Saturday, December 7, 2013

MidWest One Art Exhibit

A message from our art teacher, Ryan. If you have questions about MidWest One's guidelines and submission form let Ryan or me know. We'd happy to answer any questions. Happy artistry!


The Call for Entries for the 2014 MidWestOne Kids’ Art Exhibit has begun!

For those of you unfamiliar with the Kids’ Art Exhibit, it is an art exhibit that the MidwestOne bank hosts for local primary schools every year. All K-6 students are able to enter and attend the reception at the bank downtown free of charge.

Seeing all the beautiful creations made already this year, I highly encourage all Willowwind students to enter. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to proudly present their talent and represent Willowwind School to the community. The deadline is Friday, January 17, 2014 and the specific guidelines for artwork can be found on the MidWestOne handout. Drop off submissions on the small table in the Scholar’s Studio (by the door), and make sure the form is completed and attached to the back.

The kiddos will be busy making Partner Books during the upcoming Visual Arts blocks, so I cannot guarantee class time for Kids’ Art Exhibit submissions. This means that the masterpieces for this show will have to be made outside of the school day, most likely at home. However, I am here to help! Please do not hesitate to ask me for any supplies your child may need to complete their creative project. Send any requests or questions to

Thank you for your ongoing support for the Arts and encouraging creativity at home. It always warms my heart seeing what wonderful things students make outside of Art class.

Let there be Art!

Ryan Bentzinger

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