Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Monday 5.22 - Camp Tanager Field Trip

As a reminder, K-6 students will be traveling to Camp Tanager on Monday, may 22 for a school wide field trip.  Camp Tanager, a local summer camp, is opening up their grounds for Willowwind students to take place in a off campus field day where students will be able to participate in various team-building activities with their Partner Families and classes.  Activities include: 9 Square, Capture the Flag, team relays, team challenges, and archery.

Students will leave by school bus around 8:30 and return to school around 3:00.  Please be sure your child arrives to school no later than 8:15 so they are prepared to leave on the school bus at 8:30.

For the field trip, please be sure your child has 2 snacks, a lunch, and water bottle.  Comfy clothing, layers, and tennis shoes are encouraged.  Please be sure your child has applied sunscreen at the start of the school day.  K-6 teachers, will have Willowwind-supplied sunscreen on hand to reapply during the day.

Due to the location of the field trip and a doctor's appointment that I have scheduled at UIHC, I unfortunately, won't be able to attend Monday's field trip.  Ms. Erin will be on hand as will all other K-6 teachers and Ms. Susan, our PE teacher.  I am confident that the students are in great hands and the other teachers are prepared for my absence.  Let me know if you have questions.

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