Friday, September 16, 2011

Website Updated - 9.16.11

Continual updates are being made! I have added some more excited features to keep you more in touch with your child's time at school. Check out the following new features.

~ a new Websites tab - This page includes some of our favorite websites. Take a look and have fun! If you have a favorite website let us know. We'll add it to our page!

~ a functioning Calendar tab - This page should be working now. If you continue to get "busy" messages in place of daily events please let me know.

~ a Daily Schedule subpage - Please find this under the Curriculum tab.

~ Specials' blogs - Our Movement, Music, and Spanish blogs are up and running. Look for them under the Newsletter tab. The Scholar's Studio blog should be ready when Ms. Buffy returns for Art on Monday!

~ a Facebook button - Our Welcome Page is linked to Willowwind's Facebook page. Check out the "f" button in the top right corner. WW's Facebook page is a great way to communicate with our community and beyond!

~ updated September photos - Check out the fun we had this week. There are pictures of our shaving cream spelling time and singing and dancing while using our wood letter pieces.

~ Handouts Sidebar: I have added two new handouts to our Welcome page's right sidebar. Please check out the Cottontail Handbook and Word Study Routines documents. The Handbook is your go to place for anything and everything you may want to know about the Cottontail Classroom and Willowwind as a whole. The Word Study Routines document can provide you with helpful reminders of what your child's at home spelling routine should look like.

~ Volunteer Opportunities Sidebar: I am in need of parent volunteers. I am looking for two parents to help with weekly book assembly. This can be done from home. I am also looking for parent volunteers to make copies of our Social Studies workbook and assemble our Social Studies binders and Writing Portfolios. Please let me know if you are interested. Don't forget we are also in need of Cottontail parent volunteers for our Harvest Fest Book Walk. Use the sign up sheet on the sidebar to select a time.

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