Thursday, December 19, 2013

End of 2013 Reminders

A few reminders before our last day of school before break.

Holiday Sing Along - TOMORROW, Friday, December 20th  8:00 - 8:30
Katherine, our wonderful music teacher is set for our special Holiday Sing Along in her classroom tomorrowmorning from 8:00 - 8:30.  Please arrive to school a bit early tomorrow so that your child can participate in the fun!

Authors' Cocoa - Tomorrow, Friday, December 20th  1:30 - 3:00
We are set to share our poetry with our Willowwind community.  We hope to see you there.  Your Kinder is thrilled to stand "tall, loud, and proud" in front of others to read their poetry aloud.

Winter Break Homework Packet - Return, Monday, January 6th
Today, your child took home a Winter Break Homework Packet.  This packet is for your child to complete over the two week winter break.  It is so important to keep you child in a routine over break.  Continuing to read, write, do math, and work with others is important when a school routine is disrupted.  In this homework packet you will find:
•  math fact family practice
•  letter sound practice
•  color by number
•  color by sight word
•  graphing practice
•  following direction activities

Other things to complete over break:
•  write letters / thank you cards
•  journal about Winter Break
•  practice basic math facts - (We'll get into this more and more when we return from break.)
•  read daily
•  Have Fun!

Have your child bring their Winter Break Homework Packet back to school on Monday, January 6th.

Rest Time Blankets
Rest Time Blankets went home today.  Excitingly, when we return from Winter Break our Quiet Rest Time will turn into a Quiet Reading Time where we will continue to relax and rest our bodies but also work on reading fluency, comprehension, and stamina.  Because of this, Rest Time Blankets do not need to return to school following Winter Break.

Enjoy your break!  Have fun and enjoy the extra time with your family and friends.  See you next year (Monday, January 6th, 2014)!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Library Love - Bring Favorite Book by Wed, Dec 18

We really enjoy our monthly library field trips.  It is so much fun to catch the bus and use the public library's resources to check out books and build our reading fluency and comprehension.  The last few months have been filled with extra fun as Mr. Luis has joined us and we have had the opportunity to travel to the library with our 1/2 friends.

Kindergartners have been learning to use the library in a variety of ways.  They have…
•  been encouraged to look to librarians for help in finding books.  
•  been checking out books from both the fiction picture book section and the non-fiction section, too.
•  utilized the "Books on CD" section of the library to check out books to listen to fluent readers in helping them build their own fluency.
•  found the "Holidays Section" of the library to check out books about Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannuakh, and more.
•  enjoyed our monthly opportunities to participate in ICPL's Preschool / Kindergarten story time.

With Mr. Luis's visit, Kindergarteners learned about bilingual books and where to find Spanish stories.  When traveling with our 1/2 friends, it is amazing to see the library and literacy growth that grows over time thanks to our monthly visits.  While Kindergarteners look for picture books and enjoy story time, 1/2 friends use online catalogs to look up and find non-fiction texts to help with research projects back at school.  I am amazed at the 1/2 students' ability to find appropriate texts to use for research.  This can be done due to the library building blocks that are built in Kindergarten.  Not only are our monthly library trips fun, but they are incredibly educational, fulfilling and important, too!

Story Time Fun!

As a reminder, books from our December field trip are due Thursday, January 2nd.  Please note, your child may have checked out a holiday book with a seven-day loan limit on it.  If so, these books are due next Wednesday, January 18th.

In addition, to our fun at the library Kindergarteners continue to build their love for reading at school.  Willowwind friends of all ages are sharing their favorite books with one another.  Please have your child bring in their favorite book by THIS Wednesday, December 18th.  In the coming weeks, we will display all Willowwind friends' favorite books and share them with school mates.  This book can be the same favorite book from our classroom share a few months back or it can be a different one.  Please be sure your child's name is in the book.

Giving Thanks During this Season of Giving

Thanksgiving and the holiday season that follows gives us time to reflect on those we are thankful for and show the importance of giving.  Enjoy some of our photos from our Thanksgiving Feast preparation and Feast fun!

Frosting Pumpkin Cookies with Brown Buttered Frosting
Click above for recipe.

Assembling Turkey Centerpieces with Meridith

Our Turkey Centerpieces

The Menu - all food prepared by students

Our Willowwind Family - Thanksgiving Feast 2013

Take a look at the November 2013 photo album for more photos of November fun.

As November moved to December and we now quickly move toward the new year, we look at how we have much to be thankful for and look for ways to give to others.  In January and February, students will be focusing on ways to extend the season of giving through acts of kindness.  In doing so, it is important for Kindergarteners to see that a giving heart does not only occur during the holiday season but should continue to occur year round.  Our Winter months will be full of fun including a variety of field trips (stay tuned for our upcoming monthly field trips to Oaknoll Retirement Community) and student-led projects.

In addition, to our classroom activities, Willowwind students are preparing for a wonderful Day of Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Since September, Willowwind students of all ages have divided into six "Service Learning Biomes" to create service learning opportunities to perform on this special day.  Some biomes are traveling to retirement communities and other biomes are traveling to animal shelters, while some biomes are partnering with other local communities like Make-a-Wish and the College of Public Health to work together to promote important causes.  Ask your child about their Service Learning Biome and what their biome's plans are on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 20th.  They are eager to share their projects with others.


A few quick reminders as we make our way into the last week of school before Winter Break.

Authors' Cocoa

Authors' Cocoa is this coming week.  Take a look in your child's Take Home Folder for an invitation inviting YOU and other loved ones to the event.  Our older friends will be performing on Thursday, December 19th from 12:30 - 2:00.  Come check out their writings and poetry as they perform.  We, along with our 1/2 friends will be performing on Friday, December 20th from 1:30 - 3:00.  Come listen to us read our poetry.  We have been practicing our poetry and working on our fluency skills and public speaking skills.

We are still looking for volunteers to help with set up and tear down on both days as well as a donation of cups to hold hot liquids.  Please visit the Authors' Cocoa Sign Up Sheet if you are interested in helping out.  We look forward to seeing you there.  The Cottontails are very excited!

Favorite Book
Please be sure your child brings in their Favorite Book by Wednesday, December 18th.  Kindergarteners had a chance to share their favorite books with each other earlier in the year.  Now, we'd like to share our books with our school mates and the Willowwind Community.  Please look to the above blog "Library Love" for more information.

Home Language Survey

On Monday, your child will be taking home a letter and two page survey regarding language uses at home.  Please fill out at your earliest convenience and return to Amber at the Front Desk no later than January 6th.  Please let me know if you have questions.

2014 Spring After School Enrichment Programs

We are now accepting registrations for our 2014 Spring After School Enrichment Programs for preschool through 6th grade students. Learners can participate in classes as diverse as yoga, cooking, art and physics!  Click here for class and registration information.  If you have any questions, please contact Willowwind's Program Director, Katherine Anderson, at  We are looking forward to a great semester of discovery and learning!

Spaghetti Dinner Food Drive - A message from the Burrowing Owls
The Burrowing Owl Class would appreciate your donation of food for a spaghetti dinner for those in need. A spaghetti dinner would include these nonperishable ingredients: canned fruit, canned vegetables, spaghetti pasta, and tomato sauce. We will be donating these dinners to the food pantry associated with River Community Church. This is a place where people who can’t afford a nice holiday dinner can just walk in and take food to feed their families. Please put all the food you donate in the boxes in the entryway of Willowwind School. The boxes will be there from December 9-December 16. All the food you give will help our community during this holiday season. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!          
Girl Scouts
The Willowwind Girl Scout Troop will resume meetings in January.  Students will meet on Thursday, January 16th, 30th, and February 13th and 27th at 3:30-4:30pm.  Any girls turning five by these dates are welcome to join the troop.  Please contact Girl Scout coordinator, Janet Choplick at if you are interested. 

Save the Date!  Willowwind's 2nd Annual Spring Gala & Auction - Saturday, February 8th

Join Willowwind parents, faculty, & friends for an exciting evening of local food, beverages, and an amazing silent & live auction.  Order your tickets today (see below).  We need your help to make this years gala & auction a success.  Here is how you can help.

Attend - It's an exciting & fun evening with great food, beverages, entertainment, and over 100 different items to bid on.  Every dollar raised goes to benefit Willowwind! Click here to buy your tickets!

Sponsorship - It's not too late to become a sponsor for the gala.  Contact Matt Gibson at mattg.reminisce@gmail .com for more information

Donate - We are looking for silent and live auction items.  Last year some of the great donations included  A Weekend in Galena,  A new KindleHD, original artwork by local artists, incredible Willowwind teacher experiences, 50 yard line tickets to an Iowa football game, a 5 Star Weekend in Chicago, and dozens more. Contact Andria Gibson if you would like to donate an item or experience for the 2014 auction at

Volunteer  - We need your help to organize, coordinate, promote & more.  Contact Andria Gibson if you are interested in volunteering for the 2014 Willowwind Gala & Auction.

Winter Weather

With a week or so of Fall left, Winter is definitely here!  Take a look at the notes below to help build a strong Winter routine for your child and your family.

Winter Gear

We grew anxious this week as Mother Nature and her blustery cold kept us inside thanks to below zero wind chills.  Please note, though, that if those wind chill temps jump up above zero (even up to just one degree) we will take advantage of the opportunity to get outside and run out some of that Winter energy.  Because of this, please be sure your child is prepared for outside play EVERY DAY.  Winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots are required.  Feel free to leave an extra set of these items at school if that makes it more convenient for your family.

Also, please note your child may store winter items in their cubby and boots in the school's boot cubbies near the North recess door.  Because of these two locations, smaller winter items can sometimes be found in both of these places.  As you work hard to help your child keep track of their things, encourage them to look in these two spots for misplaced items.  Otherwise, they may make their way to the school wide Lost and Found near the elevator.  Most often times, missing items magically turn up a day or two later.  My missing red glove (only a week old) was lost on Thursday and found on Friday.  It happens to us all.


A much loved Willowwind tradition is the opportunity to sled with our friends on Willowwind's playground hill.  Your child is welcome to bring in their sled and share it with friends of all ages on days when the snow has completely covered the hill.   Please be sure to label your child's sled well.  Please no inflatable sleds or sleds with skis or pointy parts.  Standard plastic long sleds and disc sleds are welcomed!  Sledding at recess makes these bitter, cold, Iowa, winter days so much more fun!

Pink Snow Flags

With the snow here, our landscaping service has posted pink flags to help guide their snowblowers and shovels.  Please encourage your child to leave these pink flags staked in the ground.  Their pretty color makes it tempting to pull and play with.  Many thanks for your help!

Winter Weather Cancellations

Willowwind School follows the Iowa City Community School District for school cancellations, early dismissals or late starts due to inclement weather. In the event of an early dismissal, there is no after-school care.  After-school classes and half-day PM preschool will be cancelled.  Similarly, in the event of a late start, there is no before-school care and half-day AM preschool classes will be cancelled.  Because we are not able to provide a before-school program on these days, we ask that you do not drop-off children before 10:00 am  School cancellations are posted as soon as possible on KWWL and KCRG media.  Other communication to parents will come in the forms of an email or a Facebook post.  KCRG can also send a text alert to your phone, click here to do so.  Thanks for keeping our students safe! 

Silver Wolf Cafe Correction

Please note that there is an error in the pricing for Silver Wolf Cafe.  Banditos Taco Bar will be served on 9 dates, not 10, and Jimmy Jack's sandwiches will be served on 8 days, not 7.  

The prices have been adjusted as follows:

One Meal for K-6: $5.00
Tacos Unlimited K-6: $45 (there will be nine meals)
BBQ Unlimited K-6: $40 (there will be eight meals)
Pasta Unlimited for K-6: $50 (there will be ten meals)
Asian Unlimited for K-6: $35 (there will be seven meals)
Pizza Unlimited for K-6: $85 (there will be seventeen meals)
All Unlimited for K-6: $245 (there will be fifty-one meals - you receive two free!)

One Meal for PreK: $4.00
Tacos Unlimited for Pre-K: $36 (there will be nine meals)
BBQ Unlimited for Pre-K: $32 (there will be eight meals)
Pasta Unlimited for Pre-K: $40 (there will be ten meals)
Asian Unlimited for Pre-K: $28 (there will be seven meals)
Pizza Unlimited for Pre-K: $68 (there will be seventeen meals)
All Unlimited for Pre-K: $196 (there will be fifty-one meals - you receive two free!)

Apologies for the error, and thank you for supporting our fundraising cafe!

The Wolves Class

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Message from the Silver Wolf Cafe (Wolves Classroom)

Dear Families,

It is the beginning of a new year for the Wolves' restaurant! As you may know, each year the Wolves sell hot lunch for all Willowwind students. Our class has decided to call this year's business 'Silver Wolf Cafe.' All proceeds go to paying for our class trip that we will take in April.

We will provide delicious and healthy food from Banditos, Jimmy Jack's, Hy-Vee, and the Wedge at good prices for families. We will be serving lunch on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays starting on Tuesday, January 15 and ending on Friday, May 23.  Meals need to be pre-purchased.  We will be serving Banditos and Jimmy Jack's on alternate Tuesdays, and on Thursdays we will be serving Hy-Vee. We will be serving the Wedge on Fridays.  Each meal has a vegetarian option.  Please let us know of allergies or other special meal needs when you order.  

We will be selling lunch tickets before school on Monday through Friday from 8:00-8:30, and after school on M, Tu, W, and F from 3:15-3:30. If unable to purchase at this time, email the Silver Wolf Cafe to make arrangements. We will be selling on VIP Day (Monday, April 7), but we will not be selling April 14-18 because it will be our class trip. You can view the menu here. Our first day of selling will be this Thursday, December 12th.

One Meal for K-6: $5.00
Tacos Unlimited K-6: $50 (there will be ten meals)
BBQ Unlimited K-6: $35 (there will be seven meals)
Pasta Unlimited for K-6: $50 (there will be ten meals)
Asian Unlimited for K-6: $35 (there will be seven meals)
Pizza Unlimited for K-6: $85 (there will be seventeen meals)
All Unlimited for K-6: $245 (there will be fifty-one meals)

One Meal for PreK: $4.00
Tacos Unlimited for Pre-K: $40 (there will be ten meals)
BBQ Unlimited for Pre-K: $28 (there will be seven meals)
Pasta Unlimited for Pre-K: $40 (there will be ten meals)
Asian Unlimited for Pre-K: $28 (there will be seven meals)
Pizza Unlimited for Pre-K: $68 (there will be seventeen meals)
All Unlimited for Pre-K: $196 (there will be fifty-one meals)

Parents and guests are welcome to pre purchase and join us for our meals.

Please let us know if you have any questions at this address:

We thank you in advance for supporting our class trip.

The Wolves Class
Silver Wolf Cafe

A Message from the Orange Service Learning Biome

Dream Like Dashiell

The Orange Service Learning Group, also known as the Dessert Biome, has spent the last few months developing a project to help Make-A-Wish.  This organization helps dreams come true for children with life threatening illnesses.  One of our fellow Willowwind students, Dashiell Codd, is an example of someone we know who has benefited from this program.  We are hoping to raise money to help grant a wish for another child, as well as donate our time to adopt a wish.  

Make-A-Wish helps kids focus on positive things despite the challenges they are facing, so we decided to make some dream-catchers, which help us focus on our good dreams.  The students made and decorated several dream catchers, which we are "selling" for a suggested donation.  All donations should be placed in the box on the table.  Please visit our table near the front office to purchase a dream-catcher, or just to make a donation to our cause.  

In addition, your child took home a Letter to Santa template created by the Orange biome.  Your child can add their own wish to the letter and return it to school. When returned to school, Willowwind will mail ALL letters to Macy's where Macy's will donate $1 in Dashiell's honor.  Macy's will be sure to mail the letters on to the North Pole.  Please return letters by Friday, December 13th.

We thank you in advance for your support!!

A Message from the Burrowing Owls

Hello Willowwind Families,

The Burrowing Owl Class would appreciate your donation of food for a spaghetti dinner for those in need. A spaghetti dinner would include these nonperishable ingredients: canned fruit, canned vegetables, spaghetti pasta, and tomato sauce. We will be donating these dinners to the food pantry associated with River Community Church. This is a place where people who can’t afford a nice holiday dinner can just walk in and take food to feed their families. Please put all the food you donate in the boxes in the entryway of Willowwind School. The boxes will be there from December 9-December 16. All the food you give will help our community during this holiday season.

The Burrowing Owl Class (3/4)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Volunteer Opportunities

Hello! The Cottontails are looking for your help! Email me if you are interested in any of the following opportunities.

1) Weekly Rag Washing
We are in need of a family to help out with weekly rag washing for the second semester. An interested family can earn one hour of volunteer hours a week for this opportunity to take home our classrooms' rags and wash. A big thank you to Lagartija Claire's mom for her first semester help in washing rags. your at home help with this weekly opportunity is much appreciated.

2) Preschool to Kindergarten Night Snacks
Willowwind is looking for a handful of families to provide snacks for our upcoming Preschool to Kindergarten Transition Night THIS NEXT Tuesday, December 10th. Visit Sign Up Genius for volunteer opportunities. Signing up to do so can earn your family 30 minutes of volunteer service. Thank you for helping make this event a yummy success.

3) Play Dough Making
The Cottontails are using a variety of mediums to practice writing and spelling - pens, pencils, crayons, markers, dry erase markers, shaving cream, and play dough, too! It is fun to use both regular and alternative mediums to write. We especially love making words with play dough. We are looking for one family to make a class set of play dough. This can be done at home and can earn your family one volunteer hour. Let me know if you and your child would like to make play dough. I'd be happy to send you a "smells good" play dough Kool-Aid recipe.

4) Authors' Cocoa
Supplies are needed, and parents help is needed for set up, tear down, and cocoa serving. Please visit the Authors' Cocoa Sign Up sheet if you are interested in helping out.

Thank you for your support and help in all we do!

Authors' Cocoa - Thurs, Dec 19 & Fri, Dec 20

Willowwind is pleased to announce our annual Authors' Coca! This is a wonderful event where your child will have the opportunity to READ a variety of their own writing pieces. Come celebrate their Literary success! On Thursday, December 19th, from 1:30 - 3:00, the 3-6 graders will present their writing and on Friday, December 20th, K-2 grade will present their individual writing pieces from 1:30 - 3:00. You are welcome to come and listen to our young readers. Come on Friday and listen to your child and their classmates read or come both days and listen and see how Willowwind's students' writing grows throughout the grades. On Friday, we will enjoy treats and cocoa to celebrate our hard work and literary successes. We are in need of parent volunteers to help out on both days. Click HERE to sign up.

Below is a sample invitation that the Kindergarteners will create and send home next week. Be sure to check your child's Take Home Folder for your own personal invitation.

Authors' Cocoa
Who: Willowwind Friends
What: Sharing Poetry
When: Friday, December 8th 1:30 - 3:00
Where: GD Space
Why: To share our love for reading with you!

We hope to see you for our much anticipated Cocoa event. Look for more information to come, but to continue our literary celebration one of your child's Authors' Cocoa pieces may be submitted to Iowa City's annual Poetry in Public contest this Winter.

MidWest One Art Exhibit

A message from our art teacher, Ryan. If you have questions about MidWest One's guidelines and submission form let Ryan or me know. We'd happy to answer any questions. Happy artistry!


The Call for Entries for the 2014 MidWestOne Kids’ Art Exhibit has begun!

For those of you unfamiliar with the Kids’ Art Exhibit, it is an art exhibit that the MidwestOne bank hosts for local primary schools every year. All K-6 students are able to enter and attend the reception at the bank downtown free of charge.

Seeing all the beautiful creations made already this year, I highly encourage all Willowwind students to enter. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to proudly present their talent and represent Willowwind School to the community. The deadline is Friday, January 17, 2014 and the specific guidelines for artwork can be found on the MidWestOne handout. Drop off submissions on the small table in the Scholar’s Studio (by the door), and make sure the form is completed and attached to the back.

The kiddos will be busy making Partner Books during the upcoming Visual Arts blocks, so I cannot guarantee class time for Kids’ Art Exhibit submissions. This means that the masterpieces for this show will have to be made outside of the school day, most likely at home. However, I am here to help! Please do not hesitate to ask me for any supplies your child may need to complete their creative project. Send any requests or questions to

Thank you for your ongoing support for the Arts and encouraging creativity at home. It always warms my heart seeing what wonderful things students make outside of Art class.

Let there be Art!

Ryan Bentzinger

2nd Annual Gala & Auction - Sat, Feb 8
