Willowwind's 2nd Annual Gala is just around the bend! This year we are having it at a great venue, the Hotel Vetro. It will be a wonderful night with music, drinks, and a silent auction! Each class is preparing an auction basket this year. Our class theme is "Let Them Eat Cupcakes". These baskets are a great fundraiser for our school, so please consider bringing in a fun cupcake or baking item to donate in our basket. Please have all basket donation items in by NEXT Friday, January 24th. Remember, the cooler the item, the higher the bid! I'm excited to see what sort of things we can put together. If you have any questions about the basket or have an idea, feel free to let me know! We hope that in addition to your basket donations that you consider attending the Gala and silent auction on Saturday, February 8th. It was a lot of fun last year and a great way to support our school!
Here are some ideas for our class basket:
Let Them Eat Cupcakes! (Cupcake / Cake Theme)
• cake mix
• cupcake pans
• frosting
• decorating items - tips for frosting, sprinkles, edible glitter, etc
• baking tools - bowls, pans, towels, cooking apron, hand held mixer
• gift certificates to cupcakes store fronts / local bakeries - Cupcaker, JJ's Cupcakes, Molly's Cupcakes, Scratch, Yummy's
• anything cupcake themed
• a large decorative mixing bowl - to hold gift "basket" items
Please bring in baking items at your convenience and let me know via email what you plan to bring in. Happy baking supply hunting!
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