Friday, February 27, 2015

Save the Date - Upcoming Events

Wow! March is just about here! As we say goodbye to February, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for meeting with me in regards to your child's progress.  I'm so incredibly proud of our class's success.  Please take note regarding some upcoming events - some our RIGHT around the corner.

THIS Monday, March 2nd - DEAR Day

In honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday, Willowwind students (along with students all over the world) will

D rop

E verything

a nd

R ead. 

On Monday, March 2nd all students are invited to wear pajamas to school on this day and bring ONE cozy item to cuddle up with while we spend the afternoon reading in the GD Space.  Pillows, stuffed animals, and blankets have all been popular choices in past years.  Please help your child make decisions that will allow them to be comfortable without being distracted.

In addition, DEAR Day will give us a day to celebrate our time growing as a class.  In honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday we will be celebrating with a Dr. Seuss movie - Horton Hears a Who, rated G.  Please let me know if you have concerns about showing this film.

THIS Wednesday, March 4th - Library Field Trip

Due to ever changing schedules, Ms. Stacia and moved February's field trip to this coming Wednesday, March 4th.  Please be sure your child brings their library card.  We will be traveling to the library by city bus.

Monday, March 2nd - Wednesday, March 4th

I will be out of town until Thursday, March 5th.  I will be in Ann Arbor, Michigan visiting Summers-Knoll School as they complete their accreditation process for ISACS.  Willowwind went through the accreditation process two years ago.  While demanding, it is also a wonderful way to show case school's successes and further improve certain focus areas.  This week, I will be able to help Summers-Knoll reach their dream of independent school accredited status with ISACS (the Independent Schools Association for the Central States).  Ms. Lisa will be here Monday through Wednesday.  She has subbed for the Cottontails a number of times and is eager to come back.  Ms. Megan, our Kindergarten assistant, will be here on Monday and Wednesday to help Ms. Lisa with DEAR / PJ Day and the library field trip.

Thursday, March 12th @ 5:30 - Community Night

Willowwind's much anticipated, annual PreK-6th Grade Community Day / Night is just around the corner.  On Thursday, March 12th, at 5:30pm, join your child, and their Willowwind peers, at the River Community Church as classes present their culminating projects highlighting their present works and studies.

This evening is an incredibly important event as it allows students to accept challenges and take risks as they perform and work on public speaking and presenting skills.  Your role as an audience member is crucial in providing all Willowwind students with a real-life, authentic experience in speaking and sharing to a large group.  All Willowwind students are expected to participate and are looking forward to having you a part of this event. Through this evening, students not only build public speaking skills but also build other crucial life skills such as character, self-acceptance, and resiliency.

All children are required to attend this event.  Please let me know asap if a preplanned conflict stands in the way.  I look forward to seeing you and look forward in the chance to share our school work with you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Acts of Kindness Week Update

We are having so much fun - preparing our acts of kindness for our friends at Willowwind and beyond.  THANK YOU for your prompt reply to providing items for our Acts of Kindness Day THIS Friday, February 13th.  Please be sure to bring your specified supplies by TOMORROW, Thursday, February 12th.  Take a look at our donation list by clicking HERE.

Please note that we are all set for our Friday field trip.  Stacia, Megan, and I will be traveling with our students to fill Iowa City with kindness.  Please note that we will be outside for most of the day (approx 9:30 - 1:30) so please be sure your child is dressed appropriately.  While temperatures are expected to dip tomorrow, they are suppose to rise above freezing for Friday; however please be sure they have hats, gloves, warm jacket, layers, & boots.

In addition, we will be gone through lunch so please be sure your child has a lunch that can travel with ease.  All Kindergarteners will be in need of a lunch.  This is important to note as it may affect some Wolf Cafe orders.  If this speaks of your child please let me know and I can provide you with information regarding your child's purchased meal.

Please let me know if you have questions about Friday.  Be sure to bring in donated items tomorrow (2.12) and your child's final HOMEMADE gift and clue for tomorrow and book ($5 or less) for Friday's reveal.

Enjoy these Acts of Kindness photos from today!

Baking M&M Cookie Bars for the ICFD & ICPL

Board Game Play Date - invited to the Conejitos Classroom

Board Game Play Date - invited to the Conejitos Classroom

Working on a special Act of Kindness project.

WW's Cultural Festival (04.18)- Share your culture w/ us!

Willowwind School values the whole child.  We understand the value of understanding, recognizing, and celebrating our similarities and differences so that children feel comfortable with who they are.  You are invited to share some traditions from your own culture with the Willowwind community on Saturday April 18.  Interested families can set up an informal booth or activity which illustrates an aspect of a specific country or culture.  We would love to hear music, see photos/traditional items clothing, or try traditional foods.  Interactive activities such as crafts, games and dances are also encouraged.  All families will be invited to attend this event if from 3:00-4:30 PM on April 18.  If you would like to organize a booth or facilitate an activity, please let your classroom teacher know or contact Gretchen Rice at  Thank you!!

Home Resource: Telling Time

Check out THIS wonderful link found by Rial's dad, Dave.  It is a great visual on how learning to tell time can be difficult based on the positions of the hour hand.  Enjoy!

PS:  Don't forget to sign up for a Spring Conference (2.24 or 2.27).  You can do so by visiting THIS sign up spreadsheet.  Thank you!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Acts of Kindness Week - Help Needed!

Our Act of Kindness Week is here!  The Kindergartners have been working throughout the course of January and February planning for this big week.  Students started by defining Giving and Kindness, then encourage other friends and students at WW to get in on the Kindness fun, and have also been planning all sorts of acts of kindness to complete at school and in the community.

Save the Date!  The Kindergarten classes will be venturing into the Iowa City community THIS Friday, February 13th.  Students will be taking the city bus so no booster seats will be needed.  Your help is needed; however in helping us gather supplies for our Acts of Kindness fun.  Click HERE to see which supplies we are in need of and where you can help.  Please bring in supplies by THIS Thursday, February 12th.

Here is how we will be showing kindness for those at WW and beyond!
Preschool:  Reading Buddies
Conejitos:  Extra Recess Games
Prairie Racerunners:  Book Fair Book Gift
Owls:  Board Game Fun
Wolves:  Puzzle Gift
ASP:  Arts & Crafts Activity
Faculty & Staff:  Breakfast Treats
Larry (Our Custodian):  Thank You Letter Scavenger Hunt

On Friday, we will be heading out into the community to spread the love in the following ways:
•  delivering treats to the Iowa City Fire Department and Public Library
•  handing out well wishes w/ flowers on the ped mall
•  delivering gift cards to unsuspecting patrons
•  saying thank you with "hugs & kisses" to our Towncrest passengers & bus driver
•  leaving notes on cars
•  delivering study aides to Ms. Megan's friends
•  leave quarters on vending machines
•  hot cocoa stand (this idea is still pending)
•  pick up trash

Throughout the week and on our field trip we will also continue to:
•  smile at others
•  say "Hello."
•  hold doors open
•  wave
•  be kind, be nice, be happy.

Today, we delivered our first act of kindness to our Wolf friends.  Take a look at the pictures.

Preparing our gift.  Decorating our wrapping paper and writing a letter.

Delivery Time!

Spring Parent / Teacher Conference Sign Up

February is here and brings our "Spring" Parent / Teacher Conferences.  Due to the opportunity to travel to Connecticut to represent Willowwind in receiving the Charlotte Bacon Act of Kindness School of the Year Award, the Cottontails' conferences will take place on Tuesday, February 24th from 3:30 - 6:30 and as published, Friday, February 27th from 8:00 - 4:00 (a no school day).  Please use the linked Parent / Teacher Conference spreadsheet to sign up for a 20 minute conference slot.  During this time, we will discuss your child's academic progress and social development and review their PEP (Personalized Education Plan) and its corresponding goals.  I look forward to meeting with you to share your child's phenomenal progress.

Help WW Earn $$ for Technology

In conjunction with our recent participation in Pearson's NNAT3 validity research, Willowwind is thrilled in receiving mini iPads for the PreK-2 program.  Collaborating with and participating in a variety of research opportunities is a wonderful way to build community relationships and technology programming.  Based on the recent success with the NNAT3 study, Willowwind is excited to participate in Pearson's Vineland validity research.  This study is looking for parent & faculty survey participation.  Willowwind will receive a $25 stipend for each completed survey to further enhance our technology program.  We need your help!  Click here and here for more information regarding this opportunity.  By Friday, February 20thclick here to complete an initial consent form to express participation interest.  Further information will then be provided to complete the study's parent survey.  Contact Michelle Beninga, Curriculum Coordinator, at with questions.

Pizza Party Make Up Date - Wed 2.11

The Pizza Party sponsored by Hills Bank has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 11th during lunch time. Please plan to send a drink and any fruit or vegetable sides that you want your child to have for lunch that day. Also, please send normal morning and afternoon snacks.  Let me know if your child plans not to eat the pizza. 

Willowwind students' receipt of the Charlotte Bacon Acts of Kindness (CBAof K) award is a wonderful acknowledgment of the joy our children are bringing to our community. This recognition was inspiring to a community business, Hills Bank and Trust.  The Hills Bank community was very excited and proud to see children in the Willowwind community participating in promoting kindness. They feel that our students' actions align with a corporate initiative they have to identify and celebrate people in our community who go above and beyond to serve others. 

As part of their own pay-it-forward campaign, representatives from Hills Bank will be visiting Willowwind on to provide a pizza party lunch for all PK - 6 students. This is specifically to recognize the CBAoK Award and to say, "Thank you!" to the Willowwind community for making Iowa City a wonderful place to live.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Secret Valentine Week: Feb 9-13

Valentines' Day is right around the corner and Willowwind friends are excited to celebrate in a number of ways. Valentines' Day brings another beloved Willowwind tradition - the Secret Valentine Exchange. Your child will learn more about this K-6 fun this week, but I wanted to communicate to you what it entails to give you time to prepare.

THIS Tuesday, February 3rd, students will "draw" a slip that will highlight who they will deliver secret Valentine gifts to the week of Valentine's Monday, February 9 - Thursday, February 12.  Tomorrow, I will tape your child's slip detailing their secret recipient in their Take Home Folder and will further communicate home with you who your child selected via email.

Then, beginning Monday, February 9th your child will deliver four HOMEMADE daily gifts to their recipient's Valentine mail sleeve. Along with this HOMEMADE gift they must also deliver a clue that hints to their identity. The Kindergarteners will deliver these daily gifts to their Secret Valentine recipient throughout each day. On Friday, February 13th they will reveal their identity with one last gift - a new or gently used book.

Here is where your help is needed!
Please help your child prepare FOUR HOMEMADE GIFTS and FOUR CLUES. Then, on Monday, February 9th have your child bring their FOUR HOMEMADE gifts and clues to school to deliver throughout the week. Please do not include food items due to food allergies.
Along with these HOMEMADE gift your child will also need to bring 4 clues to attach to each gift. Clues can be simple, such as, “I have brown hair,” or, “I am in the Cottontail Rabbit class.”

On Friday, February 13th we will have a big Secret Valentine Reveal where child will reveal their identity and they will also learn who has secretly delivered gifts to them throughout the week. To prepare for this your child will need bring one final gift for the big reveal. This gift must be a book no greater in value than $5. This book does not need to be brand new and can be gifted from your own library if it is like new condition.

All in all, your child will be delivering four clues and five gifts total (four HOMEMADE and one $5 book). You are welcome to bring all your gifts to school ahead of time (your child can keep them in their blue cubby) or bring them in day by day. The choice is yours.

Please note that 100% participation is required in this school wide tradition.

Do you need some ideas to get started on your homemade gifts?  Here are a three websites with fun, homemade Valentine crafts:

Our own Book Fair is an excellent places to find books for your child's Secret Valentine. In addition, both The Haunted Bookshop in downtown Iowa City and Defunct Books in Sycamore Mall have reasonable prices, a good selection, and are locally owned.  Thank you for participating in this beloved Willowwind tradition!

100 Days Smarter

Thursday, January 29th brought us our 100th Day of School.  We had so much celebrating our first one hundred days together and all that we have learned.  Take a look at a few photos from our day.

Counting out our 100th day snack.  10 sets of 10 yummy treats = 100 pieces of 100th Day Trail Mix.  Yum!  Thank you to those that volunteered to bring in a snack contribution.

Filling in a 100s chart.
How can we use the 100s chart's patterns to help us with our counting?

Yay, we're 100 Days Smarter!  Decorating flags to hang in the class
and completing the sentence, "I can..."

Coloring and graphing shapes found in the number 100.

In addition, we drew self-portraits of what we might look like in 100 years, too.  It was fun to see how they think they'll age....gray hair?, glasses?, a cane?.  In the coming days, take a look at this completed activity on display in our classroom.  A fun surprise awaits as we display not only our drawings but photos, too, that portray what we might look like in 100 years!

All in all, it was a busy day where we also read a variety of books about the 100th day of school and completed 10 sets of exercises including:
10 sit ups
10 squats
10 right hops
10 left hops
10 one foot balances
10 push ups
10 knee touches
10 kick boxes
10 ski sliders
10 jumping jacks

100 times the fun was had!  What a great way to end the month of January!

Reminders & Announcements

Homework Reminders - As we further build school-to-home routines please remember the following:
Book Bags:  Canvas Book Bags and the Black and White book(s) you find inside this semester must return to school each day.  As a reminder, "starred" books are books that your child should be able to read independently.  "No star" books are books your child may need your help with.  When "checkmarks" appear on our Black and White books, then, they can stay at home and no longer need to return to school.  The new plastic bag of (5) paperback books can stay at home but should return each Monday.  Please help build success in this routine.

Random Acts of Kindness:  Please continue to help your child complete, and journal about, their acts of kindness.  Please return this homework as soon as completed.  Feel free to email me your pictures of your child's acts of kindness.  We hope to create a large bulletin board to spread the kindness word.  Your child and the classmates are eager to be leaders in our yearly Kindergarten Kindness initiative.

Book Order and Book Fair
Don't forget - our class's Scholastic Book Orders are due this Friday, February 6.  To order visit club.  First time users, please use the activation code NCNYY.  Also, Willowwind will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair from February 3 - 6 and February 9 - 13. Students, parents, grandparents and anyone in the local community can shop for fiction and nonfiction books for all ages. For more information about the Book Fair, go to our Book Fair Home Page. There, you will find fair hours and a preview of books being sold. Books ordered on-line will be shipped to Willowwind free of charge. Our school receives credit for future purchases based on total sales. Go to Sign Up Genius and enter the access code, giraffe, to find out how you can get involved.
Because of the Book Fair taking place in the GD space for the next week and a half, BSP and ASP will have new temporary locations.  PreK-2 BSP will be held in the Monarch room.  K-2 ASP will be held in the Racerunners classroom.  Please note these new locations as you bring your students to and from Willowwind.

Willowwind Can Drive
You have an opportunity to support Willowwind's music department, which includes band and general music classes, over the next few days. Willowwind will be hosting a CAN DRIVE to benefit the music program. I would like to provide you with an overview of how the process works for those of you unfamiliar with what a can drive is. The can drive involves families donating their empty, recyclable glass, aluminum, and plastic cans and bottles to the school. All cans and bottles are sorted into bags and then taken to the redemption center. The redemption center then pays the school for the items recycled.

Many of you will be busy this weekend, watching the Super Bowl and spending time with family and friends. We are asking you to save any cans and bottles from this event (or any other day this week) and donate them to Willowwind. Drop off day and time will be released next week. Stay tuned for this information coming very soon. The can drive is a great opportunity for you to donate recyclables you would otherwise get rid of while at the same time supporting Willowwind music programs.
This event closely aligns itself with Willowwind's dedication to being environmentally friendly by using recycled materials to fund-raise. Additionally, 100% of the proceeds will go directly back into the music program and ultimately enhance your child's music experience at Willowwind. We hope you are able to save your cans/bottles in the coming days and donate them to Willowwind.

Specials Newsletter - Jan

Music - w/ Katherine
The monthly music blog has been updated.  Please visit to learn more about your child's Willowwind music experience.

Art - w/ Ryan
Kinders just started their first Visual Arts block of 2015 on Jan. 26th. Conejitos and Cottontails are now in the Painting Block, where we will focus on watercolors. Given the nice weather mixed with an abundant amount of packing snow on Monday, I sporadically decided to use the opportunity to present a brief presentation on the work of UK Land /Nature Artist Andy Goldsworthy. Then, students went outside and made land sculptors with snow and sticks being the primary mediums.

We started watercolor by re-exploring shape. At this age, I like to associate the use of Line with Drawing, and Shape with Painting. Kinders have also learned brush maintenance and color mixing. This upcoming week will be using watercolors to explore both imaginary and realistic subject matters. Our artist model will be Georgia O’Keefe.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged their child(ren) to participate in the MidWestOne Kids’ Art Exhibit. To my understanding, jurying of the pieces will occur mid-February. I will let you know of any results as soon as I hear them. Please let me know if you ever any questions, suggestions, or comments for me. Looking forward to a productive and creative 2015.

Spanish w/ Megan
Author’s Cocoa Challenge
 All K-6th grade students used GRIT as they introduced their poems and spoke/sang in Spanish in front of their peers, family, and friends.  We are all so proud of them!

K-2 sang “Buenas Tardes” y “Chocolate” together.  Each student said:
Me llamo __________ .

Owls sang “La Canción de Frutas” together and individually said:
Me llamo __________ .
Voy a leer ___  poemas.

Wolves created their own personalized ways to introduce one another…and recited “The Latino Version of The Night Before Christmas.”

K-6th students are beginning to use their Spanish manners during the Wolf Café.  ¡Un gracias grande a los lobos!
 ¡Hola!   ___________ , por favor.
De nada.

*A few students are even able to say, “Tengo hambre. Más comida, por favor.”  (I’m hungry. More food, please).

¿Qué le gustaría? (What would you like?)
“Me puede dar _______ , por favor?”  (Can you please give me ______ ?)

At Willowwind this January, all niños y niñas learned about…
La Tradición Latina del Día de los Tres Reyes Magos

Tasting Rosca de Reyes - ¡Delicioso!
 *The only place to purchase Rosca in Iowa City is “Acapulco” (near K-Mart) during late December/early January.  It was a special treat for todos los niños in PreK-6th grade during both Spanish class and ASP.  Dos roscas fed over 200 people!  One Willowwind student even took her family to la tiendaAcapulco” to purchase rosca for her family!  How fun to learn and share traditions around the world!

Los Tres Reyes Magos
visitando a ASP…¡sorpresa! ¡Muchas gracias, Reyes, por la visita!

¡Los camelsSome students took “camel rides” during Tres Reyes week.

PreK and K-6 enjoyed being together during ASP to share rosca y chocolate after a special visit from “Los Tres Reyes Magos.”  They also enjoyed tasting Mrs. Hwida’s special African rice for the celebration! ¡Delicioso!