Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome to the Cottontails' Website

Welcome to the Cottontail Rabbits class website (click underlined phrase to access link). Feel free to look around.

The Welcome page is home to the Cottontail Chatter blog. Here I will post important information, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and fun looks into your child's day as a Cottontail Rabbit. Through our blog you are welcome to comment and ask questions. This website is a great way for the Cottontail families to interact. To comment, simply click on the comments button under the current post you'd like to comment on. Remember, if you have a question it is likely possible that another family has the same questions. Ask away! You can also use the blog to make book recommendations for books under our Book Shelf tab.

Please be sure to subscribe to our blog updates by entering your email address and following the subsequent instructions. In doing so, all website updates will be sent straight to your email inbox with links to the updated sections of the website. In addition, the right sidebar of the Welcome page will include important announcements, upcoming events, and links to essential handouts.

At the top of the website you will find tabs that will connect you with information regarding your child's year in Willowwind's Kindergarten program. In the coming weeks, these tabs will be further updated to reflect our year together. All updates will be communicated via a blog posting sent to your email. Look for monthly newsletters and photo updates at the end of each month.

Take a look around, explore, and let me know if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy the information available to you. If you have ideas for helpful information you'd like to find on our website please let me know you. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged. I will further detail the use of our website and your child's year at our upcoming Curriculum Night on September 6th from 6:30 - 7:30.

I look forward to seeing you THIS Tuesday, August 14th at Willowwind's Meet & Greet Ice Cream Social from 4:30 - 7:00 pm. You are welcomed to bring your child's personal school supplies on Tuesday or with them on the first day of school on Thursday, August 16th. I will also have a laptop available for you to take a moment and subscribe to website updates. See you then.

Important Handout:
Handouts can also be found linked in the right sidebar of the Welcome page.
Personal School Supply List

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