Thursday, December 15, 2011

Important Reminders

As December flies by here are a few important reminders.

~ WW's Food Drive ends TOMORROW, Friday, December 16th. Please be sure to donate nonperishable food items to help stock River Community Church's Food Drive shelves. Your help is much appreciated. Donation bins are located near the Front Desk and outside our classroom entrance.

~ The Cottontails will be traveling to the public library next Monday, December 19th. Please be sure your child brings their library card. Thanks in advanced to Elaine for joining us on Monday's trip.

~ Pages for Patients Book Drive ends NEXT Tuesday, December 20th. Please help provide literary entertainment to patients at UIHC by donating new or very gently used books to help stock UIHC's traveling book cart. Your help is much appreciated. Donation bins are located near the Front Desk and outside our classroom entrance.

~ Winter is in the air. The ground may be lacking snow but it is full of mud and puddles. Please be sure your child brings their boots to wear during these muddy Winter days. A change of shoes for inside is also needed as our muddy boots are left at the recess door to ensure that our little feet don't bring the muddy outside in. In addition, your child should also have a warm Winter coat, hats, mittens, and snow pants. Snow pants will be required to play outside when a measurable snow fall occurs.

~ Take time to clean out your child's Book Bags. All stickered books should be left at home.

~ The Cottontails' Rest Time is coming to an end. Rest Time blankets will go home on Friday, December 16th and do not need to return to school. Beginning in January, Cottontails will move from a quiet rest time to a quiet reading time. The Cottontails will learn ways to find "just right" books and other books to enjoy during our quiet reading time.

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