Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Winter Reminders

Please read carefully as there are a lot of reminders as we approach the end of the calendar year.

Library - Wed, Dec 17
We will be traveling to the library next Wednesday, December 17th.  Please be sure your child has their library card.  Also note that November's library books are due TODAY - Wednesday, December 10th.

Winter Clothing
Please be sure your child is prepared for daily outdoor play.  Even though there is no snow boots and snow pants are still required.  Our boots and snow pants protect our clothing and bodies from the winter mud and cold.  Please bring daily.  In addition, please be sure your child's cubby is stocked with an extra change of winter clothes.  Accidents of all sorts happen so please be sure your child is prepared in case of a spill or mess.

As we reach the  middle of the school year, it is important that we continue to help our children foster consistent routines between home and school.  Please be sure to take time nightly to work on:
•  Math (one double-sided page per week day)
•  Spelling (click HERE for a nightly routine)
•  Reading (new books will go home at the start of the school year in the meantime utilize the public library or your wonderful home libraries to build reading fluency).
A special Winter Break Homework Packet will go home towards the end of next week as a fun activity for your child to do while home from school during their two weeks off.

Rest Time Blankets
Rest Time blankets will go home for the last time next Wednesday, December 17th.  After Winter Break, the Cottontails' Rest Time will be transferring into a Quiet Reading Time where the Kindergarteners will work on building reading stamina and oral fluency.  This is always an exciting time where our reading brains grow quickly and rapidly.  When Rest Time blankets go home next week they may stay home for the remainder of the school year.  Thanks!

Non-Prescription Medications
Tis the season for the common cold, runny noses, and scratchy throats.  Please remember that you must fill out a non-presprition medication dispersal form for Willowwind to administer any over the counter medications - including throat lozenges.  This over-the-counter medications must be given to the Front Desk and dispersed by our office administration they cannot be kept in your child's backpack or cubby for students to use at their convenience.  Thank you for understanding and please see Rachel at the Front Desk with any questions or further needs.

Gem Party
We are working really hard on recommitting ourselves to being respectful and responsible throughout our entire school day.  We are using kind voices, kind bodies, and respectful actions.  Because of this we are nearing our second gem party - a movie and a snack.  Next week, the kindergarteners plan to watch The Velveteen Rabbit (rated G) and/ or The Willows in Winter (not rated) as we have just finished their beautiful stories.  Click the links above to learn more about the movies.  It is rated G.  Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about the movie and snack.  Congrats to the Cottontails!

Save the Date! - Friday Night Fun - Fri, Dec 12
Friday, December 12
Looking for something fun for the kids to do?  Put Friday, December 12th on your calendar for Friday Fun Night at Mercer Aquatic Center / Scanlon Gym. Fee is $5 per child (youth 12 and under). Admission wrist bands may be purchased at the check-in desk.  Kids' activities will include: three inflatables (including an 18-foot slide), roller-skating, swimming, open game room, and crafts. Socks are required to play on any of the inflatables.  All participating children must be directly supervised by an adult at all times.  There must be at least one adult present for every five children.  For more information, call the Recreation Info Desk at 319-356-5109 or visit their website by clicking here.

Don't forget, too, about our upcoming Authors' Cocoa on Thursday, December 18 (grades 3-6) and Friday, December 19 (Grades K-2).  Click HERE to volunteer.  See you soon!

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