1) Personalized Education Plans
Thank you so much for taking time to visit your child's recent PEP conferences. It is always so nice to meet with families and discuss your child's hopes and progression for the year. Please look for an upcoming email in the next couple of weeks that further detail your child's academic and social goals. As always, don't hesitate to ever contact with questions or concerns.
2) Picture Day
Picture Day is scheduled for Monday, October 1st. School photos will take place outside, so in case of rain, the rain date is Tuesday, October 16. Willowwind parent, Sarah Neighbors, of Sarah Neighbors Photography, will be taking school photos this year. Linked, you will find a picture order form for you to fill out and return to the Front Desk. Forms are also available at the Front Desk. Please return your photo order form and payment by Thursday, September 27. You will receive a CD with your child's individual portrait and class photo. The Cottontails will be taking photos at 10:45. Your child may wear their picture day outfit to school or you can bring it for them to change into prior to our slotted photo time.
3) Health & Wellness
Johnson County's Department of Public Health wants you to be aware that there are confirmed cases of pertussis (whooping cough) around Johnson County. Currently, Willowwind does not have any identified cases within our student body or staff. Linked is a letter from the Department of Public Health with more information on Whooping cough.
In addition, the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) will host a "Fight the Flu" clinic here at Willowwind on Wednesday, September 26th from 3:30 - 5:30. The will offer flu shots, FluMist, and a pneumonia vaccine. The VNA can directly bill your insurance company, Medicare B, or Medicare replacement policies. If you are interested, bring your current medical insurance or Medicare card with you. Free vaccines will be available to children enrolled in Medicaid or children who are uninsured. For in-person payment for vaccines, please bring cash or check. The cost for the flue shot is $25; FluMist is $31, and the pneumonia vaccine is $80.
4) University of Iowa's Homecoming Parade
Join the Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 28th. Sign up to join the parade at Sign-Up Genius. The parade officially begins at 5:45. Please arrive by 5:00. Once the parade started, the walk takes about 30 minutes. It is helpful to bring water bottles and snacks for young children. The Willowwind community can share their school spirit by handing out Willowwind treats and displaying posters that highlight our favorite Willowwind traditions created by the K-6 students. Wear your blue or gold or your Willowwind apparel. Decorate your bikes, strollers, wagons and scooters to support the theme - Willowwind School, a Tradition of Igniting a Passion of Learning! See you there!
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