Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Upcoming Field Trips

Our calendar is quickly filling up with exciting field trips into our surrounding community. Your help is needed. We'd love to have you come along! Please let me know if you are interested.

Please note that $10 is needed to help cover the cost of our upcoming field trips. With our field trip fund we will be purchasing apples and pumpkins to bring back to our classroom. We will also enjoy apple turnovers at Wilson's and a hayrack ride at Sass Family Farms. Please see that I receive your child's $10 no later than Friday, September 30th.

Iowa City Public Library - Friday, September 30th 1:00 - 3:00
With our Prairie Racerunner friends, we will be taking our first ride on the city bus to visit the public library. Please see that your child has their library card.

Wilson's Apple Orchard - Monday, October 3rd 12:30 - 3:15
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY! Drivers are needed for our October 3rd field trip to Wilson's Apple Orchard. If you are interested in driving please let me know. All drivers must submit a copy of their driver's license and proof of insurance to Amber at the Front Desk.

We are so excited for this adventure to Wilson's! Here we will be able to taste test a variety of apples, venture out into the apple orchard to handpick our very own apples, and we will even take time to enjoy Wilson's famous apple turnovers. Please see that your child has their booster seat at school on this day!

Sass Family Farms - Monday, October 17th 11:00 - 3:15
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY! Drivers are needed for our October 17th field trip to Sass Family Farms. If you are interested in driving please let me know. All drivers must submit a copy of their driver's license and proof of insurance to Amber at the Front Desk.

Our yearly trip to Sass Family Farms is quite fun. Sass Farms knows how to have a good time! With their petting zoo, "haunted house", corn bin, playground, pumpkins, squash, gourds, and hayrack ride we will surely have a blast. Farmer Maurice is great, too! He'll give us a hayrack tour of his farm and chat with us about the life cycle of a pumpkin and his work as a farmer. Each Cottontail will even get to pick out their very own pumpkin to take back to Willowwind! We will be eating lunch at Sass Family Farms, so please be sure to pack a healthy lunch that can help your child sustain a busy day! Please see that your child has their booster seat at school on this day!

I am still in the process of booking our field trip to the downtown Iowa City fire station. I will keep you posted on this upcoming event. We will take the city bus to visit our local fire department/ I will be in need of one parent volunteer to come along with us.

What an exciting October we have planned! It is always such a pleasure to use our community as a resource for amazing learning and a wonderful time!

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