1) Curriculum Night - THIS, Thursday, September 10th @ 5:30
Curriculum Night is THIS THURSDAY, a mandatory event for ALL Willowwind families. We will meet in the Kindergarten classroom at 5:30 to discuss our school wide theme and our plans and goals for your child's Kindergarten year. Child care is available so please see Rachel B. for more information. Please note, that throughout the remainder of the school year, school wide announcements will ONLY go out via Willowwind's Friday Weekly Note. It will be imperative that you pay close attention to this note for important announcements regarding school wide events. In doing so, it is Willowwind's hope to streamline communication - a parent request based off feedback from last Spring's Parent Survey.
2) Friendship Park Field Trip - THIS Thursday, September 10th
With the downpour on Tuesday morning, it seemed to wet to make a trip to Friendship Park. Thursday is suppose to be a beautiful day so we are thrilled to spend the day outside together. We will leave WW around 12:30 and will return by 2:00 for Early Dismissal. Our bags will be packed and staged for the end of the day in the GD Space making our 2:00 arrival easy for dismissal to parents or to ASP. Please be sure your child has comfy walking shoes and a water bottle.
3) PEP Reminders
Please be sure to sign up for a PEP Conference (click HERE) by Monday, September 14th. In addition, please be sure to download and complete the PEP Parent Survey (click HERE). When completed, please email me a doc version of your completed PEP Parent Survey by Monday, September 14th. This will allow me to best prepare for our upcoming conference.
4) Scholastic Book Order Reminder
Please remember to place your Reading Club orders by September 14! You can shop and submit your order online or send the printed order form with payment directly to school. No matter how you order, every purchase you make earns FREE Books and educational supplies for our classroom.
Ordering online is fast and easy:
- VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub
- ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (NCNYY)
- SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books and value packs
- SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
- All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!
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