Thursday, December 15, 2016

Surprise December Field Trip - Drivers Needed

Each year, it has been a Kindergarten tradition, to travel to Oaknoll Retirement Community (on the west side of Iowa City) monthly to read with their citizens.  It is a very special opportunity as young and old both love the chance to connect and read.  Just last week, I recieved the most wonderful email from the Volunteer Coordinator at Oaknoll Retirement Community.  While she was inquiring to see if we were interested in beginning our 2nd semester reading program with them (yes!), she was also wondering if we wanted to come in December for a holiday story time.  Apparently, the citizens have been asking all Summer & Fall for our return.

So with that, we are left with a wonderful last minute opportunity to travel to Oaknoll Retirement Community NEXT Wednesday, December 21st.  To make this happen, I am looking for parent drivers.  Please sign up HERE if you are able to drive.  I did mention to Brianna, the Volunteer Coordinator, that given its last minute nature I may not be able to get drivers.  I am hopeful we can make this event work.  We would prepare to leave Willowwind around 10:15 to be at Oaknoll, parked, and ready to read at 11:00.

I'd also like to combine this opportunity with our preplanned trip to the Iowa City Public Library.  Upon conclusion of our Oaknoll trip, I'd like to travel downtown, park at the Sheraton ramp, and spend part of our afternoon at the library where we will eat lunch and check out books before Winter Break.  Following this portion of the trip, I'd imagine we'd return to Willowwind around 2:00 at the latest.

I am hopeful to make this dual field trip happen.  Please sign up above if you can drive, and don't forget to leave your child's booster seat and library card next Wednesday.  Many thanks for your last minute help in making this fun opportunity a reality.

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