Friday, August 31, 2012

Website Updated - August Newsletter

At the end of each month please look for a monthly newsletter. This newsletter will provide greater detail in the curricular areas of your child's school day. Please be sure to read it carefully as it will also contain important notes and reminders.

Please take notice at our website's most recent additions.
August 2012 Newsletter
August 2012 Photo Album - Like a picture you see? Just click on it and you can download it straight to your desktop.
PEP Sign Up - Please take a moment to sign up for a 20 minute PEP conference. PEP conference dates are Tuesday, September 11th 2:30 - 6:00 and Thursday, September 13th 3:30 - 6:00.

Don't forget!!
~ PLEASE be sure to complete the
Parent Survey. Your thoughts are incredibly important in preparing for your child's PEP conference.
~ Don't forget to wash and return (on Tuesday) your child's picnic and rest time blankets. They went home in a large blue Ziploc bag this afternoon.
~ In honor of Labor Day, there is no school and no BASP on Monday, September 3rd. Willowwind's office will also be closed. See you on Tuesday!
~ Curriculum Night is next week! See you on Thursday, September 6th at 6:30 where you will have a chance to hear from Carly about school wide events and then we will spend some time in your child's Kindergarten classroom chatting about our yearlong curriculum themes. See you then!

Bucket Fillers

One of our favorite books so far has been Have You Filled a Bucket Today?. It's easy-to-understand concept regarding everyone's need to fill our "invisible buckets" is one that the Cottontails eagerly enjoy. Throughout the week, they have been verbalizing and showing ways to fill each others' bucket. Look for regular "Quiet Observations" blog postings as I highlight a document the sweetness of these actions. Ask your child about acts of kindness and bucket filling. We've all vowed to be bucket fillers NOT bucket dippers.

Don't forget! Take a look at our Book Shelf tab for all the great books we read throughout the school year. Is there one book in particular your child really enjoyed? Click on the book and the link will take you to Shelfari where you can connect with Amazon to order your child's new favorite book!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bunny Book Bags

Our first class project is complete. The Cottontails have been gearing up to become strong readers by creating personalized book bags to transport the many books they will read back and forth from home to school. Throughout the last week, we decorated one side of our book bags with hand-drawn illustrations and on the other side we sewed a cottontail rabbit to fabric which was then adhere to the bag. It was such a fun project to work with your child on. They loved using a needle and thread to stitch the rabbit, and I loved the small and sweet conversations that took place between your child and me. It's moments like these that make me cherish my work as your child's Kindergarten teacher. Each book bag is personalized with your child's name and it is our hopes that this will become your child's cherished Book Bag for years to come.

Your child's Book Bag (and the books inside) need to travel back and forth from home to school each day. Each week you will see your child's collection of paper books grow. It is important that these books return to school each day as we will use these books within daily classroom activities. You will notice that the books chosen for your child fit with their current literacy needs. Please take time to read these books with your child each night. You will find that with a little help your child will be able to read some of the books independently.

I ask that you have your child refrain from writing or coloring in these books while the are in use for classroom activities. While at school, we may highlight words during word hunts or become authors and illustrators while adding a page or two to the end of the books. Today, we discussed that the students are to only write or color in the books when they are given direct instructions to do so. We will be cleaning out the book bags on a regular basis so they don't get too full. The paper books can be kept at home (and colored in if your child so desires) when a small sticker appears in the top right corner of the cover.

Please let me know if you have questions. Enjoy that reading time with your child! They are excited to read to you!


Routine Reminders

A few more reminders as we continue to adjust to the life and routine of a Kindergartener. In addition, please be sure to take a look at the Welcome page's right sidebar for more information about what should come to school every day.

1) Cottontail Communicator
Along with your child's blue Take Home Folder, please be sure your child's gold Cottontail Communicator travels back and forth to school within the folder. This Cottontail Communicator is a tool for you and I to transfer quick notes back and forth, from home to school, when necessary.

2) Spelling Sort
Please be sure you carefully review this weekend's Spelling blog post, your Spelling email in your inbox, and the handout sent home yesterday with your child's sort for more information about your help and your child's nightly Spelling expectations. Please remember, that this sort should travel back and forth, daily, to school, within your child's Take Home Folder. In addition, please be sure your child INITIALS each of their spelling sort cards. This is important as we work with the cards at school on a regular basis. That way, if they get mixed up with a friend's cards we know who's are who's.

3) Book Bag
See the above post for more information but please be sure your child's canvas book bag and the books inside travel back and forth to school each day.

4) Picnic Blankets & Rest Time Blankets
Your child's set of blankets will go home this weekend to be washed. Your child will transport the blankets home in a large Ziploc bag. Please be sure the blankets, and the bag, come back to school when your child returns next week.

5) No School Monday
Just a reminder, there is no school and no BASP next Monday, September 3rd due to Labor Day. Enjoy your long weekend!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Motto - Have Fun!

Note:  Please excuse the premature publish of these blog posts.  ;)  My fingers got carried away and before I know it, tonight's unfinished blogs were being posted!  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Now, here, for you, are three FULL blog posts!  Enjoy!

Another great week has come and gone and boy were we busy!  You may find a tired Kindergartener on your hands.  We had so much fun!  There is so much to learn and see!  I have to tell you, I am so proud of this crew and cannot wait to see what else this year will bring. This week was full of routine building. Our discussions focused on using our Take Home Folder and Cottontail Communicator, identifying the levels of our Voice Scale, ways to use the Four Steps to resolve conflicts, and how to use our classroom ticket system. Ask your Kindergartener about these exciting new routines. Look to previous blog posts and our upcoming Classroom Handbook for more information regarding these new routines.

We also discussed the importance of being safe and what to do in case of a fire or severe storm. They were eager to practice and participated in this activity with sincere seriousness. In addition, we focused on using our manners at school by brainstorming rules and expectations for ourselves. We recognize their importance as they help us work and grow together. We even had time to play in Centers as the Kindergarteners learned the routine of "playing" in the classroom. We also completed a special project by taking some time to stop and enjoy the outside weather. In doing so, I took a few quiet moments with each child as we sat at the picnic bench and decorated their new book bags and sewed on a cute little fabric bunny. Look for these book bags / keepsakes to go home next week!

WIth each new routine I introduced, the Kindergarteners wanted to know the steps they had to follow. Whether it was creating steps for our start-of-day and end-of-day routine, creating a list of classroom rules, or highlighting The Four Steps to problem solving with friends the Kindergarteners wanted to be sure we added "Have fun!!" to each routine and activity. This has surely become our motto! With every thing we do, this crew of students stops to making sure everyone is having fun! Thank you for helping make our first full week together a total success! I look forward to the many more exciting and enriching weeks ahead.

PS: Check out the website's banner images. They have been updated and this year's cute Kinders now grace the top of our website. I have also updated our Book Shelf tab. Here you will find the class's favorite books and/ or books we have read throughout our school days. Have a good book you think the class would enjoy? Then, please, add a comment to the tab and I'd love to share your idea with the class. See a book on the shelf you like? Just click on it and it will send you to Shelfari where you can order the book for your own home library.

Spelling Sort Routine to Begin Next Week

The Cottontails are eager to begin learning more about letter sounds.  Next week, we will begin our weekly spelling routine.  Your help is needed in ensuring a successful routine.  Beginning Monday, August 27th, your child will be periodically bring home a spelling "sort".  Sorts will go home each Monday, or, at times, every other Monday.  The Cottontail Communicator (found weekly in your child's Take Home Folder) will detail your child's weekly sort and whether it's a new sort for the week or a continuation from the week prior.

When your child brings home their weekly sort please be sure that they take some time each Monday evening that new sort goes home to cut out the sort and then write their initials on the back of each sort card. These cut cards should then make their way into the new Spelling Sort bag you will find on the right side of your child's Take Home Folder. Please be sure these sort cards travel back and both to school via the new plastic bag everyday. Your help with this portion of their weekly home activities is essential in preparing your child in participating in at school spelling activities throughout the week.

I have linked a Word Study Routine document that outlines our weekly routine at school and a recommended weekly routine for you to follow at home. This document can also be found on the Welcome page's right sidebar. In addition, I will send out personal emails this weekend that further details your child's spelling stage. Please read this document carefully and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your help in the successful introduction to another new routine.

Word Study Routine


A Few Quick Reminders / Announcements:

Parent Survey
To prepare for our upcoming PEP conference in September please be sure to fill out the electronic Parent Survey by September, 1st.

Take Home Folder
Please remember to place your child's blue Take Home Folder in backpack each night. The Cottontails have gotten into the routine of placing their Take Home Folder in their mailbox each morning. I will be using this folder to send home important notes, weekly spelling sorts, other at-home activities, student work and our weekly Cottontail Communicator. In addition, please note that the weekly Cottontail Communicator should remain in the folder Monday to Friday. I will replace it with a new one each week.

Willowwind Sing AlongThe Willowwind student community is excited to kickoff its much loved Sing Along tradition. Beginning next Friday, we will be spending the first 15 minutes of every other Friday, in the Wolves' new classroom jamming out to classic songs selected to sing by the students themselves. If your child arrives after 8:15 please help them make their way downstairs to the Wolf classroom (located in the former Indoor Play Space). Feel free to stay and sing along with us. It is THE BEST way to start a Friday and an amazing way to bring Literacy to life as they track the lyrics projected on the screen. It is such a fun time! We can't wait!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Your Child's NEW Take Home Folder

This first full week of school, we are focusing on building classroom routines. On Monday, the Cottontails were introduced to their blue Take Home Folders and the enclosed gold Cottontail Communicator. Below you will find information to help your child establish their own independence and responsibility with transporting their folder back and forth to school each day.

Cottontail Communicator
I will keep open communication with you via regular website updates, personal emails, and through, our class’s weekly Cottontail Communicator. In the Cottontail Communicator, you will find classroom and school announcements, classroom activities, homework expectations, and suggested at-home activities for each week. A new Cottontail Communicator will always go home with your child each Monday and should stay in your child’s Take Home Folder for that whole week. Please make sure, with your child's Take Home folder, the Communicator travels back and forth to school. It is a great way to provide you with quick comments, questions, and concerns, and a great way for you to do the same.

Take Home Folder
A blue plastic folder has been established as your child’s Take Home Folder. This folder will travel with them to and from school every day. This will be one way to communicate with school and me. Any notes can be sent inside the Take Home Folder or they can be written directly on the Cottontail Communicator found on the right side of your child’s Take Home Folder. I will check the folders daily for homework and correspondence from home.

Please ask your child for this folder each evening as it may also contain notes from me, homework, or completed school work. Be sure to empty the folder on a daily basis and return it back to school every morning. This is a great tool that we will utilize everyday to aid your child in their success.

Take Home Folder’s pockets are labeled to help you understand what stays home and what is to be completed and brought back to school. The left side of the folder will be the Left at Home side, and the right side of the folder will be the Right Back to School side. Since the Cottontail Communicator should travel back and forth to school it will remain on the right side of the folder. Spelling sorts and potential homework will also be found on the right side of the folder. Please make sure to check your child’s folder nightly for assignments and activities that may need to be completed at home and then returned to school.

Volunteer Thank You!

A big thank you goes out to Cindy Anderson and family for offering to wash the Kindergarten rags each week. Another thank goes out to Jiyun Park and family who volunteered to assemble our class's weekly black and white books. These assembled books will be some of the books your child will take home in their new canvas book bag (more information to follow).

Cindy & Jiyun, I will be in contact regarding your offer and establishing a routine for your family! Thank you again!!!

Special Project - Decorating Book Bags

The Kindergarten program is excited to start a new project with our students. Each year, Kindergarten students carry a "Book Bag" back and forth to school. This "Book Bag" is different from their backpack as it is a bag that houses various books that the Kindergartener can read on their own or with some help from Mom, Dad, or an older sibling. In year's past, Kindergarteners have used plastic Ziploc bags to transport their books back and forth to school. This year, Kindergarteners will be decorating canvas bags to use as their very own Book Bag. It is our hopes that this book bag will be one that they can carry, use, and cherish for many years to come.

On Tuesday and Thursday, Lindsey and I will be working individually with students as they draw, decorate and sew bunny appliqués onto their book bags. We are looking forward to this special project and are looking for a possible parent volunteer (even with the late notice) that might be interested in helping students sew. I am looking for a parent volunteer that would be available on Thursday from 10:15 - 11:00. Let me know if you are interested. Even with the last minute notice, if you are around tomorrow (Tuesday, August 21st) from 10:15 - 11:00 and would like to help then come on out! The more the merrier!

We can't wait to show you are finished project!

Fall 2012 After School Enrichment Classes

Willowwind is offering yet another semester of exciting enrichment classes for preschool through sixth grade. The 10-week session begins September 10, and multi-class discounts are available! See class descriptions and Kindergarten time offerings below. Email to sign-up your child for any of the excellent education opportunities. Enrollment is first-come, first-serve and begins immediately. The sign-up deadline is Friday, August 31 and classes are limited. We are looking forward to a great semester of discovery and learning!

General Information
• 10-week session runs September 10 - November 12
• non-ASP student tuition rate: $130/class or $240/two classes
• ASP student tuition rate: $110/class or $200/two classes
• Non-ASP contracted students are eligible for an ASP 10-daily use punch card. These may be used for the time period from the end of enrichment class until 6:00 pm (end of ASP).

Creative Movement (Multi-Age)
Wednesdays 3:30 - 4:30
September 10 - November 12
Tuition: $130 ($110 for students enrolled in WW's full-time ASP)
While honoring creative exploration of the elements of dance, this age group is guided towards greater self-awareness in their creative play within each day's lesson. "Action words", "describing words", and more complicated combination of elements of dance are addressed in addition to more advanced versions of the creative games played at the preschool level. Being aware of one's own body, the space, other people's bodies in the space, and making deliberate, conscious choices about how to move as an individual and as a group are stressed.

Immersion Spanish
Thursdays 2:15 - 3:15
September 10 - November 12
Tuition: $130 ($110 for students enrolled in WW's full-time ASP)
Come explore the Spanish language through games, songs, and crafts! The theme for this season will be "La Comida / Food". During our time together, we will learn how to make tasty treats like pico de gallo and chocolate con churros. Students will build vocabulary through creating menus and opening a mock "restaurante". We will also celebrate "Dia de los Muertos / Day of the Dead".

Recycled Art
Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:30
September 10 - November 12
Tuition: $130 ($110 for students enrolled in WW's full-time ASP)
Using our resourcefulness, we will learn to turn our habits of consumption into creative. We will use all sorts of recycled 2D and 3D elements to create upcycled journals, wall hangings, jewelry, and so much more!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The First Day!

Wow!! The first day has come and gone! What fun we had!! I am so thrilled to be a part of your child's Kindergarten year! We started the day by feeding our brains breakfast. I could not believe how eager the kiddos were to be in Kindergarten and even more so how quietly they worked. After Brain Breakfast, we prepared our bodies for a busy day by stretching and moving at the start of Morning Meeting. This class likes to sing and move! We used our morning message to go on a letter hunt. The students were eager to find familiar letters throughout the message.

After focusing on the calendar and days of the weeks, a friendly bunny left clues throughout the school and we were able to participate in a "getting to know the building" scavenger hunt. We even found clues on the playground and in the prairie. Mother Nature cooperated and gave us a chance to run and play with the Conejitos, our other Kindergarten friends, at Morning Recess. We also had the chance to eat lunch and play outside with our older friends. It was so fun to see and meet so many new faces.

In the afternoon, we rested. During Rest Time, it was such a sweet experience sharing your letter with your child. Their smiles as a result were priceless. Thank you for that special moment. Our final activity of the day was to draw a self-portrait. It was amazing to watch them to complete this job with such care. Kindergarteners were asking their table mates to help them determine their eye color, asking about stripes in their shirts, and trying to find the perfect match for their hair color. This is an amazing group, and I am so excited for the year ahead. It will surely be a great time with amazing growth all around. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. See you tomorrow! I can't wait!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Here's to a GREAT Year!!

I've been busy gearing up for what is sure to be a successful year. Throughout the summer, I have developed curriculum, gathered ideas for hands-on activities, and have been planning for another wonderful year as one of now TWO Kindergarten teachers at Willowwind. Last week, marked my first full-time week back in our classroom. It was nice to take the week cleaning, organizing, and decorating the classroom for your child. Our room is set and so am I, but it is far too quiet in our classroom! I cannot wait for Thursday to bring the noise of excited Kinders and the busy bustling that occurs with fun and learning. I look forward to seeing you at Tuesday's Meet & Greet Ice Cream Social from 4:30 - 7:00. In the meantime, please email me if you have any questions or concerns about the start of the year.

Volunteer Opportunities

Your help and support is an important part of our success in the Cottontail classroom. The Cottontail blog will be a great place to look for classroom volunteer opportunities. Currently, I have two "at-home" parent volunteer opportunities. Please let me know if you are interested. Volunteer opportunities can also be found in the right sidebar on the Welcome page.

Wash Classroom Rags
The Kindergarten classes need one family to volunteer on a weekly basis to take home our classroom rags on Friday and wash and fold them to return the following Monday. This can be done from home and can earn you about 30 minutes of volunteer time per week. Let me know if your family is interested in this weekly volunteer opportunity.

Assemble Black & White Books
Your child will routinely use copied books to help in learning to read. These books require some assembly. Our class is in need of one family to volunteer on a weekly basis to take home and assemble the black and white books. This can be done from home and can earn you about 30 minutes of volunteer time per week. Let me know if your family is interested in this weekly volunteer opportunity.

Snack & Lunch Routine / Nutritional Practices

In Kindergarten, we will have snack time twice a day (once on Thursdays). Please be sure to pack your child a healthy snack for each morning and afternoon. It is important that these snacks are healthy in nature, providing your child with the nutrition necessary to sustain energy throughout the day. In years past, some children have had a separate "Snack Sack" that holds their daily snacks or a separate pocket in their lunch bag to avoid confusion between what is for snack and what is for lunch. Discuss with your family what would be the best routine for your child to insure that your child knows which items are for snack and which items are for lunch. It is also helpful to label containers "Morning Snack" and "Afternoon Snack". Please, NO JUICE OR MILK, during snack time. Please save a beverage of choice for lunch time. The Kindergarteners will have frequent access to their water bottles and drinking fountain throughout the day. The Cottontails' Snack Routine handout (click underlined phrase) will give you more information about our snack time as well as ideas for healthy snacks.

Like snack, your family is responsible for providing your child a healthy lunch from home each day. Last year, Willowwind's K-6 program implemented a "Pack In / Pack Out" snack & lunch routine. In doing so, students and their families become aware of, and can manage, their food intake throughout the school day. At the start of the year, we will discuss the waste we produce and healthy eating habits during snack and lunch times. Please read the Nutritional Practices handout for more information regarding our Pack In / Pack Out Routine and Willowwind's school wide wellness policy. This document will also provide information on ways to reduce your child's lunch and snack waste as well as ways to encourage healthy eating during these times at school. Please note that it is encouraged for students and their families to share healthy birthday treats throughout the year. Your help is much appreciated.

interested in learning about ways to eliminate waste in your child's lunch box and snack sack? Check out these links below:

Important Handouts
Handouts can also be found linked in the right sidebar of the Welcome page.
Cottontails' Snack Routine
Willowwind's Nutritional Practices

Important Handouts

As the school year gets started, the sidebar on the right side of the Welcome page will contain many important handouts. Please take a look at this sidebar and click on the links (underlined) to review some important handouts for the start of the year.

Handouts include:
~ Parent Survey
Please make sure to complete the online Parent Survey (also linked in the right). Please do this by September 1st. This survey will help me further know your child and their learning style, and developmental progress. It will also help us prepare for our upcoming PEP conference in September. In the coming weeks, be thinking about a potential academic and social goal you'd like to see for your child's Kindergarten year.

~ 2012 - 2013 Kindergarten Daily Schedule

~ Willowwind's Nutritional Practices

~ Cottontails' Snack Routine

~ Personal School Supply List
Your child is welcome to bring these supplies on Tuesday's Meet and Greet night or on Thursday's first day of school.

~ 2012 - 2013 Cottontails' Daily Schedule
The Daily Schedule subtab under the Curriculum tab will be updated soon.
Please Note: This daily schedule is tentative and may be tweaked to best fit our time together.

~ 2012 - 2013 Special Events Calendar
The Calendar tab will be updated soon to include these special events.

~ 2012 - 2013 Academic Calendar
These dates will also be reflected on the updated Calendar tab.

~ Michelle's Welcome Letter

School Start Time & Dismissal Times

Please note that school will start each morning promptly at 8:15. The classroom will open at 8:00 for early arrival to help your child ease into the morning. If your child plans to arrive before 8:00 they can attend Before School Program (BSP) which opens at 7:30.

On the first day of school, and every Thursday there after, school will dismiss at 2:00 pm. School dismisses at 3:15 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The After School Program (ASP) is available each day after school until 6:00 pm. Please let me know if your child will be regularly attending ASP. If you plan to pick your child up at the end of each school day we will meet you outside in front of school.

I am looking forward to our first day of school!!

Welcome to the Cottontails' Website

Welcome to the Cottontail Rabbits class website (click underlined phrase to access link). Feel free to look around.

The Welcome page is home to the Cottontail Chatter blog. Here I will post important information, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and fun looks into your child's day as a Cottontail Rabbit. Through our blog you are welcome to comment and ask questions. This website is a great way for the Cottontail families to interact. To comment, simply click on the comments button under the current post you'd like to comment on. Remember, if you have a question it is likely possible that another family has the same questions. Ask away! You can also use the blog to make book recommendations for books under our Book Shelf tab.

Please be sure to subscribe to our blog updates by entering your email address and following the subsequent instructions. In doing so, all website updates will be sent straight to your email inbox with links to the updated sections of the website. In addition, the right sidebar of the Welcome page will include important announcements, upcoming events, and links to essential handouts.

At the top of the website you will find tabs that will connect you with information regarding your child's year in Willowwind's Kindergarten program. In the coming weeks, these tabs will be further updated to reflect our year together. All updates will be communicated via a blog posting sent to your email. Look for monthly newsletters and photo updates at the end of each month.

Take a look around, explore, and let me know if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy the information available to you. If you have ideas for helpful information you'd like to find on our website please let me know you. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged. I will further detail the use of our website and your child's year at our upcoming Curriculum Night on September 6th from 6:30 - 7:30.

I look forward to seeing you THIS Tuesday, August 14th at Willowwind's Meet & Greet Ice Cream Social from 4:30 - 7:00 pm. You are welcomed to bring your child's personal school supplies on Tuesday or with them on the first day of school on Thursday, August 16th. I will also have a laptop available for you to take a moment and subscribe to website updates. See you then.

Important Handout:
Handouts can also be found linked in the right sidebar of the Welcome page.
Personal School Supply List