Sunday, September 23, 2012

One More September Field Trip! - Kent Park

Another field trip is scheduled for our busy week. The K-6 program will be traveling to Kent Park together to meet Naturalist Brad and learn more about tallgrass prairies. On Thursday, September 27th, we will spend the day at Kent Park touring their established prairie, learning about prairie plants and animals, and discussing the importance of prairie restoration. Willowwind students will enjoy their snacks and lunches at Kent Park. It will be a busy day so please be sure to pack your child's snacks and lunch accordingly. Make sure they have a water bottle to travel with. In addition, please make sure they dress accordingly (layers are best as the weather changes throughout the day), wearing comfy walking shoes and a sun hat. It is suppose to be a beautiful day.

Lastly, the school bus will be leaving shortly after 8:30. Your prompt morning arrival is important. We will return to Willowwind by 2pm. We are excited for this upcoming school wide field trip! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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