Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A FULL Take Home Folder

Our Take Home Folder is full of at-home activities, homework, and parent letters. Please take time tonight to go through your child's Take Home Folder. Here is a bit more information to further understand what you find.

Seed Fundraiser
Our Seed Fundraiser began yesterday and the students are so excited! In your child's folder you will find a catalog with an enclosed order form and attached script. Together we brainstormed ways to collect orders. Ideas included calling / visiting family members, friends, having moms and dads bring the catalog to work, and visiting neighbors in your neighborhood. We also set a goal for each student to sell 10 collections. Help your child gather orders (and money) during the next two weeks. This fundraiser will end on Tuesday, January 31st when you should submit your order form and money. Please see the previous blog posting for more information. Thanks for your help! Happy fundraising!

MidWest One Bank Art Exhibit Permission Form
Each year Willowwind students participate in MidWest One Bank's kids art exhibit. Buffy works with students to select a piece of artwork to submit. Parent permission is needed for your child to participate in this activity. Please fill out the permission form and return to Amber, Buffy, or me no later than NEXT Monday, January 23rd.

100th Day of School Homework
Today, your child is bringing home their 100th Day of School homework. Please follow the directions found in the letter and return no later than NEXT Wednesday, January 25th. I am still in need of parents to help bring in snack items. Please used the 100th Day Snack Sign Up link to help provide part of the snack. Please see the previous blog posting for more information.

Blue SIght Word Flashcards
This week, the Yellow spelling group is beginning their study of sight words ("Weekly Words"). Each week the Cottontails will study two, three, or four sight words during our "Weekly Word" focus. Please have your child cut out these blue flashcards and practice them nightly. We will practice these words daily at school, too. Together we have discussed that sight words are words are brains should "just know". Often times, sight words do not follow the English language rules and just need to be memorized. We understand that if we can learn these words it will give our brain the change to focus on more challenging words.

Other Items
In your child's folder you will also find:
• this week's Cottontail Communicator
this week's math packet with added fact practice
• last week's completed math packet
• last week's time test
Math In Focus's Chapter 7 parent letter
• a new Spelling sort

As always, email with questions or concerns. Thanks for your help!!

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