Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Save the Date: Curriculum Night 09.04

Mark your calendars!  PreK-6 Curriculum Night is NEXT Thursday, September 4th from 5:30 – 6:30.  Join your child’s classroom teacher as they discuss classroom plans for the 2014-2015 school year.  This event is designed to help families familiarize themselves with teachers’ integrative, engaging, project-based curriculum.

Each year the Willowwind teachers develop an “essential question” which we use to unite the preschool through sixth grade curriculum.  For the 2014-15 school year our year-long essential question is,

“What is grit, and how does grit lead me to individual success?

At Curriculum Night, teachers will describe how students develop grit, resiliency, and perseverance to help them celebrate successes and navigate through day-to-day challenges. Specials teachers and our Program Director will be available to discuss this year’s Specials curriculum and Enrichment opportunities.

Parental attendance at this event is mandatory.  Childcare is available for all children three years old (and potty-trained) and older.  Email Rachel at if you are interested in childcare.

We look forward to seeing you at this event.  Here’s to a successful school year for faculty, staff, families and – MOST IMPORTANTLY – our students!

We are Cottontail Rabbits!

We continue to grow as a classroom community and discuss our time together as a school family.

This week we've learned about the uniqueness of our class name.  Did you know, that all Willowwind classrooms are named after prairie animals?  Your child's class, the Cottontail Rabbits, is named by the first Kindergarten class at Willowwind during the 2008-2009 school year.  These students are now our oldest friends as they begin their sixth grade year!  We are proud to be Cottontail Rabbits!  Ask your child what the other classrooms' names are.

To learn more about our Cottontail Rabbit family we read When We're Together, a book about a family of rabbit friends that care for one another with love, respect, and friendship.

We then brainstormed our own list of reasons why it is great to be a Cottontail Rabbit.  Check out the wonderful list below!

It's Great to be a Cottontail Rabbit because...
•  we can go outside and eat lunch.  KK
•  we can go on the Spika.  JZ
•  we watch fun books.  EP
•  we get to play with our friends.  MK
•  I play tag.  KHT
•  we play in Centers.  DB
•  we're sorta cute.  CR

We also read Have you Filled a Bucket Today? where we learned about being Bucket Fillers :) vs. Bucket Dippers :(.

We agreed that a classroom full of Bucket Fillers is a fun place to be.  We talked about different actions and classified them as Bucket Filler actions or Bucket Dipper actions.  The Cottontails loved placing the cards in the correct t-chart column.

Sometimes though, it is hard to get along with every body.  For when these moments of frustration occur, we developed a four step System to help solve problems.  The Four Steps are:
1)  Use an I-Message
Talking about your feelings really helps.  Saying, "I don't like when you tease me.  It hurts my feelings.  Can you please stop?" tells your friend what is bothering you.

2)  Ignore
After all, some people like to bug and pester just for a reaction.

3)  Walk Away
Sometimes space apart from a frustrating friend can be helpful.

4)  Tell a Teacher
If the first three steps just aren't working, ask a teacher for their help in solving your problem together as a team.

These Four steps encourage students to work together positively.  It provides them ownership in their own problems and concerns.  Continue to praise your child for their independence in their developing problem solving skills.

In preparing to practice using the Four Steps we read Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class where Miss Fox's animal friends, too, worked together to keep a peaceful and happy classroom.

We will work hard to be great friends everyday.  To help remind ourselves to be the best we can be, the Cottontails met our "Be Awesome Today" rug

Using the rug helps make a conscience effort at Morning and Afternoon Meeting to tell ourselves, "I'm going to do something {AWESOME} to fill someone's bucket today."

Announcements: Back to School Reminders

Just a few friendly reminders to help you through our second week of school and the routine building that follows.

1) Gold Cottontail Communicator
Students are thrilled about their Take Home Folders and Cottontail Communicator.  Please be sure BOTH items travel back and forth to school each day.  The Cottontail Communicator should stay on the Right Back to School side the whole week.  We will replace it with a new Communicator at the start of each new week.

2)  Snack
Please be sure your child has enough food for lunch and two snacks.  We have many empty snack bags during our Afternoon Snack time leaving the Kindergarteners with hungry bellies.  Check in with your child to see if they need more or different snacks.  Give them some of the responsibility in packing those snacks as we continue to build independence throughout the school year.

3)  Highlights Subscriptions
Thanks for your prompt return in your subscription forms.  Remember, yes or no, it doesn't matter - our classroom will receive free materials with the simple return of the forms.  Please be sure to return BOTH forms by Friday, August 29.  Two forms went home so fill them both out and return them to school with your child.

4)  PEP Conference and Survey
Please be sure to complete the PEP Survey and email it to me by Monday, September 1st.  This will help me prepare for your child's upcoming PEP Conference.  Also don't forget to sign up your child's first conference on September 11th or September 18th.  See Sunday, August 24th's blog post for the Survey link and the Conference Sign Up link.

5)  Labor Day
Don't forget!  There is no school or BASP NEXT Monday, September 1st.  The office will be closed in honor of Labor Day.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Our First Week of Kindergarten!

Please Note:  Please be sure to read ALL blog postings carefully.  The subsequent blog posts include important information about upcoming events, parent “homework”, and school-to-home routines.

Wow!  This first week has been full of fun and adventure!  The excitement of the first day did not diminish in the days that followed.  I am thrilled in the days, weeks, and months ahead.

Last week (and the weeks to come) are all about routine building and becoming a united classroom and school community.  In Kindergarten, we talked about the fun our families had over Summer break.  We shared our summer memories with one another and then wrote about them.  We also illustrated what Willowwind looks like in summertime.  We took our time with our illustrations being sure to use accurate colors to provide people with the best idea of what our school looks like during the summer. Take a look at our Summer work on our Project Room bulletin board.  As we continue to talk about Summer we’ll post more student work to share with you.

We also read Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready forKindergarten and wrote and illustrated about our own activities that helped us get ready for school.  We enjoyed comparing our “get ready” activities with Miss Bindergarten’s students’.

Then, after reading Tony Baloney: School Rules, a story about a penguin’s new adventures at school, we generated a list of our own class rules.  Each rule was created by the students.  When our list of rules was complete, we signed the poster vowing to dou our best to follow our class created rules.

As a whole school, we spent a lot of time learning about school wide routines.  We had many great student led discussions about enhancing our current routines.  We even sang “Happy Birthday” (in FOUR languages) to our August birthday friends.  Each month, we’ll celebrate Willowwind birthdays by singing to our friends in English, Spanish, French, AND Korean.  As your child learns how to sing “Happy Birthday” in each of these languages ask them if they can teach them to you.  This week, we began our hilarious school wide read aloud Sideways Stories from Wayside School a chapter book "classic" by Louis Sachar.

What I loved most about GD is your child’s eagerness to share and be a part of our school community.  GD can often be an overwhelming time for new Kindergarten students.  At GD, there are a lot of “big kids” and “new faces" - this can be intimidating at times and many Kindergarteners are happy to be listeners rather than active participants.  This year, our Cottontail friends are thrilled to be a part of it all.  Most Cottontails have raised their hands eager to share their thoughts with the rest of the school!

Our afternoons together were filled with time to rest our bodies and play in our classroom centers.  Students build in the Wood Block Center sort stuffed animals by type in the Stuffed Animals Center, gather materials from the Art Cart Center, sort and count magnetic letters and shapes in the Dry Erase Board Center and much more.

We also spent time in the Classroom Library learning about all the books our Kindergarten class has to offer.  Reading Penelope Popper, Book Doctor helped the Cottontails see the importance of caring for our books and treating them with love and respect.  They were shocked and excited to find out that many of the books in the library were my very own from when I was a child.  They are doing a great job of handling our books with care.

At the end of the week we took time to reflect on our first week of Kindergarten.  Self-reflection is an important part of growing and learning.  Kindergarteners will get many opportunities to reflect upon themselves, their choices, and their schoolwork.  Take a look at our reflections upon our first week of school.

While reflecting, students also answered our “Question of the Week” – What if your favorite part of Kindergarten?  What did your child answer?

Finally, we got to meet Katherine (our Music teacher) and Karen (our Physical Education teacher) – stay tuned for a special Specials blog post in the coming weeks.  We also spent a lot of time outside, enjoy the beautiful weather, as we discovered and explored “the big kid playground” during Recess.

Be sure to check out Willowwind on Facebook.  Here you can find peeks into our school days and the classroom adventures that await.

Please continue to read the blogs that follow.  The next three blog posts introduce you to our classroom blog segments titled – Parent Homework, New Routines, and Save the Date.  Many thanks!

I am sure your child is tuckered out this weekend from our busy days.  The week flew by!  I can’t wait for tomorrow!  See you then!

Parent Homework: PEP Conference & Survey

Save the Date!  Fall PEP Conferences dates are around the corner.  During our 20 minute conference, we will discuss potential academic and social goals we would like to set for your child’s Kindergarten year.  We will also highlight your child’s strengths and how we can use their strengths to further benefit their Kindergarten year.  PEP goals are used to personalize and differentiate your child’s instruction.

Please use the link below, to sign up for a 20 minute conference.  PEP conferences are scheduled for Thursday, September 11th and Thursday, September 18th from 2:30 – 7:30.  Please sign up for a conference time slot by Friday, September 5th.

To best prepare you and me for this upcoming PEP conference please use this link to complete the PEP Parent Survey.  This survey helps the both of us better understand your child’s strengths and ideal areas of focus for the coming year.  Please complete the linked survey by Monday, September 1st.  This survey can be downloaded from Google Drive in Microsoft Word format.  Feel free to type directly into the word document and then return to me via email by 9.1.

Please let me know if you have questions or need help.  I look forward to reading your comments and meeting with you.

Parent Homework: Return Highlights Subscription Forms

The Cottontail Rabbit class is partnering with Highlights magazine to bring a wonderful opportunity to your family and our classroom.  On Monday, your child will be bring home TWO subscription forms – one for High Five Highlights Magazine and one for Highlights Magazine.  You will find these forms in your child’s new Take Home Folder.  See below for more information.

If you are interested in ordering a one-year subscription to one magazine or both please provide your signature and the necessary information on each form.  If you are not interested in a High Five or Highlights subscription simply check the no line AND provide your parent signature.

There is absolutely no obligation to order, but returning the forms with a yes or no provides your child’s classroom with free supplies.  In years past, families have been able to earn the classroom math manipulatives, pocket charts, book bins, stickers, pencils, games and more.

So what are High Five and Highlights magazines?
Highlights provides magazines that help children learn and grow.  Their magazines encourage children to read regularly, makes reading and critical thinking fun, helps develop important learning skills, and fosters positive values.

Please return your order forms with a yes OR no answer by THIS Friday, August 29 th.