Thursday, November 19, 2015

Outdoor Gear

Fall is here and Winter is not far behind.  Snow this weekend?!?!  No!!!!  Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately to go outside daily.  Jackets, hats, and gloves are needed. Many students are without layers.  Our morning recess takes us outside as long as the air temp remains above 0 degrees.

On wet days, a change of shoes (boots) are recommended so they can run and play without the fear of soggy shoes for the rest of the day. When snow sticks, students will need boots and snow pants to play beyond the concrete. Outside shoes and coats can be stored on the hooks and boot trays outside our classroom.  Hats and gloves can be kept in your child's classroom cubby.  Some families find a school set of hat and gloves helpful in being sure their child always has them at school.  As the snow comes for good please be prepared to bring snow pants for daily outside play.

In addition, please check your child's cubby. Is your child's cubby stocked with a change of Winter clothes? Accidents and spills happen when we least expect it so be sure your child has a warm change of clothes to change into just in case a change is needed during these Winter months.

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