Monday, November 9, 2015

Fall Field Trips

October has come and gone and we have had so much fun adventuring out into our community and learning from others.  Stay tuned for November field trip fun and needs, but in the meantime enjoy this picture walk of our field trip adventures.

Fall Walk
Our Fall walk to Friendship Park was the perfect way to kick off our Fall fun.  The afternoon was beautiful and it was simply wonderful to watch all 12 Cottontails run and play together.  Along our walk we identified different items that remind of us of Fall through using our 5 senses.  Some things we noticed were the bright orange pumpkins, the sound of leaves crunching, the rough dry leaves, the smell of crisp air.

Iowa City Fire Department
Our trip to the downtown fire department was so much fun.  We learned about their tough job and left feeling grateful to have such giving local heroes in our community.  One firefighter tried on all the gear he wears when fighting fire and helped us see that underneath all of that gear is a person who's job it is to care, rescue, and save others.  We toured the fire station and their living quarters.  One fire fighter had a wonderful reminder in his locker. - "Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done, even though you don't want to."  A perfect quote to see as we continue to study self-discipline.  We loved seeing where the fire fighters spend their down time.  We finished our downtown field trip eating lunch on the Ped Mall where we met Herky!  What fun day!

Colony Pumpkin Patch
Our morning at the patch was beautiful!  Unfortunately, the wet weekend prior prevented us from being able to journey in the patch.  Katie Colony was a wonderful host and taught us all about the life cycle of pumpkins and the history of Colony Pumpkin Patch.  Then we were able to play in their kids area - including in the inflatable pumpkin, with the duck races, the spider web, and tube slide.  It was fun to have the play area and train all to ourselves.  We finished out the fun with a trip through the corn maze and with pumpkins to take back to school.

Iowa City Public Library
We were too busy trying to stay dry catching the busy and searching for books at the library for pictures.  The Kindergarteners thoroughly enjoy our trips to the library.  They do a fabulous job utilizing the resources at the library asking librarians for help or working with me on the computers to find books they are interested in.  October Library books are due Wednesday, November 18th.  Please return to the library or library drop off bin at the Eastside Hyvee.

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