Friday, August 24, 2012


A Few Quick Reminders / Announcements:

Parent Survey
To prepare for our upcoming PEP conference in September please be sure to fill out the electronic Parent Survey by September, 1st.

Take Home Folder
Please remember to place your child's blue Take Home Folder in backpack each night. The Cottontails have gotten into the routine of placing their Take Home Folder in their mailbox each morning. I will be using this folder to send home important notes, weekly spelling sorts, other at-home activities, student work and our weekly Cottontail Communicator. In addition, please note that the weekly Cottontail Communicator should remain in the folder Monday to Friday. I will replace it with a new one each week.

Willowwind Sing AlongThe Willowwind student community is excited to kickoff its much loved Sing Along tradition. Beginning next Friday, we will be spending the first 15 minutes of every other Friday, in the Wolves' new classroom jamming out to classic songs selected to sing by the students themselves. If your child arrives after 8:15 please help them make their way downstairs to the Wolf classroom (located in the former Indoor Play Space). Feel free to stay and sing along with us. It is THE BEST way to start a Friday and an amazing way to bring Literacy to life as they track the lyrics projected on the screen. It is such a fun time! We can't wait!

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