Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Oaknoll Field Trip - TOMORROW Wed, Mar 2

Tomorrow brings our final Kindness field trip to Oaknoll Retirement Community.  I received an email from their Outreach Coordinator, Brianna, and their residents are very excited for our visit.

THANK YOU to all for reaching out and offering your support with drivers.  We are set for drivers, so please be sure your child leaves their booster seat at school tomorrow.  I know that work schedules are crazy and I appreciate all of your kind words and offers to help out.  This field trip is a highlight in our year (and often a highlight of my teaching career).  I'd like to make this a monthly event for our Spring activities and hope to plan accordingly with dates that work best for you - our parent drivers.  It appears that Mondays and Fridays may work best for some parents.  Please let me know what day would work best for your schedule to accompany as a driver.  I will try to accommodate our schedule based on driver availability.

Thank you again for your support and be sure to leave your child's booster seat tomorrow.

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