Monday, September 28, 2015

New Routine: Math Homework

Each week Kindergarteners are introduced to a new academic subject area as we gradually build our structured academic routine.  This week, the Kindergartners begin a new routine - Math class!  Today we discussed our new math homework routine.  You will find this Math homework packet on the Right Back to School side of the Take Home Folder.  The Cottontails are so excited to have weekly math homework just like their older friends, partners, and family members. Please help foster this excitement as they bring home their weekly work.

Each Monday, students will take home a weekly math packet.  This math packet will contain three double sided worksheets to be completed throughout the week (on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays / weekends).  At the top of each double-sided worksheet you will find instructions that state, "To be completed on or after ___day."  This is important to note as the concepts on some of the later pages won't be introduced until mid week and I want to be sure your child has a classroom understanding of the concept before trying it independently at home.  This helps with confidence building and skill mastery.

These activities are supplemental activities to the activities and lessons we complete as a class throughout the week. They are meant to provide your child with added practice and reinforcement. It is my hopes that this homework routine provides you with the opportunity to take a look at some of the concepts your child is studying in Kindergarten.   Math homework should take no more than 5 or 10 minutes per evening.  As we get into our Math routine, I will provide optional online opportunities for your child to use on Tuesdays and Thursdays (our "off" Math worksheet days).  ASP kiddos are encourage to use "homework time" to complete their homework before heading home.

On the following Monday morning, your child should return their packet back to school and turn it in.  We will take part of our Monday Math time to review our work independently, with partners, in small groups, or as a large group. Please see that your child is prepared to participate in our Math review each Monday. As you begin our new Math homework routine please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Practicing our first math concept - Ten Frames!

PS:  At the start of each unit, I will include a parent letter in your child's Math Packet that explains our new area of study within Math class.

Welcome Leona!

Today was an exciting day in Kindergarten!  We welcomed our new friend, Leona, into our school family.  We are thrilled to have her and her family a part of our class.  Please give them a warm Willowwind Welcome.

I was so impressed with our Cottontail friends and how well they opened their classroom to a new friend.  Every classmate was eager to share with Leona and show her "the Willowwind Way".  They are a fabulous welcome committee and I was thrilled to see how they filled Leona's bucket and their own bucket throughout the day.

Welcome Leona, Alex, and Irena.  We are so happy to have you at Willowwind!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

New Routine: Spelling Sorts

The Cottontails are eager to begin learning more about letter sounds. This week, we will begin our weekly spelling routine.  Your help is needed in ensuring a successful routine.  Beginning today, Tuesday, September 22nd, your child will be periodically bringing home a spelling "sort".  Sorts will go home every other Monday.  This week, due to yesterday's field trip, your child's first sort is going home today on a Tuesday.  The Cottontail Communicator (found weekly in your child's Take Home Folder) will detail your child's weekly sort focus.

The sort that goes home every other week will allow you to complete a variety of activities at home with the letter sounds the sort focuses on.  When the sort comes home on Mondays, please take time each Monday evening to cut out the cards and sort them at least once.

I have linked a Weekly Word Study Routine document that recommends a routine of activities for you to follow at home.  I have also included some of our classroom spelling activities for your reference, too.  Please read this document carefully and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  In the coming week, or in conjunction with your child's PEP documentation, I will email more information home regarding your child's specific spelling stage and progress.  Thank you in advance for your help in the successful introduction to another new routine.

Monday, September 21, 2015

New Routine: Star of the Week

As we continue to grow together as a class, I'm excited to present a new activity that brings us closer together - getting to know one another on a more personal level - our new STAR OF THE WEEK routine!  Throughout the coming months, each child will get the chance to be the Star of the Week.  Save the date, mark your calendar, and take a look at our Star of the Week Calendar to see when your child will be featured!  I will also add each student's week to our website's calendar page.  This activity is the perfect way for Kindergarten classmates to get to know each other better.  Last week, and this week, Ms. Chesley and I are taking our turn to show students by sharing fun things from my life through our own Star of the Week weeks.

The week prior to your child's Star of the Week, your child will take home our Star of the Week bag full of materials to help prepare for their Star of the Week to begin the following Monday. In the week before, activities to prepare include:
• Completing the "All About" Poster
• Taking Rufus (our class rabbit) on a "week-in-your-child's-life" photo adventure.
• Gathering Special Photos and Memorabilia
• Finding your child's Favorite Book

The week prior to your child's Star of the Week, I will send home a DETAILED parent letter in the Star of the Week bag and via email.  Please take a look at it now to help your family plan for the tasks that lay ahead.

Below is a quick photo journey through my own Star of the Week preparation.

On the countertop I displayed some of my special memorabilia including my favorite book, my favorite game, some framed photos, Rufus, my Star of the Week crown ;).

On display you will see:
• my special photos
• my "All About" poster - I colored my poster, wrote some words, included pictures of my family, my favorite food, my pet, and me. Your child may include photos and/or drawn pictures.
• my construction paper poster with Rufus's adventures from home
Below are just a few pictures of Rufus's adventures while at home with me.

Some Rufus Examples:
Running Errands
Reading a Book

Brushing Teeth
Doing Dishes

AS ALWAYS, please email me with questions or concerns.  I am happy to help.  Remember to have fun!  Your child is super excited!  What a fun adventure it'll be, and what a fun way to further build our beautiful classroom community and strong friendships.  Thank you for your helping in making this experience memorable.

Allen's Apple Orchard!

We had a great time at the apple orchard today!  Allen's Orchard is a fabulous place and worth the drive.  Their field trips are incredibly educational and the kiddos loved every minute.  Visit their website to learn more about the fall fun they have planned this season.  In the meantime, enjoy a peek into our fun!
Learning about apple and pear blossoms and a honeybee's important job in pollinating the blossoms.

"Following the Leader" through the apple orchard.

Visit the Orchard's mama goat and her two babies.

Learning about apple tools.

Eating apples right off the tree.  Yum!

Watching the apples go through the washer.

Reading about the four season in an apple orchard.

A post-lunch game of Hide and Seek.

Say "apple"!

Goofy Cottontails!

Thank you Allen's Orchard!


a big thank you to our drivers for our help.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Important Reminders - Read carefully!

Below there are a number of important reminders for you to consider.

1)  Curriculum Night - THIS, Thursday, September 10th @ 5:30
Curriculum Night is THIS THURSDAY, a mandatory event for ALL Willowwind families.  We will meet in the Kindergarten classroom at 5:30 to discuss our school wide theme and our plans and goals for your child's Kindergarten year.  Child care is available so please see Rachel B. for more information.  Please note, that throughout the remainder of the school year, school wide announcements will ONLY go out via Willowwind's Friday Weekly Note.  It will be imperative that you pay close attention to this note for important announcements regarding school wide events.  In doing so, it is Willowwind's hope to streamline communication - a parent request based off feedback from last Spring's Parent Survey.

2)  Friendship Park Field Trip - THIS Thursday, September 10th
With the downpour on Tuesday morning, it seemed to wet to make a trip to Friendship Park.  Thursday is suppose to be a beautiful day so we are thrilled to spend the day outside together.  We will leave WW around 12:30 and will return by 2:00 for Early Dismissal.  Our bags will be packed and staged for the end of the day in the GD Space making our 2:00 arrival easy for dismissal to parents or to ASP.  Please be sure your child has comfy walking shoes and a water bottle.

3)  PEP Reminders
Please be sure to sign up for a PEP Conference (click HERE) by Monday, September 14th.  In addition, please be sure to download and complete the PEP Parent Survey (click HERE).  When completed, please email me a doc version of your completed PEP Parent Survey by Monday, September 14th.  This will allow me to best prepare for our upcoming conference.

4)  Scholastic Book Order Reminder
Please remember to place your Reading Club orders by September 14!  You can shop and submit your order online or send the printed order form with payment directly to school.  No matter how you order, every purchase you make earns FREE Books and educational supplies for our classroom.
Ordering online is fast and easy:
  •  VISIT
  •  ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (NCNYY)
  •  SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books and value packs
  •  SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
  •  All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!

Library Card Needed

On Tuesday, your child brough home a "library card application" from the Iowa City Public Library (ICPL).  At Willowwind, we take monthly field trips to ICPL via the city bus where we check out books, listen to story time, enjoy your lunches on the Ped Mall or in the library and play on the library's play structure if weather permits.  Because of these monthly library field trips, your child will need their own library card to check out three or four books each month.  For more information, and/ or to start the application process online via ICPL's website click HERE.

Our first library field trip will be Wednesday, September 23rd from 9:30 - 12:30.  Please note, for our library field trips, students will not need booster seats since we will be taking the city bus.  Please be sure your child has, and brings, their library card for this field trip.  When signing up your child for their own library card the library card celebrates the occasion with lots of fun and goodies.  Enjoy the opportunity to help your child gain the responsibility of their very own card!

Welcome Ms. Chesley!

With September here, and our school year getting into full swing, we are thrilled to welcome Ms. Chesley to our Kindergarten family. As many of you may know, Ms. Chesley co-teaches the 1/2 grade Largatija class with Lindsey (Lou) Hoyt. Excitingly, on Ms. Chesley's "off" Largatija teaching days she will be joining us in the Cottontail Rabbit classroom. Ms. Chesley's Kindergarten teaching schedule will be every Tuesday and alternating Mondays and Thursdays. Please note, I will continue to be your child's primary teacher with Chesley taking on an assistant role within our Kindergarten program. In coming weeks, I will be adding her schedule to our website calendar page for your reference.

Chelsea's role in will be to help me provide a routine, structured environment for our students as we, together, further individualize support and personalize education. Her background in education and her teaching license will allow her to take co-teaching role, at times, within the Kindergarten classroom as I continue to work (for my third year) as Willowwind's Curriculum Coordinator. Her support will be invaluable in giving your child the encouragement to grow and succeed while we work collectively to further the growth of the entire Willowwind program.

Below is more information about Chesley. In the meantime, please be sure to give a friendly Kindergarten hello to Chesley when you see her.

Chesley's Bio:
My name is Chesley Osborn and I graduated from The University of Iowa with a major in Elementary Education and a focus in talented and gifted education in May of 2015.  I've worked closely with the Belin-Blank Honors Center throughout my time at the University of Iowa on a variety of projects, working directly with gifted elementary students. I am originally from Fayetteville, Arkansas. I am thrilled to work with the staff, parents, and students at Willowwind! I couldn't be happier to stay in the Iowa City area, though this opinion tends to change in the winter.  After four years I am still shocked by the first snowfall!

Click HERE to learn even MORE about our new friend Ms. Chesley!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fall PEP Conferences - Sign Up by Mon 9.14

Fall PEP Conference dates are right around the corner. During our 20 minute conference, we will discuss potential academic and social goals we would like to set for your child's Kindergarten year. We will also highlight your child's strengths and how we can use their strengths to further benefit their Kindergarten year. PEP goals are used to personalize and differentiate your child's instruction.

Please use the link below to sign up for a 20 minute conference. PEP Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, September 17th from 2:30 - 7:00 and Tuesday, September 22nd from 3:30 - 7:00.  Please sign up for a PEP conference time slot by Monday, September 14th.
Fall PEP Conference Sign Up

To best prepare you and me for this upcoming PEP conference please use the link below to complete the PEP Parent Survey. Via the link, please FIRST download a copy of the survey and then complete.  Once you have completed the survey please email to me by Monday, September 14th.  This survey helps the both of us better understand your child's strengths and ideal areas of focus for the coming year.
PEP Parent Survey

Summertime Field Trip - 9.08

School may be back in session but the summer heat is still in full swing.  Throughout the first two weeks of school we have been talking about the season of summer.  We read Summer by Alice Low and drew and wrote about our favorite summer memories.  It looks like our Kindergarten friends had a GREAT Summer Break.

We also thought like scientists while analyzing what Willowwind looks like in the Summer.  We used our realistic coloring to illustrate Willowwind at summertime.  Kindergarteners carefully used blue for the sky, bright green for the grass, dark gray and green for our building walls and even red for the No Parking Zone.  During our realistic coloring session, the class engaged in a student-led conversation about "journeys around the sun" and what one year looks like.

Today, we reread Summer and defined "Summer" and what it means to each of us.  Students' responses included:
Summer is...
•  fireworks
•  campfire s'mores
•  eating watermelon
•  riding scooters to ice cream
•  picking strawberries
•  swimming
•  giving my parents hugs before school

Next week, we will be taking our first field trip to further look at the season of Summer before it quickly gives way to Fall.  On Tuesday, September 8th we will be taking a walking field trip to Friendship Park located off the bike trail just north of Willowwind.  On this field trip, we will begin to use our five senses to identify remaining signs of Summer.  Ms. Chesley will be joining us.  We will plan to leave around 1:30 and will return to Willowwind by the end of the school day.  Please be sure your child is wearing comfy walking schools and has their water bottle.  We are looking forward to it.