Saturday, August 31, 2013

Website Updated: August Newsletter

At the end of each month please look for a monthly newsletter. This newsletter will provide greater detail in the curricular areas of your child's school day. Please be sure to read it carefully as it will also contain important notes and reminders.

Please take notice at our website's most recent additions.
August 2013 Newsletter - Here you will find details about upcoming events (including a school wide field trip), curricular events in our classroom, and messages from your child's Specials teachers.

August 2013 Photo Album - Like a picture you see? Just click on it and you can download it straight to your desktop!

Calendar - I have updated our Website's calendar tab and Upcoming Events section in the Welcome Page's right sidebar. Mark your calendars!

Book Shelf - The Book Shelf tab provides you with a list of the HUNDREDS of books we will read together as a Kindergarten class. Like a book you see? Just click on it and it will take you to where you can order a copy for your family's library! Does your family have a favorite book? Leave a comment on the Book Shelf page, tell us about your family's favorite book, and we'll add it to our shelf!

Don't forget!!
~ In honor of Labor Day, there is no school and no BASP on Monday, September 2. Willowwind's office will also be closed. See you on Tuesday!

~ Don't forget to wash and return (on Tuesday) your child's picnic and Rest Time blankets. They went home in a large blue Ziploc bag on Friday.

~ PLEASE be sure to complete the
Parent Survey by NEXT Friday, September 6. Your thoughts are incredibly important in preparing for your child's PEP conference.

~ Curriculum Night is next week! See you on Tuesday, September 10 at 6:00 where you will have a chance to spend some time in your child's Kindergarten classroom chatting about our yearlong curriculum themes. This event is mandatory for all families. See you then!

~ Please take a moment to
sign up for a 20 minute PEP conference. PEP conference dates are Thursday, September 12 (2:30 - 7:30) and Thursday, September 19 (2:30 - 7:30).

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