Monday, February 9, 2015

Acts of Kindness Week - Help Needed!

Our Act of Kindness Week is here!  The Kindergartners have been working throughout the course of January and February planning for this big week.  Students started by defining Giving and Kindness, then encourage other friends and students at WW to get in on the Kindness fun, and have also been planning all sorts of acts of kindness to complete at school and in the community.

Save the Date!  The Kindergarten classes will be venturing into the Iowa City community THIS Friday, February 13th.  Students will be taking the city bus so no booster seats will be needed.  Your help is needed; however in helping us gather supplies for our Acts of Kindness fun.  Click HERE to see which supplies we are in need of and where you can help.  Please bring in supplies by THIS Thursday, February 12th.

Here is how we will be showing kindness for those at WW and beyond!
Preschool:  Reading Buddies
Conejitos:  Extra Recess Games
Prairie Racerunners:  Book Fair Book Gift
Owls:  Board Game Fun
Wolves:  Puzzle Gift
ASP:  Arts & Crafts Activity
Faculty & Staff:  Breakfast Treats
Larry (Our Custodian):  Thank You Letter Scavenger Hunt

On Friday, we will be heading out into the community to spread the love in the following ways:
•  delivering treats to the Iowa City Fire Department and Public Library
•  handing out well wishes w/ flowers on the ped mall
•  delivering gift cards to unsuspecting patrons
•  saying thank you with "hugs & kisses" to our Towncrest passengers & bus driver
•  leaving notes on cars
•  delivering study aides to Ms. Megan's friends
•  leave quarters on vending machines
•  hot cocoa stand (this idea is still pending)
•  pick up trash

Throughout the week and on our field trip we will also continue to:
•  smile at others
•  say "Hello."
•  hold doors open
•  wave
•  be kind, be nice, be happy.

Today, we delivered our first act of kindness to our Wolf friends.  Take a look at the pictures.

Preparing our gift.  Decorating our wrapping paper and writing a letter.

Delivery Time!

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