Tuesday, January 28, 2014


A few quick reminders / announcements to send your way.

1)  Library Field Trip - TOMORROW, Wednesday, January 29
Please be sure your child has their library card for our field trip tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29th.  We will be leaving Willowwind at 9:30 and returning around 12:15.  As we continue to build our reading brains and reading stamina, Kinders will be learning to find "just right" books on this trip to the library

2)  Gala Gift Basket Sign Up
Donations due THIS Thursday, January 30
Please, please, please take a moment to visit THIS spreadsheet to sign up to bring one or two under $5 items for our classroom gift basket (Let them Eat Cupcakes!).  Your support is needed and much appreciated.  If we all sign dup for one item each we'd have a fabulous basket to auction off at this year's Gala (Saturday, February 8th  6:30 - 9:30 at Hotel Vetro).  Buy tickets HERE or in WW's Front Entry Way.

3)  100th Day of School Snack Sign Up
Bring snack donation by THIS Friday, January 31
Our 100th day of school is almost here.  We will be celebrating on Monday, February 3rd and are in need of snack donations (10 snacks for students to count 10 pieces out of equaling 100 pieces total).  Please visit THIS spreadsheet to bring in a snack.  Please see Saturday, January 25th's blog post for ideas.  In addition, please help your child complete their 100th Day of School Collection homework by Monday, February 3rd a parent letter went home via Satuday, January 25th's blog posting and today in your child's Take Home Folder.

4)  Malfunctioning Copier  :(
It appears that our copier does not like Tuesdays, late starts, and this weather, too.  It is down again and therefore Spelling homework and Math packets did not get distributed today.  It is my hopes to send home Spelling tomorrow and we may forego a Math packet for the week.  The office is working tirelessly to fix the issue and I will keep you posted as I send home delayed homework.  Thank you for your flexibility.

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