Saturday, September 29, 2012

Website Updated - Sept/Oct Newsletter

Our website has been updated. Check out the latest information.

~ September / October Newsletter
I have included a Special Events section that details Picture Day (NEXT Monday), Harvest Fest (NEXT Saturday - please be sure to donate supplies & volunteer), and other October events.

~ September Photo Album

~ Calendar

~ Welcome Page's Right Sidebar

Compassionate Children

Compassion - /kəmˈpaSHən/
Noun: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortunate, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate suffering

In September, we spent quite a bit of time talking about the importance of showing others compassion. In discussing compassion, we read the book Lily and the Paper Man by Rebecca Upjohn. In this book, Lily, walking home from school with her mother, runs straight into a gruff and untidy man selling papers on the street. Frightened, Lily insists on taking the bus home every day worried to run into him again. As the weather turns cold, Lily starts to see the Paper Man differently; she sees his bare toes through the holes in his boots and his thin shirt through the holes in his coat. As she lies in her warm bed at night she wonders about the Paper Man and how he stays warm. Lily comes up with an idea to give the Paper Man warm socks, a hat, gloves, scarf, and a quilt she has no more use for. It is a gentle story about the value of compassion.

Lily and the Paper Man

Upon reading this story, the Cottontails wanted to know how they could show compassion for others - how they could help. We are excited to announce that our older friends, the Burrowing Owls, are beginning a week long canned food drive for our neighbors at the River Community Church Food Pantry. Please take a look at the letter below written to you from the Owl students. This will give you more information regarding the Food Drive. Along with this week's Food Drive, Willowwind is also hosting a Costume Drive. Until October 12th bring in your new or gently used costumes to help out those local children who may not have a fun Halloween costume otherwise.

A Letter From the Students in the Burrowing Owl Class

Dear Parents and Kids,
The Burrowing Owl class is organizing a food drive for people that do not have enough money to afford good food. Did you know that this year, forty-nine million people struggled with hunger and sixteen million of those people are children? We are collecting it for the River Community Church  Food Pantry. The food that we would like you to bring is anything canned, such as tuna, soup, beans, chili, fruit, pastas, or anything that is easy to cook. Please bring the food for the Harvest Festival on October 6. You can bring the food anytime between October 1 and October 8. You may put the canned goods in the two bins in the entryway at the front of the school. We will be having a food drive four times this year. We are asking the entire school building, including the preschoolers to bring food. Thank you for reading!
The Burrowing Owl Class

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall Field Trip Fun

The beginning of Fall has brought a variety of field trips off campus and even on campus, too. We have been having so much fun together. The community building that has occurred along the way has been simply amazing. We're looking forward to the remaining field trips to come. Remember, to periodically check our monthly photo albums for updated photos. I have added new photos for the month of September and there are more to come!

Our First Field Trip - Friendship Park
Heading to Friendship Park with all of our Kindergarten friends was a wonderful way to celebrate the first day of Fall. We used our five senses to make the most of our walk and playtime at the park. We watched for changing leaves, birds flying south. We felt the cold air and wet rain as we bundled in our coats. We tasted Ainsley's birthday cookies (Thank you, Ainsley!). We sniffed the moist dirt and wet wood chips, and smell of Fall in the air. We listened to giggling laughter and squeals of delight as we ran and played on the climbing structure and swings. At one point, the most fun we were having was simply running through the field and throwing leaves in the air. Before we said our goodbyes to the park we read
Fall is Here! I Love It! under the picnic shelter as we waited patiently for the steady mist to go away.

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Kindergarten Camping Day
Monday gave us a beautiful Fall day to enjoy the weather and Willowwind's "campsite". We loved spending time in our tents (thank you parents!) and reading camping and Fall books. We had a blast completing our Camping Journal pages and spent time discussing the importance of outdoor safety. We even took time to eat a favorite camping snack, s'mores! The Cottontails were resourceful students as they carefully used their pretend campfire to safely roast their s'more's marshmallow. Some Cottontails even used the sun's warmth to "roast" their marshmallow! Our Camping Day flew by! It was such a fun way to appreciate the beautiful outdoors. We can't wait to do it again!


And we're on our way…
"Hi how, hi ho, it's on the trail we go,
We walk and sing and sing and walk,
Hi ho, hi ho, let's go!
Let's go, let's go, and to the camp we'll go
We'll walk and sing and sing and walk
Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho!"

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Yummy Treats…..mmmmm S'mores and a visit from Carly!

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"Scary" Stories, Cozy Tents, and Camping Journals

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Smiles All Around

Iowa City Public Library
Wednesday presented another beautiful day to travel out into our amazing community. The Kindergarteners took the Towncrest bus downtown to visit the public library. There we found books of all genres and types - our favorite stories, picture books, chapter books, nonfiction, comics, and magazines. We enjoyed a story time with Ms. Kathy - at her "place" this time - and had so much fun using our new library cards and the self checkout machine. Some Kindergarteners were able to pick out their FREE book for using their library card. If your child has not had a chance to get their free book or library card wallet holder please be sure to take some time to do so. Don't forget, your child's library books are due on Wednesday, October 17th. After our time at the library came to an end we were still able to enjoy our downtown community and the beautiful weather by eating a picnic lunch on the Ped Mall and playing on the downtown play structure. What a special treat and what fun!!

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First Bus Ride and First Check Out!

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Smiles at story time and smiles on top of the play structure!

Kent Park
Our school wide field trip to Kent Park was an amazing adventure. A big yellow school bus brought us to an amazing prairie preserve where we met Naturalist Brad. He took us on a tour of Kent Park's tallgrass prairie where we discussed various prairie plants, animal habitats, weather patterns and our extreme weather conditions. We also had the opportunity to learn about prairie animals. We discussed prairie racerunners (did you know their tail falls off when they're nervous), box turtles (turtles have rings like trees to tell their age), and salamanders (they love wet, wet conditions). We even got a chance to see a live salamander and box turtle. Through it all, it was a blast watching your child bond with so many schoolmates. Our Kent Park field trip is a wonderful way to develop Willowwind unity. Students walk through the prairies hand in hand with new friends and lots of smiles. What a great day all around!

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A Prairie Walk

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Beautiful Views - the Wetlands and the Box Turtle

October Field Trips
Don't forget! We will be heading to Honey Creek Acres on Monday, October 8th and Bloomsbury Farm on Monday, October 15th. Please be sure to leave your child's booster seat at school on the mornings of BOTH of these field trip days. When driving to field trip locations your child MUST have their booster seat. A big thank you to our parent drivers. We are set for drivers for both field trips. Yay!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Important Reminders

Kindergarten Camping Day
Tomorrow is Willowwind's first Kindergarten Camping Day. We will spend the day outside at our very own Willowwind Campground. Please be sure you bring a sleeping bag and pillow for your child. Don't have a sleeping bag? No worries, we'll have extras. Have an extra sleeping bag? We'd love it if you'd share it with us. Please be sure your child dresses appropriately as the weather temperatures shift throughout the day.

Iowa City Public Library - Wednesday, September 26th
Don't forget, we will be traveling to the public library THIS Wednesday. Please be sure your child brings their library card so they can check out books on our field trip. I will collect library cards in the morning, for safekeeping, and help your child check out books while at the library. I will return library cards at the end of the day.

Harvest Fest - Saturday, October 6th
Willowwind's Fall Harvest Fest is quickly approaching. This year, the Cottontail Rabbit class is in charge of the Rainbow Penny Toss carnival game. Please use to sign up to help bring supplies and/or work a 15 minute shift at the game. We are in need of donations of small black cauldrons, pencils, and stickers. Rainbow Penny Toss is an easy game to play. Children are given 5 pennies on their turn. Their goal is to have their pennies land on the chalk rainbow (drawn on the sidewalk) or land in the black cauldrons at each end of the rainbow. For each penny that lands on the chalk rainbow a child can pick a sticker prize. For each penny that lands in the black cauldron a child can select a pencil prize. Working a 15 minute shift can go towards your required service hours. Thank you in advance! Your help is much appreciated. It is sure to be a fabulous event - one that the community looks forward to each year.

October Field Trips - Volunteer Opportunities

In conjunction with our Fall science unit, Apples and Pumpkins, the Kindergarten program has two October field trips planned.

Honey Creek Acres - Monday, October 8th
We will be leaving at 12:00pm. We will be at the farm from 12:30-2:15pm. We should arrive back to Willowwind by 2:45 to pack up and go home. We will take a tour of the farm, learn about apples and honey from an instructor, take a hay ride and pick apples. Check out
Honey Creek Acre's website. Note: On Monday, October 8th, please be sure to leave your child's booster seat. All Kindergarteners must use a booster sweet when traveling for Willowwind field trips.

Bloomsbury Farm - Monday, October 15th
We will be leaving at 8:30am. We will be at the farm from 9:30-11:45. We should be back to Willowwind by 12:45 in time for Specials. We will take a hay ride, go through a corn maze, feed the barn yard animals and pick pumpkins. Check out
Bloomsbury Farm's website

Drivers are needed for our October 8th and October 15th field trip to Honey Creek Acres and Bloomsbury Farm.  If you are interested in driving please let me know.  These field trips are not possible without your help and support. All drivers must submit a copy of their driver's license and proof of insurance to Amber at the Front Desk. Thank you in advance.

One More September Field Trip! - Kent Park

Another field trip is scheduled for our busy week. The K-6 program will be traveling to Kent Park together to meet Naturalist Brad and learn more about tallgrass prairies. On Thursday, September 27th, we will spend the day at Kent Park touring their established prairie, learning about prairie plants and animals, and discussing the importance of prairie restoration. Willowwind students will enjoy their snacks and lunches at Kent Park. It will be a busy day so please be sure to pack your child's snacks and lunch accordingly. Make sure they have a water bottle to travel with. In addition, please make sure they dress accordingly (layers are best as the weather changes throughout the day), wearing comfy walking shoes and a sun hat. It is suppose to be a beautiful day.

Lastly, the school bus will be leaving shortly after 8:30. Your prompt morning arrival is important. We will return to Willowwind by 2pm. We are excited for this upcoming school wide field trip! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Kindergarten Homework

Homecoming Noisemakers
During GD this week, K-2 students are working to create noisemakers for the homecoming parade.  We spent today brainstorming the many ways that we could reuse items to make our noisemakers.  Please look through your family recycling bin or craft supplies to find any potentially noisy items that you can share.  Students should bring noise making materials to school on Tuesday and Wednesday so that we can use them in GD.  The following is a student generated list which may help you think of some ideas.
  • soup cans
  • coffee cans
  • plastic bottles with lids
  • paper or plastic cups
  • paper or plastic plates
  • beads
  • beans
  • paper clips

Don't forget to use Sign Up Genius to sign up to participate in the University of Iowa's Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 28th around 5:00. Look to my previous blog postings and emails from the Office for more information. We can't wait to celebrate Willowwind's traditions with the University, Iowa City, and beyond!

Weekly Math Packet

Today, as a class, we discussed this new routine and the Cottontails are so excited to have weekly math homework just like their older friends, partners, and family members. Please help foster this excitement as they bring home their weekly work.

Each Monday, students will take home a weekly math packet. This math packet will contain four double sided worksheets that can be completed throughout the week. These activities are supplemental activities to the activities and lessons we complete as a class throughout the week. They are meant to provide your child with added practice and reinforcement. It is my hopes that this homework routine provides you with the opportunity to take a look at some of the concepts your child is studying in Kindergarten. Today, the class brainstormed various ways to complete the packet. Some friends suggested completing one double sided page each night, other friends were eager to complete the entire packet on Monday evening, others had other ideas to divide the work up throughout the week. We all agreed, though, that waiting until Thursday night to start the packet was not the best idea.

On Friday morning, your child can bring their packet back to school and turn it in. If they happen to finish it earlier in the week they can certainly turn it in sooner, upon full completion. We will take part of our Friday Math time to review our work independently, with partners, in small groups, or as a large group. Please see that your child is prepared to participate in our Math review each Friday. Each double sided page should only take your child approximately five minutes to complete. This homework is meant to aid in your child's school routine. ASP kiddos are encourage to use "homework time" to complete their homework before heading home. As you begin our new Math homework routine please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for continuing your child's learning at home!

September Field Trips

Lindsey and I are eagerly planning a variety of Fall field trips. Below details three upcoming field trips we plan to take before September turns to October.

1) Friendship Park Morning
Friday September 21st 9:00 - 11:00
We will be walking to the park with both Kindergarten classrooms to explore Fall! We will enjoy snack outside, make first day of Fall observations, and spend the morning enjoying the beautiful weather. Please be sure your child is wearing comfy walking shoes and has a water bottle and sun hat.

2) Kindergarten Camping Day
Monday September 24th ALL DAY! 9:00 - 3:00
We will be spending the day outside with our camping gear, tents and sleeping bags! We will set up a campsite outside on Willowwind's campus near the garden. Here we will enjoy the outdoors and spend the day reading, writing, playing outside under the beautiful fall sky. We are super excited to spend the day experiencing the outdoors.
PLEASE BRING A SLEEPING BAG / PILLOW FOR YOUR CHILD TO USE THROUGHOUT THE DAY. Please email me if you have a tent that we could use for the day. Have other supplies that may help us create our "Willowwind Campsite"? Let me know. The more fun gear the better the daytime camping experience!

3) Iowa City Public Library
Wednesday September 26th 9:30 - 12:45
We will be taking the city bus to the Iowa City Public Library. Students will enjoy a library story time, and we will also check out some books for our class. Please be sure your child has their own library card. If your child does not have a library card please fill out the "library card application" I sent home today and make a trip with your child to submit the paperwork and receive your child's new library card and free gifts! Have your child bring their library card to school on Wednesday!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

We are Strong Readers!

This week the Cottontails have been talking about ways we will become strong readers. The students are so excited to take such a big step in learning how to read. We brainstormed activities strong readers do and we discussed three ways strong readers read (1. Read the Pictures, 2. Read the Words, 3. Retell the Story). After each class discussion, the Cottontails were given the opportunity to pick a book and a special quiet place to read and practice becoming strong readers. This week we took three or four minutes to practice being strong readers. While the class is reading quietly, and independently, it is their goal to immerse their whole selves into their story being able to tune out all distractions creating their own quiet reading environment for themselves. As the school year progresses our quiet reading times will grow minute by minute, bit by bit. The Cottontails excitement to read is breathtaking. Photos coming soon!

Ms. Kathy, Iowa City's children's librarian, paid a visit to the Cottontail classroom on Friday. This first visit marked the beginning of her monthly story times with the Kindergarten class. It is a monthly ritual that the students grow to love and enjoy. At this month's visit, Ms. Kathy read books and talked about the importance of applying for a library card. With our monthly field trips to the Iowa City Public Library it is important that you set aside an upcoming evening to help your child journey through the momentous occasion of obtaining their first library card. Please look for a library card application (and other fun handouts) to go home in your child's take home folder on Monday. Fill out the application, make a trip to the library, and help your child get their FIRST library card. This is an activity that Cottontails always look forward to! When your child gets their library card, don't forget to stop by the Children's Library desk so they can get a FREE book to celebrate their new library card.

Does your child already have a library card? If so, great! Make sure to still stop by the Children's Library desk to receive your child's FREE book.

A September date will soon be set for our first field trip to the library. Please make sure that your child has their library card before this date. It is an important part of their monthly trip to the library.

Thank you for all your help in encouraging your child to embrace a new love for reading as they strengthen their own reading skills.


1) Personalized Education Plans
Thank you so much for taking time to visit your child's recent PEP conferences. It is always so nice to meet with families and discuss your child's hopes and progression for the year. Please look for an upcoming email in the next couple of weeks that further detail your child's academic and social goals. As always, don't hesitate to ever contact with questions or concerns.

2) Picture Day
Picture Day is scheduled for Monday, October 1st. School photos will take place outside, so in case of rain, the rain date is Tuesday, October 16. Willowwind parent, Sarah Neighbors, of Sarah Neighbors Photography, will be taking school photos this year. Linked, you will find a picture order form for you to fill out and return to the Front Desk. Forms are also available at the Front Desk. Please return your photo order form and payment by Thursday, September 27. You will receive a CD with your child's individual portrait and class photo. The Cottontails will be taking photos at 10:45. Your child may wear their picture day outfit to school or you can bring it for them to change into prior to our slotted photo time.

3) Health & Wellness
Johnson County's Department of Public Health wants you to be aware that there are confirmed cases of pertussis (whooping cough) around Johnson County. Currently, Willowwind does not have any identified cases within our student body or staff. Linked is a letter from the Department of Public Health with more information on Whooping cough.

In addition, the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) will host a "Fight the Flu" clinic here at Willowwind on Wednesday, September 26th from 3:30 - 5:30. The will offer flu shots, FluMist, and a pneumonia vaccine. The VNA can directly bill your insurance company, Medicare B, or Medicare replacement policies. If you are interested, bring your current medical insurance or Medicare card with you. Free vaccines will be available to children enrolled in Medicaid or children who are uninsured. For in-person payment for vaccines, please bring cash or check. The cost for the flue shot is $25; FluMist is $31, and the pneumonia vaccine is $80.

4) University of Iowa's Homecoming Parade
Join the Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 28th. Sign up to join the parade at Sign-Up Genius. The parade officially begins at 5:45. Please arrive by 5:00. Once the parade started, the walk takes about 30 minutes. It is helpful to bring water bottles and snacks for young children. The Willowwind community can share their school spirit by handing out Willowwind treats and displaying posters that highlight our favorite Willowwind traditions created by the K-6 students. Wear your blue or gold or your Willowwind apparel. Decorate your bikes, strollers, wagons and scooters to support the theme - Willowwind School, a Tradition of Igniting a Passion of Learning! See you there!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Try and Try and Try Again!

This week the Cottontail Rabbits have been discussing perseverance. Our discussions have been so thoughtful and the students have been eager to identify ways in which story characters persevered. Today, we read the classic picture book The Little Engine That Could, a perfect example of perseverance - "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." What was most amazing when reading this book was listening to the students make text-to-text connections identifying characters that were being "bucket fillers" and characters that were been "bucket dippers". I was so proud of their natural ability to connect two of our newly favorites stories.

We also read Quiet Bunny, a story about a bunny who uses his eyes and ears to discover his own sound he can make as he "thumps, thumps, thumps" along to the meadow's night song. We ended our day with a cute book, Oops-a-Daisy, a book that follows a little rabbit's tricky journey in learning how to hippity-hoppity.

Our discussions of perseverance continued beyond story time. It was a pure joy listening in on Kindergarten conversations as students shared, over snack times, moments where they have persevered. I watched as they took risks and tried new adventures on the playground and with older friends. I interacted with students as they shared goals they had for areas they hope to persevere in. It is clear that this group of Cottontails understands the importance of "practice makes perfect". Throughout the day students reminded one another to "try and try and try again!" What a wonderful day it was in Kindergarten! Please continue our perseverance conversations at home! How can you help your child persevere?

Upcoming Events: Curriculum Night, Kindness Hearts, PEP Conference

Don't Forget!

1) Kindness Hearts
should return to school TODAY, Thursday, September 6th.

2) Curriculum Night
is TONIGHT, Thursday, September 6th from 6:30 - 7:30. This is an informational night for parents. If you would like to bring your child to Willowwind during this time, there will be child care available. Contact Amber if you are in need of a child care spot. See you there!

3) PEP Conferences
are NEXT Tuesday, September 11th from 3:30 - 6:00 and NEXT Thursday, September 13th from 2:30 - 6:00. Please take a moment to sign up for a 20 minute conference slot. Also, if you have NOT filled out the Parent Survey please do so ASAP. This is an important part in preparing for your child's PEP conference and year long goal setting process.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Website Updated

In preparation for Thursday, September 6th's Curriculum Night I have updated our class website. We will go over the website's changes at Curriculum Night but in the meantime, here are a list of recent updates.

~ Sign Up Genius Button - On the website's Welcome page, you will find a "Volunteer" button. Click this button to access Willowwind's Sign Up Genius page. Here you can find school wide volunteer opportunities. Simply enter in Rachel's email address ( to view WW's opportunities.
~ Calendar - The Calendar tab has been updated to reflect special events, field trips, conference dates, and no school days scheduled throughout the year. As additional events are scheduled I will continue to update the calendar.
~ Cottontails - This year's Cottontails have had fun learning about our class name. Take a look at some of our Cottontail brainstorming exercises and an updated list of our favorite Cottontail Rabbit books!
~ Curriculum Subpages - Each Curriculum subpage has been updated to reflect this year's changes, revisions, and growth in our Kindergarten program. Use this link to guide you to the Curriculum tab. From there click on each of the subpages for more information on specific curricular areas. I have also added a Specials page, Technology page, and an iPad page.
~ September 2012 Photo Album - I have uploaded a few pictures that showcase how busy we've been in the first few days of September.
~ Websites - I have added some of our favorite websites! Check out websites your child may enjoying visiting while at home. Also take a look at the links to our other friends' websites. Enjoy!
~ Cottontail Handbook - On the right side of the Welcome Page you will find a link to this year's Cottontail classroom handbook. Over the next few days, take your time reviewing it. We will discuss this handbook more at Curriculum Night.

Cottontail Handbook

Each year, I published a "Cottontail Handbook" to provide parents with more information about their child's classroom. Linked, you will find this year's Cottontail Handbook. You will note, that this handbook is rather lengthy. This is to provide you with as much information as you'd like. So, grab a cup of coffee and a cozy spot to peruse at your leisure. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Below is a list of "top 10 topics" to review. We may further review these topics and more at Thursday, September 6th's Curriculum Night.

Top 10 Handbook Topics:
1. Attendance - page 4
2. Birthdays - page 8
3. Book Bags - page 8
4. Communication - page 9
5. Cottontail Communicator - page 10
6. Health - page 16
7. Lunch Routine - page 19
8. Pick Up - page 23
9. School Cancellations - page 25
10. Snacks - page 25

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Folder Contents - Kindness Hearts & Brain Breakfast

Hello Cottontail Families!

I wanted to send a quick note home regarding two items you will find in your child's Take Home Folder.

1) Kindness Hearts
Last week, we read a very special book called, Kindness is Cooler Mrs. Ruler. This book was all about doing nice things for others in our home, school, and community. We were so excited about this book that they decided they wanted to spread kindness just like the characters did. We want to write down our own acts of kindness on a paper hearts. We will hang these hearts in our project room and see if we can cover an entire bulletin board. You will see three paper hearts coming home tonight. Please return these hearts to school NO LATER THAN THIS Thursday morning.

Please take a moment to sit with your child and talk about something kind they could do or have done today. Please write down their act of kindness and have them trace over your writing. OR, you could also write down the act of kindness on a piece of paper and have them copy it onto the heart themselves. If you have more then three acts of kindness please feel free to make your own paper hearts and bring them in (by Thursday). Let's fill up that bulletin board! Take a look at the sample hearts below.


2) Brain Breakfast Items
Today, your child cleared out the "Finished" side of their Brain Breakfast Folder. They put the finished work in their Take Home Folders to show you. Take some time with your child to look over their hard work and share in their successes. I am so proud of them for all the work they have done. Brain Breakfast time is an amazing part of our school day. It is so fun to start the day with quiet workers. They have become so independent grabbing their own Brain Breakfast Folders and self-selecting the work they are interested in completing for that morning. It has been the best way to build independence and responsibility in each child. Way to go, Cottontails! This Brain Breakfast work can stay at home. It doesn't not need to come back to school. Enjoy their hard work!