Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Message from the Orange Service Learning Biome

Dream Like Dashiell

The Orange Service Learning Group, also known as the Dessert Biome, has spent the last few months developing a project to help Make-A-Wish.  This organization helps dreams come true for children with life threatening illnesses.  One of our fellow Willowwind students, Dashiell Codd, is an example of someone we know who has benefited from this program.  We are hoping to raise money to help grant a wish for another child, as well as donate our time to adopt a wish.  

Make-A-Wish helps kids focus on positive things despite the challenges they are facing, so we decided to make some dream-catchers, which help us focus on our good dreams.  The students made and decorated several dream catchers, which we are "selling" for a suggested donation.  All donations should be placed in the box on the table.  Please visit our table near the front office to purchase a dream-catcher, or just to make a donation to our cause.  

In addition, your child took home a Letter to Santa template created by the Orange biome.  Your child can add their own wish to the letter and return it to school. When returned to school, Willowwind will mail ALL letters to Macy's where Macy's will donate $1 in Dashiell's honor.  Macy's will be sure to mail the letters on to the North Pole.  Please return letters by Friday, December 13th.

We thank you in advance for your support!!

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