Tuesday, January 28, 2014


A few quick reminders / announcements to send your way.

1)  Library Field Trip - TOMORROW, Wednesday, January 29
Please be sure your child has their library card for our field trip tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29th.  We will be leaving Willowwind at 9:30 and returning around 12:15.  As we continue to build our reading brains and reading stamina, Kinders will be learning to find "just right" books on this trip to the library

2)  Gala Gift Basket Sign Up
Donations due THIS Thursday, January 30
Please, please, please take a moment to visit THIS spreadsheet to sign up to bring one or two under $5 items for our classroom gift basket (Let them Eat Cupcakes!).  Your support is needed and much appreciated.  If we all sign dup for one item each we'd have a fabulous basket to auction off at this year's Gala (Saturday, February 8th  6:30 - 9:30 at Hotel Vetro).  Buy tickets HERE or in WW's Front Entry Way.

3)  100th Day of School Snack Sign Up
Bring snack donation by THIS Friday, January 31
Our 100th day of school is almost here.  We will be celebrating on Monday, February 3rd and are in need of snack donations (10 snacks for students to count 10 pieces out of equaling 100 pieces total).  Please visit THIS spreadsheet to bring in a snack.  Please see Saturday, January 25th's blog post for ideas.  In addition, please help your child complete their 100th Day of School Collection homework by Monday, February 3rd a parent letter went home via Satuday, January 25th's blog posting and today in your child's Take Home Folder.

4)  Malfunctioning Copier  :(
It appears that our copier does not like Tuesdays, late starts, and this weather, too.  It is down again and therefore Spelling homework and Math packets did not get distributed today.  It is my hopes to send home Spelling tomorrow and we may forego a Math packet for the week.  The office is working tirelessly to fix the issue and I will keep you posted as I send home delayed homework.  Thank you for your flexibility.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Please Take Note - Mark Calendars

The Winter months bring a variety of activities to keep us warm and busy during these cold days and long nights. As we reach the mid-year, please be sure to stay attuned to the ongoings and requests to help with your child's fun and successful school days. While I recognize that Willowwind provides you with a lot of information regarding classroom, school wide, and community wide events please make note of all needs and email at any time with questions or concerns.

I try hard to provide a variety of reminders are about upcoming events in a variety of ways. For your reference please refer to blog postings, the "Upcoming Events" and "Reminders" sections of the website (located on the right side bar of the
Welcome page), emails, the website calendar, and your child's weekly Cottontail Communicator for these reminders of needs.

Please make note of the important information in the following blog posts and upcoming blog posts. January, February, March and beyond are going to continue to be busy months.

This blog posting comes on the heels of Friday's field trip. The field trip to Oaknoll was a huge success and it was fun to see old and young come together, but prior to leaving many Kindergarteners were without booster seats worrying me that this critical field trip may not happen after all. Due to the size of our school please be aware of field trip dates and booster seat needs. The only time booster seats are not needed is on our monthly trips to the public library.

In addition,
~ Please be sure your child is prepared for outdoor play. We will go outside as long as the air temps stay above 0 degrees.

~ Please be sure your child has their Take Home Folder, Book Bag (math flashcards and upcoming Weekly Words flashcards included), and 2 snacks (1 snack on Thursday) including utensils each day. These supplies are incredibly important to your child's day-to-day success in Kindergarten.

~ School starts promptly each day at 8:15 am. The classroom opens up at 8:00 am, and BSP is available beginning at 7:30 am.

Thank you for your support an understanding.

Cottontails' Gala Cupcake Gift Basket - Donations Needed

As you know there is a buzz of excitement throughout Willowwind as the date for our second annual Willowwind Gala and Silent Auction approaches. Staff, faculty, and parents, are busy preparing for a wonderful night. With that, we are in need of our class's help in creating a gift basket to auction off. Classroom donations were due on Friday, January 24th, but the deadline has been extended to Thursday, January 30th. Please visit the linked Gift Basket sign up sheet to sign up to donate an item. The sign up sheet can also be found in the Right Side bar of our Website's Welcome page. We have not received any donations as of this weekend. Items are small in price (around $5 or less), but when compiled together can generate great buzz at the auction and bring donations to benefit your child's, and others', Willowwind experience.

Our class's basket theme is "Let them Eat Cupcakes!" (Cupcake / Cake Theme). Ideas on the spreadsheet may include:
cake mix
cupcake pans
decorating items (sprinkles, frosting tips, edible glitter)
baking tools (mixing bowl, spatulas, hand mixer, hand towels, aprons for parent & child)
gift certificates to local cupcakeries (Molly's, JJ's, Yummy's, Scratch)
anything cupcake themed

The ideas are endless! Be creative! If we all contribute one small token our assembled gift basket will generate great interest! Have fun with it!

In addition, remember to buy your tickets to this year's Gala (A Night to Remember) - coming up on Saturday, February 8th at the Hotel Vetro from 6:30 - 9:00. Please visit our
EventBrite page to purchase tickets. Tickets can also be purchased before or after school in the Front Entryway just outside the Conference Room. Last year's Gala Silent Auction brought in $14,000 to aid in funding Willowwind programs and supplies. Our goal this year is to raise $20,000. This can't be done with your support. We hope to see you at the Gala. It is sure to be A Night to Remember.

Have an item to put up for auction? The ideas are endless - merchandise / services from your business, gift cards, tickets to local events, local community opportunities, handcraft apparel, home good, stationery….email
Andria Gibson (Gala & Auction Co-Chairperson).

Know others interested in going in on the fun? Spread the word, handout information, visit
WW's Facebook event page to share information about the Gala.

Hope to see you there!

100th Day Homework & Snack (Volunteers Needed)


Our 100th Day of School Celebration is fast approaching! On Monday, the Cottontails will read Jake's 100th Day of School to learn more about the fun we will have on our own 100th Day of School (NEXT Friday, January 31st). Through Jake's story we will talk about a special project to complete in preparation for the 100th Day of School. On Monday, your child will bring home a letter about our upcoming 100th Day of School and a small homework assignment. Please take a look at the letter sent home or the information below for more information (this information can also be found in the right sidebar on the website's Welcome page).

As part of our festivities, I am asking each student to count and collect 100 small objects, and to place those objects in the attached plastic bag labeled “_____’s 100th Day Collection”. All the objects in your child’s collection bag should be the same. After all students have returned the bags to class, we will use the collections to conduct fun-filled classroom learning activities. The bagged collections will then be returned to the students to bring home. It is important that each bag close securely over the 100 objects, so please help your child count and choose 100 objects small enough to fit in the bag.

Here are some collection ideas:
• 100 pieces of popcorn
• 100 paper clips
• 100 stickers
• 100 metal washers
• 100 hair elastics
• 100 rubber bands
• 100 toothpicks
• 100 pennies
• 100 pieces of cereal
• 100 beans
• 100 pictures of toys (or 100 pictures of animals, etc.) cut from magazines

Please consider the items on this list to be suggestions only. Feel free to help your child collect any objects that will fit into his or her bag. I only ask that you avoid objects that are sharp (such as tacks).
Your child’s 100th Day of School Collection is due back to school on our 100th day, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31.

Also, we are in need of snacks for our 100-item snack. Please use the
100th Day Snack Sign Up link to volunteer to bring in a snack. This link can also be found in the right sidebar on the website's Welcome page. When signing up, please include the type of snack you are providing. Snacks should be items where students can easily take 10 pieces from each provided snack. Examples may include small crackers, pretzels, cereal, dried fruit. There are 12 students in our class so please be sure your provided snack has at least 120 items in the box. Please bring the snack on or before Thursday, January 30th.

Thank you in advance for helping to make our 100th Day of School a complete success.

MLK Day of Service Success

Dr. King once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” On January 20, Willowwind students answered this question by participating in the national Day of Service. Willowwind’s Day of Service events furthered Dr. King’s legacy, converting his life mission into community action. The day empowered students, strengthened communities, and brought Dr. King’s dream of a unified community to life.

Willowwind students furthered Dr. King’s message in a variety of ways. Willowwind preschoolers answered the questions, “What does it mean to be a part of a community?” and “How do we build community?” through discussing Dr. King’s life, helping peers, and baking treats. They also created cards of well wishes for local community organizations. These projects are examples of the foundation necessary to build both the academic and social-emotional success within a child.

Beginning in August, K-6 students met weekly in multi-age groups to participate in student-led service learning projects where they brainstormed local community organizations in need, communicated with organizations, and planned for their culminating Day of Service event. Christine Soboscinski explains, “this project gave students a unique change to slow down, make a plan, and take thoughtful action to help someone in their community.”

Student selected organizations included, Make-a-Wish Foundation, Oaknoll Retirement Community, Bickford Cottages, MacBride Raptor Project, Iowa City Animal Shelter, and Crisis Center of Johnson County. While visiting Oaknoll, Recreational Therapist Lindsey Reed, shared the impact Willowwind’s visit had on the residents. She shared, “what may seem like a small moment in your students’ lives is one that will stick with our residents for a long time. For some, this morning doesn’t just make their day, it makes their week and even their year. They will be talking about the youthfulness and joy your students brought for months to come.”

Emotional intelligence is an incredibly important part of education. Willowwind focuses on educating the whole-child by developing empathy and the ability to see situations through others’ perspective. Surrounded around the importance of service, the day was a positive shared experience for all. “It was filled with joy, excitement, and fulfillment as we helped others,” shared Lindsey Hoyt. It provided an opportunity to build compassion and thoughtfulness for others. It allowed Dr. King’s message of creating a better world to live on.

Ask your child about their "biome's" Day of Service project. They'd be happy to share the events and its successes with you.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Upcoming Events & Deadlines

Our upcoming week(s) are busy!  Take a look at the events we have going on.

Re-Enrollment Forms Due
Friday, January 17
This is just a friendly reminder that currents students should submit their electronic re-enrollment survey to declare your intent to return to Willowwind for the 2014-2015 school year.  Once your intent has been received, a contract will be drafted for you.  Families submitting re-enrollment intentions by January 17th will receive an official contract by January 24th.

We anticipate being fully enrolled next year, so please complete the survey early to ensure a spot at Willowwind for your child. Spots are limited.  We will start inviting new students to fill open spots on February 3, 2014.  This survey will also be used to enroll for 2014 Summer Preschool, and 2014-15 Before and After School Care. Please read this survey carefully and select the programs that you will need.  If you have any additional questions about this process please contact our administrative team directly.  Thank you!

MidWest One Art Exhibit Forms Due
Friday, January 17
If your child is interested in participating in this year's MidWest One Art Exhibit please to turn in permission forms and art selections to Ryan by tomorrow Friday, January 17.

One Book Two Book City of Literature Event
Friday, January 17 - Sunday, January 19
Please join in the city wide literary fun celebrating all readers and writers.  Please take a look at yesterday's blog posting for more information.  We are proud to celebrate our Willowwind winners and all of our 1-6 grade author friends.

Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service
Monday, January 20
Please take a look at the previous blog for more information about all of our service learning projects that we'll be celebrating on Monday, January 20.  School will be in session from 8:15 - 3:15 and BASP will be available as well.  We are looking forward to spending time within our community helping to make a difference.

Curriculum Transition Night
Tuesday, January 21  6:00 - 7:00

Wanting to know more about your teacher or their curriculum for the upcoming school year?  This event is designed to introduce families to their next level of education at Willowwind and to begin preparing for the transition from one grade to the next.  Please plan to attend the Transition Night program of your child's next grade level teacher. Families of students moving into their second year within their current multi-age classroom are welcome to attend in their current class for a preview of next year's exciting learning opportunities.  Child care will be available and refreshments will be served from 6:45 - 7:00 in Willowwind's GD space.

Hot Cocoa Friday
Friday, January 24  7:45 - 8:05
Please take a look the previous blog for more information about Hot Cocoa Fridays.  Bring a  cocoa mug for your child to use.  Let me know if your child has an allergy to the ingredients in cocoa or mini marshmallows.

Oaknoll Field Trip
Friday, January 24  10:00 - 12:30
Be sure to leave your child's booster seat as we leave to read with our new elderly friends at Oaknoll Retirement Community.  Interested in coming along?  Please let me know.  We are in need of parent drivers.  Thank you.

Iowa City Public Library Field Trip
Wednesday, January 29
We will be making our monthly field trip to the library where we will be learning to find "just right" books on our own.  Please be sure your child brings their library card.

Hot Cocoa Friday

Friday, January 31  7:45 - 8:05
Please take a look the previous blog for more information about Hot Cocoa Fridays.  Bring a  cocoa mug for your child to use.  Let me know if your child has an allergy to the ingredients in cocoa or mini marshmallows.

MLK Jr.'s Day of Service - Monday, January 20

Willowwind School is very excited to be celebrating MLK Jr. Day by heading out into our community to complete service projects. Each student was placed in a K-6 in August to start planning their day to give back. Below is the description of what each group will be doing. Ask your student what Biome group they are in.

**Please send a booster seat for this day if your child requires one.**

Thank you!

The Desert Biome (Ms. Christine):
The Desert Biome decided to work with Make-A-Wish.  This organization helps dreams come true for children with life threatening illnesses.  We had a personal connection to this cause, as one of our Willowwind friends was a wish recipient last year.  We raised money for the organization, which we will use to purchase items for a specific wish recipient.  The child we are shopping for is traveling to Disney World, and we want to send them with travel goodies for their family to enjoy on the trip.  We will spend Martin Luther King Day shopping for and assembling this gift basket.  We will also be invited to attend the wish granting party to send this family off on their trip, though the date for that event has not yet been set.  To donate to our cause, visit our table in the entry way of the school.  We have dream catchers, stickers and notecards available for sale.  For more information about Make-A-Wish in our area, please visit their website.

The Rainforest Biome (Ms. Lou):

The Rainforest Biome decided to work with Iowa City Animal Shelter.  This organization helps animals find new homes all over Iowa City.   We will be traveling to the Iowa City animal shelter on Monday, January 20th (Martin Luther King JR Day). We have been raising money for the shelter since September and are really excited to have to chance to now visit them and help out at their facility. We will be visiting the shelter from 9am-11:30am. When we get back to Willowwind we plan on eating lunch helping out around the school!

At the shelter we will be making bunny piñatas and fleece cat hammocks. The bunny piñatas are used as an enrichment tool for the Center's rabbits.  They are easy and fun to make.  The fleece cat hammocks we will make out of our abundance of fleece blankets to fit into our cat room havens. We will also take a tour of the Animal Center so they can see the animal's that they are helping!

The Prairie Biome (Ms. Debbie):
We decided to visit residents of Bickford Cottage. We have prepared entertainment in the form of two short skits that are student composed. One student will read aloud a book on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. We will also bring books to read one-on-one with the residents. We will also talk to the residents about their lives by asking questions from a list we compose ahead of time. We also are bringing a basket of fruit for those who work at Bickford Cottage and Martin Luther King, Jr. papers for centerpieces. We will arrive at 10:00and leave close to 11:00The coordinator of events is looking forward to our visit, because she said the residents really enjoy interacting with children. 

The Tundra Biome (Ms. Rachel):
We chose to work with the Macbride Raptor Project.  Many students have visited the Macbride Raptor Center and had an interest in helping this organization, which works to rehabilitate sick and injured Iowa birds of prey.  The Raptor Center works hard to return birds to the wild, but also houses permanently disabled raptors at its facility.  You can learn more about the project at their website.  

We'll be helping the birds by creating perches and tail sheathes to be used during their stay at the rehabilitation clinic.  We have worked hard to create many tail sheaths during the last weeks.  On our Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service, we will be building and decorating the perches for the raptor cages.  Once the weather improves, we will visit the outdoor facility and deliver the sheathes and perches for the birds to use.  

The Coniferous Forest Biome (Ms. Michelle):
We selected to work with Oaknoll Retirement Community.  The desire to work with Oaknoll came from the thought that our elderly community members have spent many years helping others it is now our turn to help them.  Pink Biome students have worked together to create a fun morning to spend with the residents of Oaknoll on our MLK Jr. Day of Service.  Over the course of the school year, we've written a script (The Three Little Pigs:  Willowwind's Version), researched cookie recipes to bring to to Oaknoll, and brainstormed puppet show prop needs.  In recent weeks, the Coniferous Forest Biome students have created subcommittees (the Cooking Committee, the Prop Committee, and the Puppet Show Committee) where small groups have worked together to finalize plans for Monday, January 20th's Day of Service.

Throughout the morning of Monday, January 20th the Pink Biome will spend the morning at Oaknoll Retirement Community where they will interact with residents through the performance of our puppet show and playing traditional games like chess, checkers, Candy Land, Jenga, and Chutes and Ladders.  It is our hopes that young and old come together for smiles, laugh, and fun.  In the afternoon, our Biome will join together with other Willowwind friends to build community through completing projects throughout Willowwind.  We can't wait to share our experiences with you.

The Deciduous Forest (Mr. Paul):
We have decided to work towards creating pieces of art to be sold in a silent auction in support of the Crisis Center of Johnson County. Students will display their work in a public event to be held at the University of Iowa in the College for Public Health Building during the month of February. Students have created approximately 25 individual pieces of art to date. On Monday the 20th of January, students will work with Mr. Ryan to create a larger, collaborative piece of art.  In the afternoon, our Biome will join together with other Willowwind friends to build community through completing projects throughout Willowwind.

Hot Cocoa Fridays - January 24 & January 31

For the next two Fridays, (January 24 and 31) Willowwind Friends and Families will be hosting hot cocoa before school for K-6. Cocoa will be served from 7:45-8:05am.  Students are encouraged to bring their own mugs which we will store for the two weeks. Adults are welcomed to stay for hot cocoa as well. Mini-marshmallows will also be available! Please let me know if your child should not have cocoa due to allergies or dietary preference and feel free to send an alternative beverage for them to enjoy.  Thank you!

UPDATE Volunteer Opportunity: Drivers Needed for Oaknoll Field Trip NEXT Fri, Jan 24

UPDATE:  We will be leaving for Oaknoll at 10:00 and should return between 12:00 and 12:30 for lunch at school.  Please let me know if you are able to come along on this exciting trip.  Thanks!

We are in need of drivers for our next field trip.  NEXT Friday, January 24th we will be traveling to Oaknoll Retirement Community where we will be reading with Oaknoll residents.  As part of our Acts of Kindness unit, Kindergarten students will see first hand how their small gestures positively affect others.  Providing Kindergarteners with the opportunity to read with Oaknoll residents is one of my highlights each school year.  If you are able to drive please let me know as soon as possible.  All students will need booster seats for this field trip.  Thank you in advance for your help.  Our field trips within the community are not possible without your support.

PS:  Don't forget!  If your child's Service Learning Biome is leaving campus on Monday, January 20th in honor of our MLK Jr Day of Service please be sure to leave a booster seat.  Ask your child who their Biome teacher is and if they are taking a field trip with their biome.  Lindsey, Christine, Debbie, and my own Biomes will be leaving Willowwind and therefore are in need of booster seats for each six year old and under.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Volunteer Opportunity: Drivers Needed for Oaknoll Field Trip NEXT Friday, January 24

We are in need of drivers for our next field trip.  NEXT Friday, January 24th we will be traveling to Oaknoll Retirement Community where we will be reading with Oaknoll residents.  As part of our Acts of Kindness unit, Kindergarten students will see first hand how their small gestures positively affect others.  Providing Kindergarteners with the opportunity to read with Oaknoll residents is one of my highlights each school year.  If you are able to drive please let me know as soon as possible.  All students will need booster seats for this field trip.  Thank you in advance for your help.  Our field trips within the community are not possible without your support.

PS:  Don't forget!  If your child's Service Learning Biome is leaving campus on Monday, January 20th in honor of our MLK Jr Day of Service please be sure to leave a booster seat.  Ask your child who their Biome teacher is and if they are taking a field trip with their biome.  Lindsey, Christine, Debbie, and my own Biomes will be leaving Willowwind and therefore are in need of booster seats for each six year old and under.

Curriculum Transition Night - NEXT Tuesday, January 21st

Please join us NEXT Tuesday, January 21st from 6:00 - 7:00 for Willowwind's annual Winter Curriculum Transition Night.  This evening event provides you the opportunity to learn more about Willowwind's 1/2 grade hands-on, project-based curriculum where you will hear from Lindsey Hoyt and Christine Kaldenberg as they discuss intentions and desires for the 2014-2015 school year.  Come and see why Willowwind's 1/2 program is so successful and furthers Kindergartners love for learning.  Please let me know if you will be able to attend.  We are hoping for a wonderful turnout as you learn more about your child's first and second grade years.

Gala Baskets - Your Help Needed by NEXT Friday, January 24

Willowwind's 2nd Annual Gala is just around the bend!  This year we are having it at a great venue, the Hotel Vetro.  It will be a wonderful night with music, drinks, and a silent auction!  Each class is preparing an auction basket this year.  Our class theme is "Let Them Eat Cupcakes".  These baskets are a great fundraiser for our school, so please consider bringing in a fun cupcake or baking item to donate in our basket.  Please have all basket donation items in by NEXT Friday, January 24th.  Remember, the cooler the item, the higher the bid!  I'm excited to see what sort of things we can put together.  If you have any questions about the basket or have an idea, feel free to let me know!  We hope that in addition to your basket donations that you consider attending the Gala and silent auction on Saturday, February 8th.  It was a lot of fun last year and a great way to support our school!

Here are some ideas for our class basket:
Let Them Eat Cupcakes!  (Cupcake / Cake Theme)
•  cake mix
•  cupcake pans
•  frosting
•  decorating items - tips for frosting, sprinkles, edible glitter, etc
•  baking tools - bowls, pans, towels, cooking apron, hand held mixer
•  gift certificates to cupcakes store fronts / local bakeries - Cupcaker, JJ's Cupcakes, Molly's Cupcakes, Scratch, Yummy's
•  anything cupcake themed
•  a large decorative mixing bowl - to hold gift "basket" items

Please bring in baking items at your convenience and let me know via email what you plan to bring in.  Happy baking supply hunting!

One Book Two Book Event - THIS Weekend

Join readers and writers of all ages in Iowa City's annual literary festival - One Book Two Book:  A Celebration of Children's Literature.  Admission is free and occurs throughout downtown Iowa City for the whole weekend.  Visit One Book Two Book's website for more information.  Saturday, January 18th includes an all day book fair and writing workshops for writers and readers of all ages and Sunday, January 19th includes a celebration of student writing with awards, games, and prizes.  Enjoy this opportunity to help your child build their love for reading and writing.

MidWest One Art Exhibit Deadline - THIS Friday, January 17

A message from Ryan:

Students submission for this art contest must be submitted to Ryan by Friday, Jan. 17th. They should be no bigger than 12"x18", and the paper should be no thicker than construction paper.  Students may use watercolor, crayon, tempera, collage, paper-cutting, markers, chalk, yarn, pastel, ink, pencil, or colored pencil.  All submissions must be accompanied by the permission form to be completed by a parent.  There will be a reception for the selected artists on Friday, March 7th and the work of 25 students will be featured in a calendar.  Please email Ryan at ryanb@willowwind.org if you have any further questions.  Thank you!

ASP Note

Willowwind families,

    I would like to thank all of you that participated in the school-wide survey. Your feedback is an important tool in shaping the After School Program. I would like to respond to your concerns and let you know of the immediate changes being made to improve the program.

    Safety is of the up-most importance and many changes are happening to ensure the security of students in ASP. This week all ASP staff will be undergoing a safety training that will prepare us for emergency situations such as evacuation, lockdown procedures, and extreme weather protocol.  

Another immediate change in order to establish a safer environment is a change in the unlocked door after 5:00pm. As you know, until 5:00pm, the front doors remain unlocked. When office staff leaves they will continue to lock the main entrance of the school. After 5:00pm, please enter through the Monarch room door. This is the door that is the furthest North within the preschool playground. Please enter through this door after 5:00pm. Entering through this door allows for ASP staff to see who is coming into the building. All other doors will be locked after 5:00pm

    Another concern expressed in the survey was the need for a more nutritious snack. To address this, I will continue to prepare one fruit or vegetable everyday and I will be reducing the amount of snacks that contain hydrogenated oils. Organic and optimally nutritious grains will be served for snack as often possible.

   Thank you again for your responses in the survey. Please contact me with any additional concerns you may have about the After School Program. 

ASP Director
Angie Miller