Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Very Important Person ( V.I.P. Day )

Dear Families,

VIP Day is upon us. Monday, April 7, Willowwind families, students and their special VIP's are welcome to Willowwind for a day of great fun. The cottontail rabbits are making invitations to give to our VIP's (coming home on the 31st). Does your student have a Very Important Person in mind for this day? Please talk with your child and ask them who they would like to invite. It could be a grandparent, adult family member, family friend, neighbor, co-worker - any person important to your child/your family - the ideas are endless.

Please RSVP via email to and let me know who will be attending VIP day on April 7th.

VIP Day begins with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and includes an extended Group Discussion time until 1:00 p.m. Then, students and their guests will enjoy time in our classroom for an hour before heading to the River Church for the Spring Music Program from 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. Look for invitations to go home midweek.

In addition, for VIP Day, the Wolf class will be selling a special Monday, VIP Edition Meal from Silver Wolf Cafe. The cafe will serve Banditos taco bar and pre-purchases must be made by April 4th.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to VIP Day on Monday, April 7th!

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