Monday, January 9, 2012

Time Test Tuesday & Math Fact Flashcards

This week brings a few new routines during our math time. The Cottontails are really excited to strengthen their math fact skills!

Time Test Tuesday
Each Tuesday, students will complete a three minute time test focusing on memorizing their basic math facts. As students score a 90% or higher they will move onto more challenging math facts. The goal is to memorize all our basic addition and subtraction facts so that we can readily and easily solve harder problems as we move into two-digit and three-digit addition and subtraction. Look for your child's time test to go home the following Monday

Math Flashcards
On Mondays, your child will begin to regularly bring home a sheet of basic math fact flashcards. As students individually progress through Tuesday's time test they will take home more flashcards. Please see that your child cuts these cards out and practices them nightly. We will be taking time during our daily Morning Meetings to practice our basic math facts while at school, too.

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