Friday, May 23, 2014

Movement's Olympic Field Day

Tuesday, June 3rd, 9:30am-11:30am

A message from our movement teacher, Karen Robbins: 

Calling all K-6 Parents! We are counting down to the fun activities that will be happening at the Olympic Field Day on Tuesday, June 3. Parents of K-6 students are invited to tour the Olympic Park and join the spirit of the event by being active with your student! 

The Opening Ceremony begins at 9:30am. Olympic Field Day events begin promptly at 9:45am and conclude with a Closing Ceremony right before lunch. Feel free to bring a lunch and stay for a picnic with us after the Field Day.

We are in need of a large group of parent volunteers to help make this event fun and safe. Would you consider supervising one or two of the many activity stations we have?  There will be a brief volunteer meeting at 9:00am on June 3 to introduce you to the event, help with last-minute set up and pass out station assignments. I hope we have enough parent support to have 2 at each station. Students and volunteers are encouraged to bring a water bottle, wear sunscreen, a hat and comfortable clothes. Click here to sign up!

I am looking forward to seeing your students have fun on Field Day. If you have questions, please contact me at

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