Saturday, August 20, 2016

Kindergarten Routine: Arrival & Dismissal

Beginning Monday, school starts at 8:15, but your child is welcome to come into class as early as 8:00 am.  Parents are always welcomed, too.  BSP is available for a part-time or full-time rate.  BSP takes place in the Gathering Space.  We will dismiss at 3:15 where friends who are going home will meet families outside the front entrance at the base of the steps.  ASP friends will make their way to the Gathering Space where ASP is available (for part-time or full-time rates) until 6:00.  Every Thursday, K-6 will dismiss at 2:00 following the same dismissal routine.

At dismissal time please DO NOT leave your car unattended in the fire lane.  This area with the red curb is meant to be a quick loading zone. If you arrive for pick up and the Kindergarteners are not outside waiting please loop around the circle drive to aid in pick up.  If you would like to greet your child on the steps please park your car in the designated parking spots.  Additional parking is available across the street at the River Community Church.

When your child leaves school at the end of each day, please be sure that they have said goodbye and confirmed with me that their designated pick up adult is here.  With the busyness of pick up it is essential that they say goodbye to me directly so I know that they have made their way to you.  Thank you for your help with this.

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