Monday, September 9, 2013

New Routines: Bucket Fillers

One of our favorite books so far this year has been Have You Filled a Bucket Today?.

It's easy-to-understand concept regarding everyone's need to fill our "invisible buckets" is one that the Cottontails eagerly enjoy. Throughout the week, they have been verbalizing and showing ways to fill each others' bucket. Look for regular "Quiet Observations" blog postings as I highlight a document the sweetness of these actions. Ask your child about acts of kindness and bucket filling. We've all vowed to be bucket fillers NOT bucket dippers.

After reading, we brainstormed actions that would make us Bucket Fillers (yay!) and actions that would hurt others' feelings making us Bucket Fillers (:( ). Take a look at our work below.


We know now that being Bucket Fillers help us become great classmates. Once we truly understood the importance of filling each others' buckets we brainstormed all the things a great classmate is, does, says, and does not. We compiled our information into the quad chart below.


Not only do we work hard to fill our classmates' buckets but we also work hard together to fill our class mascots' buckets! Rufus & Rudy, our class rabbits, our constantly on the look out for Bucket Filler behavior. When they see great working being done they report back to Michelle so that the Cottontails can add a sparkly gem to fill the rabbits' bucket. A bucket full of gems makes for happy rabbits, happy Kindergarteners, and happy teachers. This in turn leads to a class wide reward that may include a special party, an extra recess or Center time, a movie, or many other student generated options. Use Bucket Filler and Bucket Dipper vocabulary at home to help reinforce this behavior in your own Kindergartener. We will keep you posted on our positive progress!

When working hard to be Bucket Fillers problems with friends can sometimes arise. We read
Peace Week in Miss Fox's Class and learned a lot about the importance of working problems out with friends. It was nice to see how kind Miss Fox's friends were. In our class, we have "The Four Steps" to help us solve problems with friends. Using "The Four Steps" in Kindergarten will help make every week Peace Week at Willowwind. Try using "The Four Steps" at home with your Kindergartener.
The Four Steps
1. Use an I-Message.
2. Ignore
3. Walk Away
4. Tell a Teacher
5. Have fun and work it out! This step was added by last year's class. Our current Cottontails loved it so much they thought it was best to add it to our "Four Steps".


We love reading all of our books about being a good friend! They have helped us see the importance in being kind to one another.Don't forget! Take a look at our Book Shelf tab for all the great books we read throughout the school year. Is there one book in particular your child really enjoyed? Click on the book and the link will take you to Shelfari where you can connect with Amazon to order your child's new favorite book!

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