Sunday, October 11, 2015

We are Makers! Are you?!

Willowwind is calling all Makers!! We are looking for parents and family members to share the importance of doing with our student community.  You can help change the way we learn, ideate, design, create, and build the feature.  Does your career require you to think outside of the box?  Do you like to get your hands dirty with your hobbies and passions?  We'd love you to share your expertise with our students.  If you are interested in coming in to talk with our students please let me know.  Showing students how "doing" is an important life skill is essential.  Your support in helping grow our makers is much appreciated.  Make, collaborate and share!

Save the date!  Barnes and Noble is hosting a mini Maker faire - November 6-8. 
Click HERE to learn more about the Maker movement!

Kindergarteners have begun studying the idea of doing and making.  Throughout the school year, we will focus on famous makers that inspire us to make and do and positively impact the world.  Before studying other makers, we have been looking at us and how we can be makers.  We use our classroom activities to create and imagine.

We are looking to create a "Tinkering Table"!  Do you have "things" the we can use to create and redesign into prototypes for possible inventions to help ourselves and others.  We'd love your scraps...   recyclables (plastic containers, towel / paper tubes, etc.), wood scraps, tools, nails, sand name it!  The imagination is limitless and your "trash" could be our treasure.  Please feel free to bring your items in with your Kindergartener.

Building Roller Coasters

Building Homes

Building Ramps

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