Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Packing Up - Taking Home Belongings

Most student work will go home with your child at the end of Portfolio Night tonight (5:30 - 6:15).  Your child can take home their Portfolio presentation board and green or blue construction paper folder with additional work in it.  In the folder, you will notice their "Word Book" and "Handwriting Workbook".  As to be expected with a busy school year, both of these have additional pages that can be completed over the summer.  In the next week or so, I will publish a blog about activities to do over the summer to help prevent summer gapping between school years.

After tonight, MOST work will have gone home.  There will be a few additional things to take home and their take home schedule is as follows:

Thursday 5.18:  Act of Kindness Bag
Each Kindergartener can take home an Act of Kindness Bag to give to someone (beyond themselves! :D) to spread kindness beyond our Willowwind community.

Friday 5.19:  Remaining Belongings
Last few pieces of work (last Time Test / Table Name Plate), cubby items, sunscreen, Bunny Book Bag, and Quiet Reading Time Blankets will go home.  Blankets do not need to return to school for the last three days of school next week.  I will have Willowwind sunscreen on hand next week to apply to students.  If you have a special sunscreen you'd like your child to wear (or a sun hat) please leave it in their backpack for them to use.

Wednesday 5.24 / Thursday 5.25:  Last Day Supplies
Students will have their personal items to take home, but they will also have a few additional Kindergarten items including:
•  Kids' Rag (if ordered)
•  Class Award
•  A Special Gift
Remember, Thursday's dismissal is 7:30 am.  Please see the email "READ & RESPOND:  Last Day of School Info" of the day(s) schedule, opportunities for parents (Talent Show, Picnic, Graduation), a packing list & much more information.

Let me know if you have questions about taking the remainder of our items home.  Hard to believe we are down to the last five days!

Don't forget to turn in your parent homework (end of year letter) by Friday, May 19!!

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