We encourage you to join your child at
the Old Capitol Town Center as they present original writings at our annual
Authors' Cocoa on Tuesday, December 20th. Please see classroom blogs for
more information. To celebrate their hard work, we also encourage you to
meet your child downtown for lunch (11:30-12:30). Interested in taking
your child out to eat during this hour? In honor of Authors' Cocoa, Jimmy
Jack's Rib Shack (located in the Old Capitol Town Center and a restaurant owned
by two Willowwind families) is donating $2 of each lunch meal ordered on
December 20th directly to Willowwind. Simply mention "Willowwind
School" to be sure Willowwind receives the donation. Just let your
child's classroom teacher know that you plan to go out to eat. Thank you
for your support and thank you Jimmy Jack's for the wonderful Authors' Cocoa
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