Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cottontail Handbook

Each year, I published a "Cottontail Handbook" to provide parents with more information about their child's classroom. Linked, you will find this year's Cottontail Handbook. You will note, that this handbook is rather lengthy. This is to provide you with as much information as you'd like. So, grab a cup of coffee and a cozy spot to peruse at your leisure. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Below is a list of "top 10 topics" to review. We may further review these topics and more at Thursday, September 6th's Curriculum Night.

Top 10 Handbook Topics:
1. Attendance - page 4
2. Birthdays - page 8
3. Book Bags - page 8
4. Communication - page 9
5. Cottontail Communicator - page 10
6. Health - page 16
7. Lunch Routine - page 19
8. Pick Up - page 23
9. School Cancellations - page 25
10. Snacks - page 25

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