Sunday, August 12, 2012

Snack & Lunch Routine / Nutritional Practices

In Kindergarten, we will have snack time twice a day (once on Thursdays). Please be sure to pack your child a healthy snack for each morning and afternoon. It is important that these snacks are healthy in nature, providing your child with the nutrition necessary to sustain energy throughout the day. In years past, some children have had a separate "Snack Sack" that holds their daily snacks or a separate pocket in their lunch bag to avoid confusion between what is for snack and what is for lunch. Discuss with your family what would be the best routine for your child to insure that your child knows which items are for snack and which items are for lunch. It is also helpful to label containers "Morning Snack" and "Afternoon Snack". Please, NO JUICE OR MILK, during snack time. Please save a beverage of choice for lunch time. The Kindergarteners will have frequent access to their water bottles and drinking fountain throughout the day. The Cottontails' Snack Routine handout (click underlined phrase) will give you more information about our snack time as well as ideas for healthy snacks.

Like snack, your family is responsible for providing your child a healthy lunch from home each day. Last year, Willowwind's K-6 program implemented a "Pack In / Pack Out" snack & lunch routine. In doing so, students and their families become aware of, and can manage, their food intake throughout the school day. At the start of the year, we will discuss the waste we produce and healthy eating habits during snack and lunch times. Please read the Nutritional Practices handout for more information regarding our Pack In / Pack Out Routine and Willowwind's school wide wellness policy. This document will also provide information on ways to reduce your child's lunch and snack waste as well as ways to encourage healthy eating during these times at school. Please note that it is encouraged for students and their families to share healthy birthday treats throughout the year. Your help is much appreciated.

interested in learning about ways to eliminate waste in your child's lunch box and snack sack? Check out these links below:

Important Handouts
Handouts can also be found linked in the right sidebar of the Welcome page.
Cottontails' Snack Routine
Willowwind's Nutritional Practices

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