Monday, September 21, 2015

Allen's Apple Orchard!

We had a great time at the apple orchard today!  Allen's Orchard is a fabulous place and worth the drive.  Their field trips are incredibly educational and the kiddos loved every minute.  Visit their website to learn more about the fall fun they have planned this season.  In the meantime, enjoy a peek into our fun!
Learning about apple and pear blossoms and a honeybee's important job in pollinating the blossoms.

"Following the Leader" through the apple orchard.

Visit the Orchard's mama goat and her two babies.

Learning about apple tools.

Eating apples right off the tree.  Yum!

Watching the apples go through the washer.

Reading about the four season in an apple orchard.

A post-lunch game of Hide and Seek.

Say "apple"!

Goofy Cottontails!

Thank you Allen's Orchard!


a big thank you to our drivers for our help.  

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