Thursday, February 23, 2017

VIP Day - Friday, March 31

Willowwind PreK-6 grade students are looking forward to our annual VIP Day.  Please read carefully as some changes to our tradition have been made.  In efforts to further “Connect.  Collaborate.  Think Critically.”, this year’s VIP Day will take on a new vision as we continue to work to show our broader community what makes Willowwind unique.  On March 31st’s VIP Day, each PreK-6 classroom will invite one dynamic community member to Willowwind to share our school’s unique learning philosophy and how it comes to life within their classroom.  Each classroom will use the coming days to brainstorm together community members they feel would make excellent VIPs for their classroom.  Then, students will reach out via written and verbal communication formally inviting their classroom’s VIP to Willowwind throughout the day on March 31st.

While VIP Days of the past have opened doors to our students’ family members we hope that our Willowwind families will see the value the changes in 2017’s VIP Day will present our students as they continue to connect and collaborate with the community larger than Willowwind School.  With the changes being made to VIP Day, we want to remind Willowwind families that our doors are always open to visitors, and students’ personal VIPs are welcomed to visit at any time (with prior discussion with child’s classroom teacher).

Our annual Spring Music Concert will conclude our VIP Day where all family members and friends are invited to attend.  For the Spring Music Concert, please join Willowwind students across the street at the River Community Church at 1:45.

Finally, please note, I will be absent this day due to my Grandma's upcoming funeral in Minnesota.  I'm so sad to miss both our VIP and the Spring Music Concert (and all of our students hard work), but Ms. Erin will be here and is ready for the fun this different day will bring.  The Kindergarten class has sent out an invitation to our special VIP and we hope that her schedule will allow her to come to Willowwind on the 31st.  We will keep you posted on who this special VIP is.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

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