeks, these tabs will be further updated to reflect our year together. All updates will be communicated via a blog posting sent to your email. Look for monthly newsletters and photo updates at the end of each month.

Take a look around, explore, and let me know if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy the information available to you. If you have ideas for helpful information you'd like to find on our website please let me know you. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged. I will further detail the use of our website and your child's year at our upcoming Curriculum Night on September 10th.

Website Updated

Hello New Kindergarten Families!

I have begun updating our classroom website to meet the current needs of our new class. Below you will find linked updates that, if clicked, will take you from your email inbox directly to the updated page on the classroom website. Remember, to be sure to subscribe to our classroom website by visiting the Welcome page and entering your email address into the Subscribe window. Once you click "Subscribe", please sure to verify your email through the verification email sent to your email address. This last step is essential in fully subscribing to the site. All mass communication will come straight from the classroom's website beginning Sunday, September 1st.

~ Welcome Page Sidebar
The Welcome Page's right sidebar is an important location for quick updates. Along the right side bar you will find 4 sections.
1) Reminders
These reminders can help you build important routines to help with your child's success in school.
2) Volunteer Opportunities
Currently, I am looking for two parents to help with black and white book assembly. This is a volunteer opportunity that can be done at home and would earn each family about 30 minutes per week. Please email if you are interested
3) Upcoming Events
This section details the import classroom and school wide events that are occurring in the coming weeks and months.
4) Important Handouts
Here you will find links to essential handouts and communication for you to better understand the ongoings in your child's classroom. Currently you will find the following linked handouts:
~ Fall PEP Conference Sign Up
~ PEP Parent Survey
~ Chapter Book Read Alouds
~ Cottontails' Snack Routine
~ 2013 - 2014 Cottontails' Daily Schedule
~ 2013 - 2014 Special Events Calendar
~ 2013 - 2014 Academic Calendar
~ Michelle's Welcome Letter
~ Willowwind's Nutritional Practices
Interested in learning about ways to eliminate waste in your child's lunch box and snack sack? Check out these links below:
Laptop Lunches Website
Lunch Box Website
Goodbyn Website
These important handouts are also linked above for your convenience. Please take time to review these links and let me know if you have any questions. I will continue to keep you informed as more links are provided in the Important Handouts section.

~ Calendar Tab
This tab (also found along the tab bar at the top of the website) details important events that are scheduled throughout the year (through May 2014).

~ August 2013 Photo Album
Take a look at the fun we've had during our first three days of school!

Our First Week of Kindergarten!

Wow!! The first week has come and gone! What fun we had!! I am so thrilled to be a part of your child's Kindergarten year! This short week together as filled with getting to know you activities. We also took a lot of time getting to know our Kindergarten routines, the school itself, and all of our new friends older and younger.

Sweet Smiles!

Silly Smiles!

Each day we start our day feeding our brains breakfast. I could not believe how eager the kiddos were to be in Kindergarten and even more so how quietly they worked. After Brain Breakfast, we prepared our bodies for a busy day by stretching and moving at the start of Morning Meeting. This class likes to sing and move! During Morning Meeting each day we met Mr. Rabbit and he helped us get to know one another. Students selected different "get to know you ideas" as we shared our names, ages, favorite foods, favorite color, favorite book, and favorite thing about our first week of Kindergarten. After focusing on each other, the calendar, and the days of the weeks, Mr. Rabbit dropped clues throughout the school and we were able to participate in a "getting to know the building" scavenger hunt. We even found clues outside on the playground.

Scavenger Hunt

We read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and created our own Getting Ready for Kindergarten brainstorm list. We then took our list and became authors and illustrators creating our own getting ready story book. Checkout our work in our classroom library. Also, check out Willowwind's Facebook shout out photo of our "getting ready" brainstorm published to Willowwind's Facebook page.


If you haven't "liked" WW's page be sure to do so. The page is full of fun peeks into the school day and important announcements. There are some great first day photos of a handful of Kindergarteners and their families walking into school. Check them out! There is also a convenient Facebook button at the top of our website's Welcome page for easy access.

After reading Minifred Goes to School, a story about a naughty cat who never follows the rules, we generated a list of our class rules. Each rule was student created. When our list of rules was complete, we signed the rule promising to do our best to follow our class created rules. Next week, we will become authors again writing class story titled Our Class Rules!

As a whole school, we spent a lot of time learning about school wide routines at lunch, recess, and GD. We had many great student led discussions about enhancing our current routines. We also took a school vote on our first school wide GD read aloud. The overwhelming consensus was that the Willowwind friends would like to read Roald Dahl's Matilda. I am excited to join in with the students as we take time each Tuesday to read Matilda together as a whole school. We love to read at Willowwind - in the classroom and as a whole school. Click on our Book Shelf tab to see the other books we read as the school year progresses.

Our afternoons, together were filled with time to rest our bodies and play in our classroom Centers.

Students build in the Wood Block Center, sort stuffed animals by type in the Stuffed Animals Center, gather materials from the Art Cart Center, and sort and count magnetic money in the Dry Erase Board Center.

We also spent a lot of time outside, enjoying the beautiful weather, as we discovered the "big kid playground" during recess time.

Kindergarten friends seeing how high they can climb on the very first day of school.

Check out more photos in our August 2013 photo album!

Even though the week was short, I am sure your child is tuckered out from a busy three days. All in all, the short week was a complete whirlwind and we were shocked when the week so quickly came to an end. This is an amazing group, and I am so excited for the year ahead. It will surely be a great time with amazing growth all around. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. See you on Monday! I can't wait!

PEP Conferences

Fall PEP Conference dates are right around the corner. During our 20 minute conference, we will discuss potential academic and social goals we would like to set for your child's Kindergarten year. We will also highlight your child's strengths and how we can use their strengths to further benefit their Kindergarten year. PEP goals are used to personalize and differentiate your child's instruction.

Please use the link below, or in the right sidebar, to sign up for a 20 minute conference. PEP Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, September 12th from 2:30 - 7:30 and Thursday, September 19th from 2:30 - 7:30. Please sign up for a PEP conference time slot by Friday, September 6th.
Fall PEP Conference Sign Up

To best prepare you and me for this upcoming PEP conference please use the link below, or in the right sidebar, to complete the PEP Parent Survey. This survey helps the both us better understand your child's strengths and ideal areas of focus for the coming year. Please complete the linked survey below by Friday, September 6th.
PEP Parent Survey

Willowwind's Car Pool Initative

Last year, we had 10+ families connect as part of WW's first carpool initiative. We look forward to helping our 2013-2014 families in an effort to reduce their drives (and their carbon footprints) in the coming year! We wold like to send an early 2013-2014 thank you to our resource saving WW families who reside in the following areas:
Iowa City - East
Iowa City - West
North Liberty

We encourage you to indicate your possible interest. Use this linked registration form to register now! If you are the parent of a potential family, you can sign up using the form above or look for the 2013-2014 Carpool Sign-Up Lists in WW's upstairs Group Discussion Space.

In the coming weeks, we will email you to provide contact information of neighboring families in your area who have indicated their interest in our carpool initiative. Families can used the provided email addresses and/or phone numbers to communicate and establish a carpool schedule. Remember, we offer priority, carpool parking for our carpooling families. Our best to you in your work to coordinate environmentally-friendly transportation during the school year!