Thursday, December 15, 2011

Morning Meeting Magic

Morning Meeting is a special time each day where the Cottontails take time to focus on each other. We participate in various activities that allow us the opportunity to learn from one another. It is a wonderful treat to watch the students interact and show the ability to lead Morning Meeting making this time truly their own. During Morning Meeting we also spend a great deal of time working with the calendar. We focus on the days of the week, the months of the year, the number of days in school, coin counting, place value, and the weather. This month we added a few new routines to our calendar activities.

Each day the students add onto a pattern that is introduced at the beginning of the month. December's pattern is an AaBBAbBBAcBB pattern (orange triangle, blue square, blue square). Three times during the pattern the orange triangle rotates. The students love predicting which shape will come next. Rayne loves to greet me in the morning with an announcement of that day's pattern. Vismitha often whispers her prediction in my ear. During ASP Lucas reminds me of our pattern and shares his prediction.

The Cottontails have been using our iPad to determine the high, low, and current temperature. We record and graph our information. December has had quite the shift in temperatures. Five degrees as the low one morning and then 51 degrees as the high just a few days later. Take a look at the picture below! The Cottontails also locate the temperatures on our wall thermometer and discuss Fahrenheit as the unit of measurement for temperature. Ask your child to share more with you. Feel free to stop by during drop off or pick up to take a look at all of our Morning Meeting changes.


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