Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Announcements: Beginning of Kindergarten

I hope all are recovering from the busyness of our first day of Kindergarten.  It was a success!  Frequently, I will send blog posts home with announcements filled with new information.  The coming weeks will be full of lots of information as new routines are slowly implemented at the pace set by your child and their classmates.  For the start of the year, please read the new information provided below.

Click BOLDED links for more information.

Attached you will find our Daily Schedule for your child's Kindergarten year.  We will slowly move into this routine as we work to become a wonderful community and strong Kindergarten students.

Subscribing to Blog
We are experiencing some technical difficulties with our website.  The website is still live and the information found on it's tabs are accurate; however, I am having a hard time with updating and providing you new information.  Because of this please refer to our "Blogger" page for all up-to-date blogs.  You can find our blog at cottontailchatter.blogspot.com.

If you have not subscribe to our classroom blog please do so by September 1st.  This provides you with the opportunity to receive automatic updates directly to your email inbox.  To subscribe please visit our blogspot blog (see web address above) and enter your email into the subscribe window at the top of the page.  Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the verification email instructions when it arrives to you by email.  This is our primary way of whole classroom communication, so it is essential that you have subscribed as soon as possible.  Many thanks!  If you have already subscribe via our classroom website address you should be set to go to receive updates.

Sending Home Beach Towels
This year, Willowwind has provided our students with picnic blankets for lunch time.  Because of this, I will be sending home the beach towels you have brought to school.  In addition, don't forget your child's sunscreen - it is hot and sunny out there this week!

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