Sunday, December 4, 2011

Quiet Observations

One of my favorite parts of teaching Kindergarten is sitting back, watching, and listening to the interactions between five and six-year olds. They are so sweet, so cute, so genuine. Enjoy my "quiet observations". I'll share them with you as they arise.

Quiet Observation 3:
The Cottontails enjoy venturing into the Iowa City community. One of their favorite parts our our adventures is the ride on the city bus. At the start of the year, a few Cottontails were tuckered out from our first visit to the library. The other Cottontails enjoyed the peaceful moment watching their friends catch a few winks. Since this first city bus trip, the Cottontails enjoy playing their new game - Let's "sleep" on the bus. What a peaceful game to play!

Quiet Observation(s) 4: Congrats & Way to Gos
The Cottontails have been busy cheering each other on. Here are a few conversations I've recently overheard in the Kindergarten classroom.

Birthday Girl: It's my birthday today!
Friend 1: Oh, wow! How old are you?
Birthday Girl: I'm 5.
Friend 2: Congrats on turning five! It's great!

Ms. Michelle: Today's Mystery Item was the yellow marker under the red table.
Student 1: That was me! I picked up the yellow marker!
Student 2: Way to go! Nice job finding that mystery item.
Student 3: Did you pick up a lot of items?
Student 1: I did because the more you pick up the more likely you'll find the mystery item.

Student 1: 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?
Student 2: I appreciate my Willowwind friends!

Setting: A quiet work time. I hit play on iTunes's Sing Along playlist.
Student 1: Way to go friends! We kept our volume down! I hear Journey!
Student 2: We did! But this isn't Journey this is Eye of the Tiger.
Student 1: Oh yeah!

Quiet Observation 5:
Even superheroes take time to read. A picture featuring WW's very own superhero enjoying his time at the public library. Thanks, Ms. Brooke, for capturing this precious moment.

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